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157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

Chick for a Dick: New House, Familiar Faces

on 2023-02-15 10:55:04

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The highly polished marble steps glistened in the midday sun. They led up to a set of ten foot tall wooded french doors that were ornately carved with cherubs holding flowers which encircled two large ovals of frosted glass set in the center of each door. In the center of each glass pane was a bold upper case G printed in gold leaf. 

As Jen ascended the steps to the landing, she half expected to see a stereotypical snooty valet waiting to ask her what business she had in such a place or to shoo her off the property. She just couldn’t believe that this was her house. Just as she placed a single foot on the landing, both doors open widely before her. 

“Welcome home, Mistress!”

Lisa and Toy rushed out to meet her. The duo were wearing matching costumes of snow white latex that hugged their bodies tightly. Both had red crosses located in the center of their breasts which matched the crosses on their white caps. Their thigh high white boots clicked against the marble. The living love toys flanked her and each gently took one of her arms into theirs. Jen was annoyed when she realized that they were both taller than her now, and the added height from their boots allowed them to tower even higher over her diminished form. 

“We could feel you were under an incredible amount of stress at school,” Lisa said on her left. “So we thought you might want some sexy nurses to kiss it and make it all better,” Toy chimed in from her right. The two moved together, guiding Jen through the massive front entry. 

The inside of the house was just as decadent as the exterior. Whereas the house Jon had left this morning was a mansion blending traditional and modern aesthetics, the house Jen had returned to could only be described as a palace. The main hall that Jen was standing in seemed to stretch on and on and on. There were various doorways along the side walls that led to unknown rooms. In the distance Jen saw a massive staircase that split off to the left and right as it ascended to the next floor. On either side of the stairs, Jen saw that there were no walls. The hall extended even further beyond what she could see from where she was standing. 

Jen’s head swam. The previous house had been filled with an unknown number of rooms that still needed to be explored. Now she was going to need to start from scratch and learn how to navigate the titanic property. Lisa and Toy must have felt her anxiety rising, because they pressed their soft bodies against her even harder. “Mistress, can we be of any assistance?” Lisa asked sincerely. 

“Any assistance at all?” Toy added, her voice dripping with lust. She pressed even harder against Jen, practically toppling the girl over. As Toy’s crotch pressed against Jen’s thigh, she started to rub against the leg. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth and her eyes glassed over as she humped her mistress. Lisa let out an adorable giggle. “You must excuse her, Mistress. I altered mind a couple hours ago to make her a hyper nymphomaniac. She can only think about sex at the moment. It has been quite amusing. And perhaps it’s just what the doctor ordered,” Lisa said with a wink as she shook her chest, emphasizing her costume. 

Jen felt herself flush as a fire awoke in her crotch. Her dick was rapidly hardening and based on how obscenely her skirt was tent-poling, she was sure her cock had once again grown right out of her panties. But that wasn’t all she felt. She felt need radiating forth in warm waves, a tingling that gave her goosebumps. She instinctively squeezed her legs together and felt a slick wetness dripping onto her balls that were still tightly cradled in her panties.

Her mind raced. She wasn’t just hard, she was WET! Jen thought back to her encounter with Pervert after she had first become a girl. The pure physical bliss that had erupted within her from having so many erogenous parts stimulated at once was overwhelming. She could barely registered what had happened at the moment, unable to recall all of the ways she had been pleasured. But she recalled all too well her previous life when she was still Jon and how enthusiastically he had enjoyed his sexual conquests. Probing wet folds with his eager fingers, tasting their sweet musk, nibbling on clits, filling them with his hard-

Jen gasped as a new sensation pulled her out of her haze. Toy’s humping had become much more enthusiastic, most likely due to the large dick that was growing out of her own crotch and causing her latex dress to ride up. The mindless, lust addled expression on her face was shocking. But what truly shook Jen to the core was the realization that the only reason Toy would have grown a cock… was because Jen wanted her to.


With a single command, Toy froze completely. Jen pulled away from the sex crazed creature and was shocked to see that Toy remained frozen in place, even though she was leaning at such an angle that she should have fallen flat to the floor. Just as Jen had commanded, she had frozen mid-hump and would remain as such because it was what her Mistress desired. 

Jen looked at Lisa who tilted her head in silent acknowledgment, simply content to await her own set of commands. 

“Lisa… just take me to my room.”

“Of course, Mistress. I shall take you to your chambers immediately.” 

As Lisa stepped forward, Jen noticed her glance down and take in the sight of Toy’s exposed dick. There was a bead of precum that had dribbled out of the tip and was slowly running down the length of her shaft. Lisa smiled wickedly, clearly enjoying her plaything’s plight. Without another word, Lisa began to stride further down the cavernous hallway, the walls echoing with the sounds of her heels on the wooden floors. 


Jen was thankful that Lisa was intimately familiar with the layout of the transformed house. Jen had followed her down the great hall and was initially surprised they had moved right past the grandiose staircase. When they had stopped in front of a door that was smaller than many of the others which peppered the walls, Jen was shocked to find it was an elevator. Lisa let her Mistress enter first before following after and pressing the button for the top floor. The elevator seemed antiquated but its movement was smooth and silent as it ascended to the fifth floor. The short trip ended with a small jostle and the tone of a small bell. As the stepped out, Lisa stood beside the door and let Jen walk past her, but did not move from her position, instead waiting quietly at attention. 

“Um, Lisa, weren’t you going to take me to my room.”

The buxom blonde tilted her head in confusion. “But, Mistress, I followed your instructions. The top floor is all your private chambers.” Jen let out an enraged shriek, causing Lisa to step back in shock. 

