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16. The Stone's Action

15. Karyn's Desire

14. The End of Jon's Boobs

13. Snuggling and Sunday

12. The Date

11. Lessons in boob buoyancy at th

10. Karyn want's to go swimming.

9. After school hanging out

8. School

7. The next morning

6. Karyn Dreams

5. Karyn can stay.

4. That wasn't what Jon meant

3. A Frank and Honest Discussion

2. Karyn's wish for 5 Honest Answ

1. You Are What You Wish

Honest Discussion - The Stone's Action

on 2022-01-28 22:43:08
Episode last modified by bigbustgazer on 2022-01-29 14:01:35

2974 hits, 177 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware BE Magic

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In order to satisfy Karyn’s desire in a way acceptable to her the stone calculated that it would need to change the entire world, to bypass one of the limitations placed upon it. There were loopholes in the rules that governed it, but normally when granting direct wishes it would prune potential actions that would affect things outside its range before evaluating how it could bring them about. When it self activated that order was reversed, it would find an optimal action and then evaluate if it could be accomplished.

This order meant it could find it’s own loopholes, seemingly breaking its rules. It did not, in fact, break any rules. It wasn’t capable of understanding that it was breaking the spirit of the rule while obeying it’s letter. It did mean the the stone could take actions nearly impossible to describe in a wish.

It built a new magical construct, similar to itself, but not bound to any object, this construct had a much narrower purpose, replicate and when it was ready all the replications would act together to change things. This construct had the same range limitation as the stone, but acting together enough copies of it could change the entire world by placing themselves in the right locations.

So the replications began. Spreading out, moving so that they were half a range from each other, hovering over the surface of the world. Waiting for the moment when their purpose would be fulfilled and they would vanish.

To stop the world from panicking, crowds from rioting, and individuals from hurting themselves, before the change was made each and every person had yet another magical construct attached to them. This construct would give gentle nudges, and little manipulations to keep the worst things from happening. They would also give each person prior warning of what was to come. This gentle form of mind control would only last for a month or two, long enough for people to accept the new reality before these constructs too would have fulfilled their purpose and would also fade away. The time that they lasted would be tailored to the person, the construct itself would monitor them and decide when it was safe to leave them be.

It took the rest of the night for the constructs to blanket the world. When the warning was given Karyn and Jon were both in their first class of the day. The change itself would come soon after.

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