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24. The tall and short of it

23. A little history lesson

22. Krista gets some relief

21. Krista’s home

20. Mark gets to work

19. Mark gives in

18. After a bad day

17. Monday Morning

16. Lesson 2

15. A little role play

14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

The tall and short of it

avatar on 2024-10-21 11:44:07

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The rest of the week passed by uneventfully, and soon Friday evening rolled around.

“So, any thoughts of who you want to be tonight?” Mark asked Krista after they’d finished their dinner.

“I had a few thoughts,” she smirked, “I was hoping we could maybe have a girls night out” she added coyly.

“You really like seeing me as a woman don’t you” Mark sighed, “what’s the plan? Sisters again?”

“Not this time,” Krista said shaking her head, “I was thinking I’d chose something for you, and you choose something for me” she added with a shrug.

“So what, girls night out as total strangers?” Mark asked, “yeah ok, I’m game” he grinned.

“Yay!” Krista clapped her hands together, “ok, so I’ll go get you something then come back down, and then you go” she added.

“Let’s make it interesting” Mark said as she got up, “how about we just do underwear to start?” He added with a wink.

“I like your thinking!” Krista laughed as she bounded off out the kitchen. She soon returned with a set of underwear and a pair of shoes gathered in her arms, along with medallion in its box.

“Shoes as well eh?” Mark smirked.

“I just saw them and thought they go well with the undies” Krista winked. Mark rolled his eyes and made his way to the spare room. Over the week they’d begun to organise everything into the drawers and closet. He rifled through the underwear drawer and found a matching set of grey underwear. The cups of the bra were enormous.

“Oh this’ll do nicely” he chuckled. He also grabbed a pair of fishnet stockings and a pair of heels for her. On a whim he also grabbed two pairs of prop glasses from the accessories box on the dresser.

“Might help us make smart decisions tonight” he chuckled. Upon returning to the kitchen he found Krista already naked.

“Someone’s eager!” Mark laughed, feeling himself getting turned on by her naked body.

“Too right, I need to let of some more steam” Krista grinned, “now show me what you chose” she added, holding out her hand. Mark passed her the bundle, and she chuckled at his logic for the glasses, but slipped them on.

“I feel smarter already!” She joked. She slipped on the panties, stockings, and shoes, then finally the bra. They both laughed at how loosely everything hung on her.

“Not for long though!” Krista chirped as she slipped the medallion around her neck and felt the zap. Almost instantly her skin began to turn a darker tanned shade, and she could feel her hair growing.

“Ooh, blonde bombshell eh?” She grinned as she pulled her hair in front of her face and watched it change from its usual red to a platinum blonde colour.

“You’re getting taller” Mark commented as her height began to increase. She also felt her feet grow a little to fit the larger shoes, and her legs began to get more shapely along with her ass and waist as she filled out the garments she was wearing, giving her a near perfect hourglass shape. Finally they both watched as her chest ballooned out to fill the large cups hanging over her breasts. Once she was sure her change was done she motioned for Mark to strip. She also noted she was nearly a good head taller than him.

“You’re turn!” She said in a husky voice. Mark obliged and removed his clothes before taking the pile Krista had left him on the table. He pulled on the small black thong, wincing as the material rode up between his cheek, and matching bra, noticing how close to his chest the cups were.

“I thought you might try and make me as busty as possible, so I thought you’d like to be the flat-chested friend” she chuckled. Mark just rolled his eyes and slipped the glasses on his face, then took the medallion from her and clipped it on. He felt the zap, and then the changes begin. His hair lengthened again, also turning a blonde colour, and his limbs and shoulders slimmed down. His rear expanded a little, and two small tits swelled out of his chest into the bra cups. Finally his feet shifted to fit the shoes and he felt his penis recede quickly.

“Why are you getting taller?” He asked Krista as he found he had to look up at her now.

“I’m not, you’re shrinking” she giggled. She was right, and he didn’t stop until his head was at chest height on her, even with the high heels he was wearing.

“Dammit, what the hell?” He pouted in a high pitched voice.

“Oh Mark, you’re soooo cute!” Krista laughed, pulling him close, “I can use you as an arm rest!” She chuckled, placing an arm on his head. Mark nearly stumbled, not used to the height of the heels, and quickly grabbed her leg for support.

“Well this is certainly interesting” he sighed, “I look like I’m about 20!” He laughed as they looked at their reflection in the polished kitchen cabinets.

“We still look like two friends who could go out in the town!” Krista smiled, “although I look like I could easily take you in a fight now!” She chucked.

“Oh yeah?” Mark said sarcastically, “try it!” He grinned. Krista shrugged, grabbed his wrist with one hand, and pushed the back of his head with the other.

“Woah!” Mark squealed in surprise as she easily bent him over.

“Oh wow, I feel so strong like this!” Krista gasped, “I wonder…” she trailed off.

“Wonder what?” Mark asked nervously, “Krista, wonder wha….. hey what are you doing?” He squealed again as Krista easily picked him up, his shoes falling to the floor. She raised his small frame up and over her head until she sat him down on her shoulders.

“This is so fun!” She laughed, “you’re so tiny!”

“Krista!” Mark sighed, “put me down already!” He added, readjusting his bra straps as they’d slid down when she lifted him. He didn’t want to admit it, but being manhandled like that was kind of turning him on. Krista grabbed his knees.

“Let’s go for a little walk first!” She grinned, “I want to see if I can carry you upstairs like this!” She added, feeling a little giddy with her newfound strength.

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