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158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

Chick for a Dick: Chick Chats with Her Dick

on 2023-05-25 09:41:46

1789 hits, 170 views, 6 upvotes.

FTP Herm MTF Magic

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Getting undressed was more of a challenge than Jen expected. Being unfamiliar with women’s clothing, she didn’t realize the skirt had clasps she needed to release to allow her enough slack to work the waistline past her rounded hips and enhanced ass. Add to that the fact that her dick was at full mast and was sticking out of one of the leg holes of her panties complicated her wardrobe issues.

With a frustrated growl, she gave a firm push. Her skirt ripped as it stretched over her shapely assets and she felt the lace of her panties slide across the top of her dick before it bounced back up. Her cock let out a giggle as is wobbled from the momentum before coming to rest, standing at full mast between her feminine legs.

Jen stared in shock at her nude reflection in the three mirrors. She twisted her hips to get a better view of herself. Her body was even more enticing than she would have imagined. Her toned stomach, shapely hips, full tits, and round bubbly ass were exquisite. She was absolutely gorgeous and drop dead sexy. The body was a flawless example of feminine beauty… except for the foot long cock and full scrotum proudly on display between her legs.

The image was unsettling to her. Both because it seemed so impossible that such a vision of womanly beauty would have such an absurdity male appendage, and because she could feel her arousal being further flamed by the sight of the hard rod. She couldn't help but reached up and cupped her left breast while her right hand reached down to grasp the shaft. Small, soft, delicate fingers gripping her cock made it twitch in her hand which now felt totally foreign to her. Her memories recalled Jon’s large, rough hands firmly grabbing his meat. Not these soft, dainty ones she now possessed. Looking up from her crotch and back up towards her reflection rewarded her with the sight of the beautiful girl stroking her dick and fondling her tits. Jen and her cock let out simultaneous gasps of arousal, and Jen felt a slick wetness traveling down her legs. Her mind was going into sensory overload when a voice caught her attention.

“Fuck, Jen. Usually when you’re this horny there’s someone around for some fun. Don’t keep me waiting. Who is it this time?”

Jen looked down at her penis, its mouth and face already coated with the wet sheen of precum it was drooling. Jen could only look at the impressive tool in silence, trying to fight back her wild imagination as she pictured her self getting impaled by the raging hard-on rather than using it to fuck someone else. Her expression must have been unusual, because her dick seemed to break out of its lust and looked up at her with concern.

“You, ok?”

“No. I am definitely not ok.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m a girl!”

The expression on her cock’s face shifted from concern to confusion. “Um… yeah? I mean, what else would you be?”

“A BOY!” Jen shrieked.


“I used to be a guy! My name is Jon Gibson! At least it WAS until that stupid stone turned me into this!” she bellowed, gesturing at her body.

Karyn couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She went back and forth between looking up at Jen’s face and staring at their combined reflection in the mirror. She stood fully erected between her best friend’s legs, just like she had wished for. But according to Jen, she was actually some boy name “Jon.” Karyn was no stranger to the reality warping powers of the stone. She had experienced them first hand. From Jen’s behavior, Karyn knew she had to be telling the truth. But try as she might, Karyn could not recall any memories of “Jon.”

“Shit…” was all Karyn could manage.

“Yeah. Shit. It’s all shit. I can’t believe this happened to me! I was having a good time with the stone, but this is not what I had in mind!”

Karyn felt herself soften, dread cutting through her arousal. “Wha… what do you mean?”

“I was making wishes all day. It was a blast. Didn’t even need to wait to get to school. I started the day by changing some girl into my dog and then gave her a dog dick for good measure.”

Karyn’s jaw dropped. “M-Miranda?! She’s a person?”

Jen shrugged. “She used to be. Besides, it was a little payback for Amanda.”

“Amand- oh no… you didn’t.”

I didn’t. It was Miranda who turned her into a dog in the first place. One of the wishes made at the party last Saturday. Amanda stole Miranda’s boyfriend or something. Well, now Miranda has the right body and equipment to be Amanda’s boyfriend. Now they’ll get along better then ever.”

