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23. A little history lesson

22. Krista gets some relief

21. Krista’s home

20. Mark gets to work

19. Mark gives in

18. After a bad day

17. Monday Morning

16. Lesson 2

15. A little role play

14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

A little history lesson

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Eventually they decided that it was time to change back, with Mark quickly locking in a sock for Nessa.

“Ok, that was fun” Krista said as she watched her penis shrink away after touching a pair of her panties to the medallion, “but we really should stick to using this thing together, unless we clear it with the other first” she added.

“Agreed” Mark replied, standing with his dressing gown wrapped around his naked female form, “even just to avoid any little surprises”.

Once Krista was back to her old self, Mark slipped the medallion around his neck, and let it touch his gown. Within about 20 minutes he was back to his old self.

“It’s definitely getting quicker” Krista mused, “Oh!” She exclaimed.

“What?” Mark asked, quickly patting himself down to make sure he was actually done transforming.

“I forgot to tell you in all that…excitement” she smiled, “I’ve found a few old texts at work that talk about the medallion!” She grinned.

“How old are we talking?” Mark asked.

“Right back to the ancient Greeks.” Krista said excitedly, “You heard of Circe?” She asked.

“The woman who turned men into pigs?” Mark replied.

“Thats the one” Krista nodded, “she was an enchantress, and some texts talk about an apprentice, Zulos. Well apparently, this Zulos found a way to transform people into other beings, by enchanting an amulet of some kind” she said.

“The medallion I’m assuming?” Mark said.

“I think so,” Krista grinned, “from I’ve read so far, it was known as Zulos’s amulet, so it’s not to far of a stretch to think that over time it began the amulet of Zulos, then to the Medallion of Zulo” she shrugged.

“True” Mark conceded as he began to get dressed into his pyjamas.

“It also said that the more the amulet was used, the more it tuned into the wearer, speeding up their transformations.” Krista added, “which all tracks to what’s happening here”

“Sounds like you’ve really looked into this” Mark said with a smile.

“I have” Krista smiled proudly, “but there’s more” she added, her tone growing serious.

“Something bad?” Mark asked hesitantly.

“Kind of, you see, the texts went on to say Zulos used the amulet to constantly refresh their body, keeping it in a youthful, healthy state, effectively cheating death. This attracted the attention of Hades who wasn’t too keen on losing a soul” she said.

“I don’t like where this is going” Mark said.

“According to the texts” Krista continued, “Hades put a curse on the amulet, one that ensured nobody could have ownership of it permanently. So I think it’s best we always make sure to change back as soon as we can, and to keep track of it while we’re transformed….just in case” she finished. Mark swallowed nervously.

“Yeah, you could be right there.” He said, “I really thought I was stuck as Nessa for a moment before” he added, thinking back to his panic earlier.

“We can lock it in the bedroom safe while we’re not using it,” Krista said, “and just make sure we stick to our rules, then we should be ok” she added. Mark nodded and returned the medallion to its box, and proceeded to stash it in the small safe at the bottom of their closet.

“I’ll carry on researching it and see if I can get a timeframe on it changing ownership” Krista said once he clambered into bed next to her, “until then, let’s just keep to using it at the weekends for now” she yawned.

“Agreed” Mark replied, and before long they were both sound asleep.

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