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13. Something's not Right

12. How Did That Happen?

11. Awish, a wish

10. party hardy

9. A man called Scar...

8. Jon's new boyfriend

7. Sarah is still wishing

6. Finishing up

5. Sarah doesn't like competition

4. Jon fights panic

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Instant replay with no SCARS

on 2003-08-17 07:31:07

1182 hits, 59 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon suddenly found himself laying on the bed in the same room that he made the
wish in. She also noticed that she had breasts again. Jon screamed "NO!", as
she jumped up and ran over to the fullsize mirror on the wall. She was stunned
as she saw a wide eyed Sierra looking back at her.
She was shocked out of her stuper when her real mother rushed into the room, and
while giving Sierra a worried look, asked "Are you allright Sierra dear?"
Jon/Sierra shook her head to clear it and then replied "Yeah mom. I'm ok. I just
had a bad dream." Jon/Sierra then did a double take as she saw that her mother
was now pregnant. She just froze like she was stone as her mother gave her a kiss
on the cheek and said "Everything will be all right dear." Jon/Sierra was thrown
for another loop as her mother looked around for something and asked "Where is
your friend. Karyn isn't it. Wasn't she spending the night with you?"

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