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6. What you expected

5. Himself

4. Zoe

3. Sexy Remote: Picking a Subject

2. Sexy remote

1. You Are What You Wish

What you expected

on 2024-07-31 05:16:29

981 hits, 150 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware MTF Unaware

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He pressed the button, and the world seemed to glow. A shifting sensation filled his whole body gone an instant later. He blinked as his vision cleared.

In his place in the mirror was a girl. She looked like a barely gender-bent version of himself yet still undeniably female. His clothes shifted barely to adjust for his slightly different frame.

That wasn't what he wanted. He hurriedly pressed the MINUS button and watched in horror as acne spread, his cheeks plumped up, and his height shrank. His plain clothing became somewhat more unflattering on the now plump girl. He pressed the PLUS button twice more to return himself back to his apparently now standard female form.

"I don't want to be a girl." Jon groaned. He set the remote down on the counter and ran back to his room to retrieve the stone. His room was seemingly unchanged except for a modestly larger dresser and a tube of unopened lipstick.

"I wish I wasn't a girl," Jon wished, and the stone did not flash.

"I wish I knew why it turned me into a girl." This time, the stone did flash, and foreign knowledge poured into his brain. The remote only made things sexy as Jon saw sexy. He wasn't attracted to men, so the only way the remote would increase his sexiness was by making him female.

Jon plopped on his bed. A slight shifting sensation on his chest and hair tickling his ears were the only things that felt different. Jon almost threw the rock across the room but restrained himself. He didn't know what to do. He didn't particularly want to be a girl, but he would have to be careful in reinterpreting his wish. On the other hand, it didn't feel particularly gross being a girl. Well, it had only been five minutes, but still.

Frowning, he jolted in his bed when someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yes?" Jon said in his unremarkable female voice—in fact, it was almost a guy. The door opened, and Zoe stepped in.

"You locked the door again, Jen, and you also left this," Zoe said. Jon had to tear his eyes away from the hint of cleavage revealed by Zoe's new body and clothing. In her hands was the remote.

"Wait, wait, wait," Jon said, holding his hands up. "Please hand that back."

"I was going to, but what is it?" Zoe said, frowning as you glanced at the face of the remote and the two buttons there.

"It's an electronics project of mine," Jon replied, his heart in his throat.

"Looks like a remote..." Zoe said, reaching for a button.

"Wait--" Jon pleaded and shut his eyes. There were two flashes but no felt changes. He carefully opened his eyes.

"Well, whatever it is, it doesn't work," Zoe said, tossing the remote at Jon. Jon barely caught it without bumping one of the buttons.

"I'm out. I'm driving over to Athena's place; if you need anything from the store, text me." Zoe said, turning and slamming the door behind her. Zoe was never that nice...

Thankfully, Jon hadn't changed, but the changes were readily apparent. The various sci-fi posters on his walls were now adorned with sexier women. It wasn't indecent, but it was more... Jon couldn't remember Rey's outfit showing any cleavage before or a Harrison Ford poster with a leather jacket only half on. And he had a vanity now--a small one.

Wait, Zoe had called him Jen, and since when did Zoe drive? She did look older... Jon looked down at the remote in his hands. Hmm...

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