Joni blinked. Something was wrong ... wasn't it? She looked around at all the girls and women dressed similarly to herself and got creeped out by the zombie-like daze they were all in.
She blinked again. Something WAS wrong. Slowly, she began to remember things. Like the fact that she wasn't supposed to be a "she". She was a young man named John. And as John, she had mistakenly brought the imp to this town. If she would have known that all of this would have happened with that simple wish of giving her neighbor rainbow socks, she never would have made that wish. Instead, she would have wished that imp away. But what was done was done.
Or was it? The imp wasn't just some magical creature. It was a WISHING imp. All she had to do was think of a wish to fix this and yell it out. The imp would HAVE to grant it. But it had to be a wish that wouldn't be so bad if it snowballed, and knowing how the imp worked, she was sure that that would happen. Just look at what her rainbow socks wish had done.
"Wait a minute," Lawrence the imp said, interrupting Melanie the fairy. "Something is different." He turned and looked out onto the crowd.
It was at this time that Joni yelled out "I wish ..."