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31. Wish Orb - SM6000: Going towar

30. Wish Orb - SM6000: Sarah Needs

29. SM 6000

28. Wish Orb: The Slutmaker 6000

27. Wish Orb: owners

26. Wish Orb: Risque Lingerie

25. Wish Orb: The world is that or

24. Wish Orb: Just a Little Snag

23. no more crutch! er. woops.

22. Wish Orb: Sarah Wishes Away He

21. Wishing Orb: Sarah knows about

20. Wish Orb: The Wish He Shouldve

19. The last new friend

18. Wish Orb: Reverse That Last On

17. Wish Orb: Calming down a frien

16. Wish Orb: A Criminal

15. Wish Orb - Gotta be more speci

14. Wish Orb: A Young Girl

13. Wishing Orb: slacky adam

12. Wish Orb: Conflicting Relation

Wish Orb - SM6000: Going towards the store

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

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Sarah started moving towards the store, crouching and making sure to use the cars to block the line of sight.

As she did, one of her fellow protesters, Caroline, started to walk over. "Hey, what are you doing?"

Sarah tried to tell Caroline to go back and hide, but before she could a beam of light shot from the store, and hit Caroline in the chest, and her look and outfit began to shift. Soon, Caroline's socks had become striped stockings, her clogs turned to strapped heels, and her skirt and blouse became tight latex versions of themselves and shortened as her chest was pushed up by a new sexier bra underneath. Part of Caroline's hair morphed to form a straight cut of bangs while the rest of her hair evened out at just above her shoulders as her makeup became stronger and sexier.

Sarah stared in horror as Caroline pouted at Sarah, and then said, "You girls need to get laid." while rubbing her hands across her body and looking Sarah up and down. Caroline licked her lips and started clicking towards the store as Sarah resumed her slow progress.

"I have got to stop this...somehow." Sarah said, "Before it spreads any further."

Meanwhile inside the store, the owner was welcoming the new converts, and directing them towards his sinful wares. He looked at his original customers and noted that the girls would probably benefit from slutification. Or at least he would benefit from their increased sexual needs...

John road in his car, worried what would happen if his orb granted any world shifting wishes. It had limited power, but if it created a tool or god help him a tool maker, then it could quickly get out of hand...

He shouldn't have given it the ability to fly.

And above it all, the Orb in its obliviousness to the moral and ethical implications of wish granting bobbed up and down happily above the parking lot.

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