Karyn listened on in shocked silence. The family dogs… were people. And Karyn had no idea. Nobody did. Not even the dogs themselves. The only one who did know was Jen. And by they way Karyn’s body was beginning to harden again, not only did Jen not see anything wrong with it… she enjoyed it.

“There was also Anal Bitch,” Jen said. Karyn’s eyes widened. She had just seen her. Hell, they had just fucked her! Did Jen change her on her way out?

“Wha… what did you do to her?”

Jen smiled. She actually smiled! “You didn’t notice?”

If Karyn still had her own blood and not Jen’s coursing through her veins, it would have run cold. Jen didn’t change her after we had sex… she was transformed before we even started!

“No,” Karyn whispered in disbelief. Jen’s smile widened to an impish grin, mistaking Karyn’s horrific shock for riveted curiosity.

“It started with Zoe. Kim was making her life hell and Zoe made a wish. Well, Kim was also under the power of the party wish and was transformed into Zoe’s ass. It got me thinking, so I replicated the wish on a couple of her classmates and wished to be able to fuck them right away. Didn’t realize that I basically turned them into the school’s communal fuck toy. But it keeps her ass full and lets everyone else blow off steam, so it’s basically a win-win.”

A person… is now trapped as a butt? Shit! Two people!

“I changed their names just for the fun of it. Didn’t even bother to find out what their real names were. Then there was also turning Ms. Lee’s civics class into a sex class, making it so everyone who was in the class first period would swap privates with anyone they got off during that time of they day, made it so Zoe and Anal Bitch don’t shit like normal person, and changed that creeper Bobby into an assistant for Anal Bitch.”

Karyn felt sick. The world was spinning and if she still had a stomach she was sure she would be throwing up. Instead, a surge of precum erupted through her body and oozed out in a long stream towards the floor. Jen was ruining people’s lives, and not only was she listing off her victims like she was reading a shipping list, she was getting off on it!

“And then that BITCH made me change myself into a chick! At least she got what she deserved,” Jen raged. Karyn was too horrified to dare ask what had happened to that poor girl, buy she knew it couldn’t be good. Jen was a monster! This was not the person Karyn remembered. The best friend she knew was kind and giving, an adorable dork, a loyal companion to her only-

“Of fuck.”

Dread filled Karyn. There was one big change to Jen’s life: Karyn. They were best friends. Each other’s only friends. They were there for each other, always helping one another. They looked out for each other and didn’t let the assholes at school get to them. When Jen accidentally made Karyn her dick, she realized what a mistake she had made and worked hard to find a way to reverse it. But now, Jen was alone in the world. She had no support. She didn’t have any hard lessons that taught her to respect the power of the stone. Instead, she was an angry girl with the power of a god lashing out at anyone who crossed her for her own amusement. And Karyn’s wish had caused it.

“Karyn is normal!”

Silence filled the room. Jen raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. Karyn felt exposed under Jen’s gaze, wiggled her phallic body as if hoping to jumpstart her transformation back to her full human form. But nothing happened. She was still a penis. It was then that she remembered her wish from that morning: she wished to be a penis again for a week like she had been the previous week. That meant the escape mechanism they had come up wouldn’t work.

Karyn was trapped until next Friday.

“Who’s Karyn?”

“Um… me?” she offered sheepishly.

“Oh great! I turned into the kind of girl that names her cock! Fucking perfect. Did I name my tits, too?!”

“No! I mean, I don’t know! It’s my- I mean, you always called me Karyn.”

“Not anymore. I didn’t give my cock some stupid name when I was a guy and I’m not about to start now. You’re just my cock. And you’re the only thing about me that is normal! The rest of me is completely female except for you. How the hell are you even still here?! The wish should have- Oh… a wish.”

Jen’s eyes widened with realization and Karyn froze.

