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165. Fiona’s mammoth member

164. Sharing with friends

163. Zoe comes home

162. Around town...

161. Jen gets a visitor

160. Elsewhere…

159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

Chick for a Dick: How’s it Hanging?

on 2024-03-11 15:55:07

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“… oh my god… oh my god… oh my god…”

Fiona was nearly catatonic. After her initial scream, she had fallen into a stunned stupor. Between the booze and the sudden shock, she briefly wondered if the appendage was some sort of hallucination. That delusion was quickly dispelled when she had eventually worked up the nerve to reach forward and touched the growth emerging from between her legs. It was the sensation of not only feeling her new addition in her hand, but of also feeling the touch of her hand through the new flesh that had truly overwhelmed her.

Sticking out from underneath Fiona’s miniskirt was an enormous elephant trunk. It was so girthy at the base that Fiona’s hips had been widened considerably to accommodate it, and she still had to spread her legs to give it additional space. In addition to its girth, it was easily as long as the girl was tall. It moved and curled as if it was in duress. Whenever it brushed against the carpet, the couch, Fiona’s legs, anything, Fiona would shudder and her breathing would waver.

“How… how is this possible?” Renee whispered. She stood at the far side of the room next to the doors leading out to the balcony. She had instinctively backed away from the scene unfolding in front of her as much as she could. She didn’t know what had happened and didn’t want to end up a freak like Fiona. Little did she know, she had already been warped by the stone multiple times over the previous week.

Jen’s laughter had died down to a drunken giggling as she looked upon the results of her latest wish. “Sorry, Fiona. Guess I should have been a bit more specific,” Jen snickered. Fiona and Renee turned their attention away from Fiona’s addition and looked at the amused girl.

“You should have been more what?” Renee gasped.

“It’s sensitive. Is… is it supposed to be so sensitive?” Fiona whined as the trunk continued to explore its surroundings. The nostrils were beginning to leak a clear liquid, which was pungent enough to be only one thing.

“Well… yeah! I mean, it’s your dick! It’s supposed to feel good. Sure, I had assumed you we’re going to end up with an actual dick of some sort. An elephant dick, or a whale dick, or something. But look on the bright side: you still ended up way bigger than Liz!”

With that, Jen began to laugh heartily again. She casually walked over to her glass, threw back her head, and finished the dregs. She glanced over at Renee and moved towards her on uncoordinated legs, intent on getting another drink. Renee, however, opened the double doors behind her and fled out onto the balcony.

“Yo-you did that to her?!”

Jen reached the doors and looked at Renee through blurry vision. The girl was terrified of her. It was only then that the situation hit her. She had made wishes in front of them using the stone. They had heard her! They knew there had been changes! Jen looked down at the stone still in her hand. “Shit.”

She looked back up at Renee and saw that the topless, multi-titted girl was also looking at the stone. “Each time you said a wish… there was a flash. And… you were holding that.”

Renee took a hesitant step forward and stretched her hand out. “Jen… please. Give that to me. You’re drunk. You made Fiona a freak. I know you didn’t mean to, but we need to change her back. Please!”

Jen pulled the stone to her chest. “No. I-I only gave her what she wanted.” Renee pointed at Fiona who had both hands on her trunk. She appeared to be trying to control the wiggling appendage, but she was inadvertently giving her bizarre dick a handjob. A steady dribble of precum was leaking out of the trunk’s nostrils as she continued to caress it.

“You think that’s what she wanted?! Jen, please! We need to change her back!”

“We can’t. Wishes can’t be reversed. She’ll get used to it. Everyone does. ”


A horrific realization dawned on Renee’s face. She stared at Jen in terror. “What else- WHO else have you changed?” Jen remained silent, staring back at the terrified girl. “Oh fuck. Have… have you changed me?!” Jen held the stone tighter but said nothing. What could she say? What could she do? She needed to-

Renee howled and lunged forward. Jen responded by slamming the doors shut and locking them. Renee slammed into the glass and screamed. She rattled the doors and started banging on the panes. She looked around and dashed over to the patio furniture before grabbing a metal chair. Jen screamed and backed away. She needed to get away! She needed to escape and fix this!

She turned around and saw Fiona on her feet, trying to shuffle towards her. The added weight of her trunk-dick, the new gait of her widened hips, and the shifting balance as the trunk continued to whip around and threw off her center of gravity were making it difficult for her to move. “Jen! What did you do to me?! Please! Fix me!”

Jen was about to back away when the sound of a heavy slam and cracking glass crashed behind her. Not even bothering to look back to see how close Renee was from bashing her way in, Jen bolted out of the room. She heard Fiona call after her, the shouts drowned out by the continuing sound of metal slamming against glass. Sprinting down the long hallway, Jen reached the elevator and furiously pressed the call button. She heard the elevator begin to move just as the sound of exploding glass sounded from the bedroom.


Jen looked at the assorted doors lining the hallway and dashed for the closet one. She rushed through it and slammed it shut behind her. She latched the lock just as the sound of something, or someone, slammed into the other side. She heard Renee screaming and backed away. She need to do something! Her only hope was the stone.

