The stone had its usual effect, and Gwen found herself looking away for
a minute. When she looked back the slim Jon with the playmate body was
gone, and in her place was an overweight young woman standing next to an
equally heavy Karen.
"Joanne! Karen! I'm so glad you're here with me. Now at least I won't
have to face that bitch Gertrude alone."
Jon looked over at Karen whose oversized breasts were now matched by her
hips and belly. Maybe it had been an unconscious desire on Gwen's part to be
the slimmest of her fat friends, but Karen was at least 100 lb. overweight, with
a round face and double chin. Fortunately, since Gwen remembered them as her fat
friends, their clothes had grown with them, though they were a bit snug. In fact Jon's T-shirt
had run up to expose her big belly, and love handles.
"God," Gwen rubbed her belly, "I'm so hungry. I wish we had a last supper, before
Gertrude catches up with us."