“Jen, I-“

“Of course! Wishes can’t be reversed! Last week I let you make a wish and you gave yourself more inches! And you can’t undo wishes. Wow. If you hadn’t made that wish, I’d probably have lost the last part of my real body. Fuck, that was close.”

Karyn didn't know if she should be relieved or terrified. If she could turn back to human, all of Jen's memories of their previous reality and friendship should come flooding back. But if she only learned the truth without remembering it an embracing it, there was no telling what the current Jen's reaction might be. Karyn could only imagine how this Jen might lash out if she was improperly exposed to the truth. She needed Jen to remember Karyn as she was, not just have the revelation dropped on her like a bomb. Her only hope was that if Jen remembered her, the real her, that her friend’s real personality would come back. Because the Jen that existed now was a danger to everyone within the range of the stone’s power.

“Listen, Jen, could I use the stone? I think I have an idea that-“

“No! No way! I’ve already become this and I’m not gonna risk anything else happening to me!”

“But I-“

“Fuck! I said NO! Sometimes I really wish that you were quiet like the other guys’ dicks!”

Karyn’s eyes went wide as she waited for a flash, but none came. She timidly opened and closed her mouth, feeling her tongue slide over her teeth and lips, coating her mouth with the lingering precum that was still in the back of her throat. She was relieved to find that her mouth had not been turned into a piss slit or her head turned into the glans of a normal penis.

“… I’m sorry,” she whispered quietly, scared to provoke Jen’s fury but desperate to make she she still had her voice.

Before Jen could reply, a bell chimed at the end of the hallway. Jen looked through the open door and saw the elevator doors part and a young woman step out. She was Asian, her black hair pulled up into a professional looking bun, a chef’s coat and apron hugged her slim frame. She strode forward on stiletto heels which gave the short girl a couple inches of height over Jen.

As she approached, Jen quickly became aware of her exposed body and frantically crossed her arms in an attempt to cover her new body. Looking around the room, she could only see the tatters of her ruined outfit close at hand. She was just about to lunge for them when the girl spoke. “Don’t worry, Miss Gibson, this is far from the first time I’ve seen you between outfits. Now, Lisa says you seemed famished. I have prepared a lunch of roasted chicken with a honey drizzle and sautéed vegetables.”

Jen’s stomach responded for her as it gurgled at the idea of food. She couldn’t help but blush in her mounting embarrassment. “That, um, sounds lovely.”

“Would you like to eat on the couch, or in bed?” the girl asked politely.

“Bed! Definitely the bed!”

Jen dashed across the room and dove under the sheets, thankful for the opportunity to hide her body. She was so preoccupied with the feeling of her plush ass and the weight of her tits on her chest that she hadn’t even noticed the newcomer had moved to the side of her bed. Only when she pulled up her apron and exposed that she was wearing nothing on the lower half of her body did she draw Jen’s attention.


Jen was cut off as the girl gracefully climbed onto the bed and straddled Jen’s chest before pressing her dripping wet gash into Jen’s mouth. The act caught Jen off guard and as she tried to mumble a question into the muff its flavor filled her mouth. Instead of the musky tang of an aroused pussy, Jen tasted chicken, spices, honey, olive oil, and fresh vegetables dancing on her tongue. Her hunger overrode her confusion and she began to eagerly lap away at the slit. The more she ate the girl out, the more and more satisfied she felt.

After several minutes, Jen’s lapping became more lethargic. The feelings of a soft bed, a warm body pressed against her, and a full belly calmed her enough to forget her troubles for a moment. All of the stress of her new life was momentarily forgotten, and she passed out in exhaustion. Knowing her work was done, the girl climbed off of the bed, produced a napkin from her apron, and gingerly wiped her juices off of Jen’s face before leaving the room, making sure to gently close the door behind her.

Under the covers, Karyn wiggled her limp body, struggling against the inevitable as she tried to pull away from her host.

“Karyn is normal. Karyn is normal. Please, please let me be normal.”

But it was no use. Karyn had gotten her wish. She was now a dick.

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