“I… I wish…”

The banging intensified and Jen was consumed with panic.

“I wish nobody heard any wishes I made tonight!”


Jen found herself standing alone in a dark room. She had no idea where a bathroom was in her new house and had drunkenly picked a room at random to throw up in. She stumbled forward, trying to feel for a light switch, but her efforts were in vain as uncoordinated arms fumbled in the dark. Her legs felt heavy, and even in the dark the room was spinning around her. She sank to the floor, wretch, and collapsed in a heap next to the puddle. Just before she passed out, she cursed herself for drinking so much.

Standing in the hallway , Renee tapped gently on the study door. She had watched Jen stumble into the hallway and assumed she was going to the bathroom, but she had passed right by it and gone into the study. It wasn’t the first time Jen had gotten wasted and stumbled into the wrong room. Renee was just glad that she wasn’t the one who had to clean up whatever mess would be found in the morning.

Renee turned and headed back to the bedroom. Even though Jen was out of commission, she still had tasks to attend to. There was still a visitor on the premises, after all. She stepped back into the bedroom and blushed deeply as she took in the sight of Fiona. She had moved from her chair to the couch and her legs were spread wide, her massive dick reaching up to her face where she was gently planting kisses on its tip before opening wide and inserting it into her waiting mouth and sucking on it obscenely. Even completely sober, Jen’s friend always seemed preoccupied with her impressive member. A couple drinks would be enough to lower her inhibitions, but it was clear that in her drunken state her libido was now fully in control.

Renee kept her composure and pretended not to notice. The display of auto-felatio was getting Renee riled up, but she considered herself a professional and would not let it interfere with her duties. The trunk pulled out of Fiona’s mouth with a wet pop as she eyed Renee.

“Did Jen pass out again?”

“Yes. I do believe Ms. Gibson is done for the night. Is there anything else I can do for you, Fiona?”

The pillar of meat between Fiona’s legs reared up, pointed at Renee, and sniffed the air. Fiona got a knowing look on her face and looked at Renee with a cheshire grin. “From the smell of it, there’s something we can do for each other.” Renee blushed, knowing that Fiona had sniffed out the aroused slit between her own legs. It was practically impossible not to get turned on looking at such an impressive member. Fiona stood up and moved towards her, her trunk-dick swaying hypnotically in front of her.

Renee was torn. She was on duty, and she should not even consider compromising her position. But… that dick was so big. So powerful! “I… my duties-“

“Are finished for the night. Jen is out, and I don’t need anything. At least not to drink.”

Fiona closed the distance between them, her strides confident if a little uncoordinated. Her trunk extended forward and dipped between Renee’s legs before rising upward. Fiona pressed against Renee’s mound with the broad girth of her dick, sensually caressing her womanhood and causing a noticeable wet spot to appear on her pants. Renee groaned as a quiver rippled through her body. Fiona flashed a drunken grin at the her.

“Ok,” Renee whispered. The trunk retracted from between Renee’s legs before wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards Fiona’s body. As the two pressed together, their lips met and they kissed each other fiercely. Fiona’s hands roamed over Renee’s collection of partially filled tits, various liquors seeping out of her hard nipples. Renee hummed from the dual pleasure of being felt up and having her dispensers draining. Renee reached down between Fiona’s legs and felt the leathery skin of the shaft’s base. It was so big, so warm, so firm. Fiona hummed at her touch, and she slithered the end of her cock down and used its dexterous tip to unfasten Renee’s pants. The modified waitress pulled her hands back and used them to pull down on the garment, letting it fall to the floor. Fiona pulled away from Renee’s lips, but continued to kiss her way down to Renee’s neck.

“Where should we… you know?” Renee asked in a whisper.

“The bed, of course,” Fiona stated plainly.

Renee’s eyes went wide. “In Ms. Gibson’s bed? She’ll be furious!”

Fiona gave her another deep kiss, pressing her body against Renee’s dripping tits, soaking her top. “She’ll never know. Just tell Rhonda to get to it after we’re done. It’ll be clean before Jen ever wakes up. I mean, you saw how drunk she is.”

Renee paused, considering her words. Sensing her resolve breaking, Fiona leaned in and whispered into her ear “Besides, doesn’t that make it more thrilling?” She unraveled her trunk around Renee’s waist and used it to give the girl a gentle push towards the bed. Fiona followed, discarding her own clothing. As Renee turned around and pulled the covers off of the bed, Fiona snaked the tip of her cock up and rubbed it against Renee’s wet mound. The girls moaned together and Renee practically jumped on the bed, spreading her legs invitingly, her resistance completely eroded.

Fiona took a moment to admire Renee’s naked form. She reached forward with her long trunk and ran it from Renee’s neck, across four pairs of tits, and down to her slit. She slid it in and started pumping, using her hands to rub the rest of her dick that could not possibly fit inside. Renee moaned loudly and pawed at the bed as she was fucked by the mammoth monster..

Fiona looked down with pride as Renee shuddered and twitched as the cock filled and moved around inside her. Fiona loved having such an impressive dick, and she loved using it.

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