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1 ... 39 40 41 42

Oldest episodes

In the ass!Omega9
"Josh, don't leave me waiting!"Omega8
The Ultimate Voyeuristic SexperienceOmega7
"Doc, let's stop the chit-chat!".Omega12
"That was my dick's... er, my friend Dick's condition!"Omega12
A woman with erectile dysfunction!Omega11
Actually born in 1990!Omega10
Woman with men's conditionsOmega11
Born in 1990!Omega10
Sexy Jordan Capri Clone!Omega8
John wants to test his limits in using the chamber!Omega7
Where to next for John and the Pennys?DocLock6
Employees join the throngWanted chicken14
"... not born in the 1970s?"Omega9
Jane's physicalOmega8
Rachel joins his armyWanted chicken5
John wants to find out how pernanently 'permanent' was!Omega7
"Honey, don't call me crazy but... I heard a voice coming from your crotch!"Omega9
Suddenly she pulled away!Omega8
And now for something cumpletely different!Omega7
The Ultimate Fetish ApparatusOmega6
Permanent TransformationOmega6
Even more improvement!Omega5
Fuckee fucked - even hotter!Omega6
BWTM: Test Text 2DocLock7
Brainwashing Text Message (BWTM): Test One Successful!Anonymous516
Fuckee fucked.DocLock6
A simple test messageDocLock5
43 year-old fucker going on 21 year-old fuckeeOmega5
43 year-old inventor going on 16 year-old high school cheerleader!Omega5
It went off without a hitch!Omega4
Not quite 'himself'!Omega4
Transformation ChamberOmega3
A Transformation SuitOmega3
Brainwashing Text Message: The Woman He Couldn't GetAnonymous514
Penelope the SecretaryDocLock4
Fetish hairbunDocLock3
Girlifying remoteDocLock3
Stepford shampooDocLock3
Brain washing text messageDocLock3
clone headbandDocLock3
John has an accident and the camera gets a new owner-4
Pantyhose cameraDocLock3
Sam nylonizedDocLock8
Fueling the gunDocLock8
Jim is becoming a wearer of pantyhose and stockings.DocLock13
Jim has become NylonDocLock13
John - Have sex with nylon slaveEshophony7
Convert MicheleEshophony7
Divide and ConquerEshophony12
The orb fluctuates and dimsEshophony9
Sara NylonifiedDocLock11
The nylonification beginsCirclehose10
Employee recruitedDocLock9
Amanda stocks upCirclehose8
Linda enslavedDocLock5
Amanda no more.DocLock7
Teachers, then students.DocLock8
Meg convertedDocLock6
Jill obeysDocLock8
Two more customersDocLock9
Paul gets hisCirclehose7
The book clubCirclehose7
That's what neighbors are forCirclehose5
Abby becomes nylonCirclehose8
Buyer BewareCirclehose6
Joan Professionalized-4
Paul joins the girls-9
Paul enjoys Natalie-8
Natalie convertedCirclehose7
John's itchy trigger fingerDocLock4
Pantyhose raygun-3
Sherry makes a callDocLock6
Amanda checks out and feels and urge to try them onDocLock5
like daughter...DocLock6
Lisa becomes NylonDocLock6
All in the familyCirclehose5
Amanda goes shoppingCirclehose4
Lisa trappedCirclehose5
Sherry ConvertedCirclehose5
Orb sets off-4
opened the box-5
The First CustomerDocLock7
Marybeth starts feeling like MarybethMr. Scade6
Cass becomes an EmployeeDocLock5
He walks over with a present.DocLock4
It beganMr. Scade4
John invites his friend Lisa over to try itDocLock4
Perfect TightsDocLock3
The OrbDocLock3
Unstable UniverseDocLock2

1 ... 39 40 41 42

Oldest episodes

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