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12. Interview with a Harris

11. Trouble in the kitchen

10. The New Harris Girl

9. Family expectations

8. Meeting the Mother and Brother

7. Rei tries to calm herself

6. Turning Japanese

5. Part 2

4. Prelude to a Family Swap

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Barb's Family Swap: Interview with a Harris

on 2024-08-17 01:41:41

235 hits, 44 views, 3 upvotes.

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"What is the assignment you are working on?" Kamiko asked while rinsing a chicken breast.

"What?" Rei was caught off guard.

"This assignment you had to call about?" Kamiko continued, her eyes still on her task.

"I was assigned to interview another student, to practice my English skills," Rei said. She hoped that was a thing.

"Oh...what is this student's name...?"

"Barbara Harris. I will meet her tomorrow," Rei said. Or whoever it was she was meeting.

Kamiko looked at Rei. Her daughter was hiding something, but she was normally a terrible either she had suddenly become good, or she was telling the truth...just not all of it. "Very well then. I look forward to hearing your report about this...Barbara Harris. You can present it to me first."

"Yes, Mother," Rei said.

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