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5. My First Wishes

4. Doris the cleaning woman finds

3. Stool sample.

2. Part of the Furniture

1. You Are What You Wish

Doris to Karyn?

on 2003-08-11 02:01:44
Episode last modified by Kanati on 2018-02-18 15:30:07

1229 hits, 51 views, 1 upvotes.

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Doris looked over the furniture once more as she absently mumbled "I wish
I had this furniture in my apartment instead of the junk already there."
She was surprised when the room was suddenly empty and quickly realized that
she made a wish with the stone.
She quickly smiled as she left her job for the last time and headed home to
her newly refurnished apartment.
When she arrived; she poured herself a glass of wine and sat down on the couch.
She then spent the next hour changing the furnishings into something she liked.
the couch and the beanbag chair were the only things not changed other then
their color. After Doris finished off her fourth glass of wine; She sadly
recalled everything she had learned about the girl named Karyn that was now
only a couch. She quickly stumbled over to her counter where she had left the
stone and after picking it up, she exclaimed "I wish I could help Karyn live
her life again." Doris blacked out when the magic enveloped her and the couch.
Karyn slowly opened her eyes and found herself in her room while holding the
stone. She quickly wondered if everything she remembered had been a bad dream.
Karyn sighed as she wobbled like a drunk to her dresser and placed the stone
into her jewelry box before she fell onto her bed a sleeping heap.

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