“Ok, enough of this shit! Lisa, honestly, what the fuck happened to my house?!”

The latex clad love toy’s arms dropped limply to her sides and all tension left her body as she entered into the questioning trance. “When you made your wish for the house to be modified last week, it changed to fit Jon’s aesthetic. The current house reflects the preferences of the your current self. Jen is much more elitist and pretentious than Jon was and the house reflects that. The only thing you specified was the basement was designed to be a high-end night club, so that has remained.”

One fucked up misworded wish and my life keeps fucking changing! Jen raged internally. Her social circles, her home, her history, her whole life was just as altered and unexplored as the house! Even in her own home she couldn’t escape what she had done to herself. 

“Lisa, forget my outburst just now,” Jen commanded solemnly. Lisa exited the trance, briefly reverting to her shocked expression, before that too melted away and she returned to the docile doll that was patiently awaiting instructions. 

“May I be of any further use, Mistress?”

A gurgling sound filled the room and the pair looked down at Jen’s stomach. She had left the cafeteria in such a rush that she had never even gotten a single bite of food. 

“Or perhaps you required assistance from Judy, instead,” Lisa offered with her trademark pleasant smile. Jen sighed, not even knowing who “Judy” was, but she assumed that she would bring her food. “Sure, whatever,” Jen spat out, her voice filled with annoyance. Lisa curtsied, paying Jen’s sour tone no mind, and proceeded to step into the elevator and shut the door. A gentle hum of motors faded downward and Jen was left in a hallway that stretched ahead of her, much smaller than the main hall but still extensive. Doors dotted the walls to either side and there a set of double doors at the far end of the hallway. Not knowing where any of them led, Jen walked the length of the hall and opened the double doors. 

The bedroom Jen stepped into was eerily familiar. It’s layout was similar to the bedroom Jon had woken up in this morning, but with pronounced differences. The bed was still in the same location, as was the fireplace with the coffee table and couch in front of it. On the far wall, a set of double glass doors exited out onto a balcony. That was where the differences ended. Whereas Jon’s bedroom had been masculine and stately with rich wood and leather throughout the room, Jen’s bedroom was plush and feminine. Tones of white and soft pink filled the room with plush carpet replacing the hardwood floors. The bed was still massive, but it was round with four posts surrounding it. Cream curtains with rose gold trim waiting to be pulled back to hide the bed from the rest of the room. 

The changes did not just stop with the decor, though. The layout of the room was subtly different as well. The door on the far end of the room which had led to Jon’s private office now matched the glass double doors and also exited to the balcony which was significantly larger and stretched at least the entire length of the room and was furnished with a set of outdoor furniture. The door to the left that had led to a walk in closet was gone, replaced by a white wardrobe. And finally the door that had been to the right which led to a massive bathroom was replaced  by a large vanity with three mirrors. 

Jen slipped off her high heels and kicked them towards the wardrobe. As her feet pressed flat against the floor, she was simultaneously aware of how plush the carpet was and how much shorter she immediately felt. She looked to her right, crossed the room to the vanity, and plopped down in the plush chair in front of it. Her beautiful, but disheveled, reflection stared back at her. Streaks of dried eyeliner ran down her face, her eyes were red and puffy, and her face was slightly flushed. She let out a heavy sigh and the three Jens staring back at her did likewise. Looking to the vanity, she spied a stack of neatly folded white wash cloths. She grabbed one and wiped off her face. She was a little startled to see more than just eyeliner rubbing off onto the now soiled cloth, realizing she was wearing more makeup than she initially realized. She searched the table top until she found a bottle labeled as a “makeup remover” and doused a fresh cloth with the solution before vigorously rubbing her face. 

The reflection that met her where she finally pulled her hands away was still a stunning beauty. The makeup had highlighted her features, but she was still incredibly beautiful without it. The high cheekbones, plump lips, smooth skin were naturally hers. She stared into her reflection, feeling despair rising in her. School, home. Makeup, no makeup. She was still Jen Gibson. She couldn’t go somewhere else or wipe that away. This was her now. 

She looked further down her reflection to her clothes, stained with makeup and still showing off her vast cleavage. With yet another sigh, Jen stood up and began to remove the sullied garment which exposed her bra-clad breasts. Jen reached behind her and started pushing and pulling. Since getting the stone, Jon had gotten a lot of practice taking off girls’ bras. However, this was the first time ever Jen had to remove one from herself. After what seemed like an eternity of fumbling and uncoordinated tugging, the last hook finally released and the undergarment slid down her arms. 

The first thing Jen realized was just how fucking heavy these things were. The next was how good it felt to let them out of their padded prison. She looked into the vanity mirror and got a good look at her topless form. Just as she had expected, the breasts matched the pair Mr. Burton had grown each time her has ogled her. Despite herself, Jen had to admit her tits were flawless. They were firm and perky, with perfectly smooth skin capped by light pink, suckable nipples.  

As she hefted her impressive chests, she was rewarded with a pleasant buzz radiating through her body. She had groped her tits a couple times since getting them, particularly when Pervert had been going down on her. But that had been through her shirt and bra. Now that she felt her hands directly on them, experiencing the sensations of fondling and being fondled, it was reawakened the smoldering fire of lust between her legs. 

Jen puller her tits apart and looked down between her opened cleavage to get a clear look at her dick once again lifting up the front of her skirt. With a huff, Jen dropped her tits, momentarily wincing at the pain while also watching as the hypnotically jiggled and swayed. After a moment, a throbbing further down once again pulled her attention to her crotch. 

“Well, guess it’s time to take a closer inspection down South,” she muttered. She hooker her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and panties, then swiftly pressed down. 

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