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5. Himself

4. Zoe

3. Sexy Remote: Picking a Subject

2. Sexy remote

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2024-07-31 03:41:09

1084 hits, 151 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware Unaware

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Possibilities swam in his mind, but one came to the forefront. Himself. He stepped into the bathroom he shared with Zoe and locked the door.

He frowned at the counter; the amount of cosmetics had seemingly doubled and was dangerously close to impinging on his side. He held out the remote, pointed at the cosmetics, and pressed MINUS.

Half the cosmetics disappeared, and at the same time, it became less organized. Jon glanced at his plain appearance. That could wait. He opened the bathroom door that led to Zoe's room. Zoe turned.

"What?" she asked. She looked the same: same tighter clothes, same C cups, but her face had become less done up. It was not particularly less sexy or attractive, but interesting. He would have to try it on objects more.

"What?!" Zoe repeated.

"Sorry, I forgot," Jon replied.

"Well, would you leave me alone? I am trying to finish this up," Zoe said, gesturing at a homework assignment on her computer.

"Right," Jon said, dipping back into the bathroom and locking the door behind him.

He turned himself back to his appearance. He was a rather plain teenager: short brown hair and uncomplicated features. He only had one zit on his face (he had been fighting them for quite some time). He was about 5' 8", and that was about it. He was just a guy. But what if the remote could fix that?

He pointed the remote at himself and pressed PLUS, watching for a change.

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