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138. DMU - Lorna’s little surprise

137. DMU - The walk home

136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

126. DMU - a new friendships forms

125. DMU - More guests arrive

124. DMU - Swim-suited and booted

123. DMU - the Gibsons arrive

122. DMU - Final preparations

121. DMU - the morning passes

120. DMU - More changes at Lydia’s

119. DMU - Mikey’s gets some more c

DMU - Lorna’s little surprise

avatar on 2024-08-19 16:45:49
Episode last modified by MightyMrJ on 2024-08-19 16:47:00

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Once they arrived home they found the kids getting ready for bed. After they said their goodnights Lorna and Shaun were left alone.

“So,” Shaun said “what was it you wanted to show me?” He asked.

“Why don’t you head down to the rec room and wait for me” Lorna replied with a wry smile, “I won’t be a moment” she added, brushing a hand over her husbands chest. Shaun rolled his eyes, leant forward and gave her a kiss.

“Don’t keep me waiting!” He chuckled as he headed down to the rec-room.

“It’ll be worth it!” Lorna replied as she hurried upstairs. When he got downstairs, Shaun was pleased to see the kids had tidied up after themselves.

“Less work for me” he smiled as he took a seat on the white sofa. He absentmindedly picked at bits of fluff stick to his black polo shirt, brushing them away when they landed on his white shorts. Suddenly there was a noise at the doorway.

“You in there hon?” He heard Lorna’s boyish voice call.

“Sure am babe” He replied, feeling a little excited, “so what’s the surprise?” His jaw dropped when he saw his wife enter the room in a red slip and heels.

“Oh wow babe, you look even better than before!” Shaun gasped as she walked closer to him.

“Thanks honey” Lorna blushed, “you see I thought you might prefer this blast from the past a little better” she added as she untied her wrap and pulled it to the side, revealing that she was wearing nude stockings, and a racy set of red lingerie.

“Holy…” Shaun stammered, “I wore those…” he began.

“On your honeymoon” Lorna finished, “the same night you conceived Jon if I’m not mistaken. Which means they’re very special to both of us” she added with a wink. Shaun could feel his member hardening in his shorts as he watched his new wife remove the slip completely and throw it to one side. She reached up and slipped her bra straps down so they hung off her shoulders.

“What do you think?” She asked as she cocked her hip to the side. Shaun found his hand moving to his lap to gently squeeze his excited cock through his shorts.

“I definitely think you look better in them” he grinned as he slowly rubbed his crotch. This didn’t go unnoticed by Lorna who swiftly stepped forward and parted his legs.

“You look a little bothered by that” she purred, “how about I help you out?” She smiled as she traced her finger over Shaun’s throbbing organ.

This elicited a groan of pleasure from him, sounding a little strange in his still feminine voice. He shuddered with excitement as he felt Lorna deftly undo his fly and pull down the band of his boxers.

“Oh wow, you’re so hard already!” Lorna gasped in fake shock, “I know just what to do with this!” She added before she lightly placed her lips around the head.

“Oh fuck Lorn!” Shaun grunted as he felt her tongue dance around on the sensitive area, “that feels so good!” Suddenly he felt another involuntary moan escape his lips as she slid almost his whole shaft into her mouth.

“Mmmmf” Lorna moaned with pleasure herself as she began to bob her head up and down, faster and faster, feeling Shaun’s hip muscles tighten and relax with each of her ministrations. Finally she began to feel the telltale twitches under her fingers at the base of his dick. Slowly she slid her mouth back up and off, leaving him to look at her pleasingly. As she stood up, she pulled his shorts all the way down, leaving them looked at his legs.

“Oh no!” She smirked, waving a finger at him, “you’re not finishing that soon mister!” She added as she removed her bra and dropped it to the side. She turned away from him and bent over, sliding her panties down her legs, revealing her wet and waiting folds to him. Mesmerized by the sight, Shaun couldn’t help but reach out with both hands and grasp her ass cheeks firmly.

Lorna gasped with pleasure, then looked back over her shoulder at him.

“You want this don’t you honey!” She said, it wasn’t a question.

“You bet I do!” Shaun growled hungrily as he helped her lower herself down. He could feel butterflies in his stomach as he watched his length disappear up inside her, and they both let out moans of pleasure at the feeling.

“Oh that feels so good!” Lorna sighed as she began to bounce gently up and down, feeling her husband sliding in and out of her. The familiar warm feeling of ecstasy started to spread through her. After what could have been minutes or hours, Lorna didn’t know or care, she felt his hands grasp her backside tightly and forcefully.

Suddenly she felt herself being pushed forward and upwards, back onto her feet. Shaun shot up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Oh!” She squeaked in surprised. In one sudden movement he spun her around and lightly pushed her onto her back. She felt another wave of excitement and extreme arousal as he towered over her stroking his cock and glaring at her hungrily.

“Ok!” He said in his still very female voice “my turn!”

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