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18. Adjusting Employers

17. mall rats

16. Shopping for Two... or more?

15. John becomes the Bestie

14. More fun! Shopping!

13. Katie relaxes

12. A more positive outlook

11. imp gets sly

10. A strange occurence

9. Sitting at a park

8. Johns mind buzzed with the pos

7. Wish Granted

6. Wish Imp

5. The Wish Orb Crackles

4. The Orb: The Ultimate Wish-Gra

3. The Orb

2. Unstable Universe

1. The Drafting Board

Adjusting Employers

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

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"We're looking for like the newest and flashiest fashions out kapeesh kaposh?" Katie, now Katy said as she waved her hand sassily. The sloppy sales guy didn't know what to say as it was only a casual women's department store. "We have some uh new boots over there. But it's all pretty typical stuff."

As the girls rummaged through the aisles they all stuck their tongues out and moaned in disgust. "This ain't posh, this ain't even like Chick. We want some real fashion." Joan said, clinching her hotpants and tight upper top.

"Ugh, I wish we had someone in charge here that truly knew fashion, and could relate to our needs."

The brightly and positively vibrant saleswomen in front of them, who was confused why she was scratching her behind or sitting behind a counter of mountain dew bottles, got up to greet her perky customers. She had to relate to her guest to make sales afterall.

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