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13. The Evening Ends

12. Interview with a Harris

11. Trouble in the kitchen

10. The New Harris Girl

9. Family expectations

8. Meeting the Mother and Brother

7. Rei tries to calm herself

6. Turning Japanese

5. Part 2

4. Prelude to a Family Swap

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Barb's Family Swap: The Evening Ends

on 2024-08-31 10:58:01

266 hits, 60 views, 2 upvotes.

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After she helped her new mother prepare dinner and serve it, she and her new brother were released to do their homework.

Rei was fairly bright, but when she had to focus to read English...and her homework was from classes she hadn't been wasn't that easy. It helped that she had apparently taken detailed notes in Japanese. While Rei felt like her...or at least a version of her...Rei was definitely more organized than she'd been before this. Clean room, organized schoolwork...probably because her mother ordered it so. It was easy to slip into the role of dutiful daughter. She also liked her new brother. But if she could figure out how to get back to her real life, she'd prefer that.

"I wish things were the way they were yesterday," she whispered. No luck. She tried it in English. Nothing. She muttered something under her breath.

She didn't get a chance to meet her new father before bed. When she woke up early and went to help her new mother as ordered, he was apparently still asleep. She tried to follow the woman's orders...wishing that if she was stuck as Rei she'd gotten whatever cooking skills she needed to pull that off. But she seemed to be getting better. It seemed her body was used to the motions, even if her brain wasn't.

When she finally was allowed to get ready for school, she found that Rei didn't even own a pair of jeans. Her clothes would definitely cause her to stand out at school. She grabbed her bag and hurried out of the house, despite the fact she was actually early. Not rushing was something that Barb wasn't used to.

She walked very deliberately, not running, into the cafeteria...looking for Barbara Harris...or whoever had replaced her. Or maybe it was hadn't sounded like her on the phone...but your voice never sounded the same in your head as it did to others.

She spotted someone sitting at her usual table, and studied her for a few moments, nervous about what she was going to find out.

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