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Oldest episodes

A trick
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish10
Caughtburke_rakersYou Are What You Wish9
Dancing for pleasureburke_rakersYou Are What You Wish10
Vanessa sorts things out...
burke_rakersYou Are What You Wish11
Some well thought-out wishes
Jon and Marsha become friends
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish9
Ms. McMillan disposes of a rival
Disposing of a rival
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish10
Wishes about Orr, Ms. Warren, and Gina
Discovering what the rock can do
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish3
Karen makes her move
Karen moves
zhara123You Are What You Wish10
Home again, Home again....
They drive to Jon's house
zhara123You Are What You Wish9
Harker's StoryBaron_XYou Are What You Wish9
A world with unicorns
Returning to town
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish5
The plotters organize
The plotters meet.
burke_rakersYou Are What You Wish8
wishfull thinkingchrisYou Are What You Wish10
Ill met by Moonlight
Karen asks for a little sanity
Walking_FingerYou Are What You Wish3
from worse
Karyn to the...rescue?
burke_rakersYou Are What You Wish7
Score one for the good guys.
Jon's no dummy!
xYou Are What You Wish6
Hi Jon (again)!xYou Are What You Wish6
John screws up.....
With another wish!
xYou Are What You Wish8
John explores....
xYou Are What You Wish7
The Getaway
Sarah makes a clean getaway...or does she?
xYou Are What You Wish6
The first day is the hardest.(and if anyone could give me some suggestions on this HTML, or whatever)
The first day is the hardest.
burke_rakersYou Are What You Wish7
A brief respite
Pearl and Jarek Chat
Dale_ODayYou Are What You Wish28
Weighty Responsibility
A slip of the tongue...
Walking_FingerYou Are What You Wish2
Sarah's just desserts
Karyn decks Sarah!
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish6
Sarah takes care of business
Guess who Dee's sister is?
Samantha_JYou Are What You Wish5
Big Ethel
Karyn's a growing girl!
burke_rakersYou Are What You Wish6
Mickie and Dee in love
Dee and Mickie talk...
Burke_Rakers_You Are What You Wish4
Freddie & Mickie you're so cute!!
Freddie & Micki you're so cute!!!
Samantha_JYou Are What You Wish3
The rock goes to school, but not Jon's
Little brother's turn
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish2
Karyn isn't quite back to normal, plus new rules
At the campsite
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish4
Leopard Keeper Keeping Leopards
A Week Later
RobYou Are What You Wish27
Otterly Ridiculous
Jon in Trouble
_You Are What You Wish18
From bad to worse?kismetYou Are What You Wish8
Sarah's mom steps in
And the rock goes to ...
MaleKimYou Are What You Wish9
I'm Not Him, I'm MeBaron_XYou Are What You Wish7
Who creates a man alive?ErrorYou Are What You Wish6
What creates a man alive?ErrorYou Are What You Wish6
The best of his knowledge...ErrorYou Are What You Wish5
A Wolf in the FoldBaron_XYou Are What You Wish6
but I wish you knew what I feel like when you enter me
I wish I am glad that it is me that gets to be your first
guyYou Are What You Wish8
Letting gobad_irvingYou Are What You Wish7
A strange little shop
Mysterious Trinkets
pounce_pumaYou Are What You Wish4
I Wonder Where it Went?
A couple months down the road
pounce_pumaYou Are What You Wish3
Somebody else's problem
Jon decides this thing is bad news
pounce_pumaYou Are What You Wish2
NO Sorry your stuckbad_irvingYou Are What You Wish4
pounce_pumaYou Are What You Wish3
Safecracking and safe guarding
Caution and some fun on the side
pounce_pumaYou Are What You Wish23
jealousyraistlin_majerleYou Are What You Wish13
Jake decides to split the group and goes off with Bella.
Split up and explore?
kYou Are What You Wish6
Queke catches up with the others.
Queke catches up with the others
kYou Are What You Wish5
Queke goes off by himself...
Queke goes off by himself
kYou Are What You Wish5
Jake decides to wake up the others, after all he isn't Biff Gamma. Or maybe he is?
Jake wakes up the others
kYou Are What You Wish4
and another transformation
Jake is transformed
kYou Are What You Wish6
Mon gets her wish
Mom gets her wish
Samantha_JYou Are What You Wish4
transformation 1
kYou Are What You Wish6
Jake enters the lab.
Jake Enters
kYou Are What You Wish5
Jake leaves the crogenic machines on.
Jake the Sci Fi dude explores
kYou Are What You Wish4
And so the story reads
The edifice
kYou Are What You Wish3
Be careful what you wish for...
The next morning...
MouseYou Are What You Wish3
Heading home.
things go elsewhere
kYou Are What You Wish2
The tables are turned...
something unexpected occured!
MouseYou Are What You Wish39
Mom!WTBPAYou Are What You Wish32
A Decision to Explore
RobYou Are What You Wish22
Anne’s Decisions.
RobYou Are What You Wish27
The Walk Home
RobYou Are What You Wish31
WTBPAYou Are What You Wish39
The Three Laws
a robot
WTBPAYou Are What You Wish11
A convertible!
WTBPAYou Are What You Wish11
Mechanical Issues
"It's okay..."
WTBPAYou Are What You Wish10
Cat Compliance
Go along
WTBPAYou Are What You Wish30
Changing Moon
... dealt with more changes.
WTBPAYou Are What You Wish30
Happy Kitty
Give you a Treat
RobYou Are What You Wish29
surprising changes
How about sports?
RobYou Are What You Wish29
Hi Jon!bad_irvingYou Are What You Wish6
Cleanest house in town
Parle-tu en francais?
joeYou Are What You Wish12
Sarah is back
Sarah is here
joeYou Are What You Wish12
Did she have fun too?
Karyn is P.O.ed
joeYou Are What You Wish17
Sexy Fur with a mind
Intelligent Otter
joeYou Are What You Wish16
It can't be used
The Stone is disabled
BluntYou Are What You Wish12
Do I look like I did before?
Lets get ready to make some money!
guyYou Are What You Wish13
Jon's Big Debut
Home Impornment
guyYou Are What You Wish12
I love it when a plan comes together
Lets get ready for act I
guyYou Are What You Wish11
Dirty pervert needs a lesson
I've got a plan
guyYou Are What You Wish10
Smells to good to resist
Jon alone with figgure out what will happen.
dr_gYou Are What You Wish9
Jon's true Friend
Karen, was just kidding...or not?
dr_gYou Are What You Wish8
The Blue Branch
Back to the Branch
meYou Are What You Wish18
meYou Are What You Wish17
"That reminds me...
AkureiYou Are What You Wish8
Pre-existing wishes?
Of course!
AckYou Are What You Wish16
Sarah's FixSamantha_JYou Are What You Wish8
Jiggers the cops!Officer_BobYou Are What You Wish5
The Slammerbad_irvingYou Are What You Wish7
The fine printGood_SallyYou Are What You Wish8
Sarah Partiesbad_irvingYou Are What You Wish7
Sarah's looseSamantha_JYou Are What You Wish6
Druken Power
Drunken Power
bad_irvingYou Are What You Wish5
Jon look's too muchbad_irvingYou Are What You Wish6
Don't Lookbad_irvingYou Are What You Wish5
Mom fixes itbad_irvingYou Are What You Wish15
Jon has a hard time acting like a boy!Samantha_JYou Are What You Wish8

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Oldest episodes

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