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137. DMU - The walk home

136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

126. DMU - a new friendships forms

125. DMU - More guests arrive

124. DMU - Swim-suited and booted

123. DMU - the Gibsons arrive

122. DMU - Final preparations

121. DMU - the morning passes

120. DMU - More changes at Lydia’s

119. DMU - Mikey’s gets some more c

118. DMU - Back to the Gibsons

DMU - The walk home

avatar on 2024-08-19 05:35:54

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“Well that was certainly an interesting evening!” Shaun chuckled as he and Lorna walked home together, the sun hadn’t long set, so it was still light enough to see, but it was starting to get a little chilly. Lorna shivered a little, which didn’t go unnoticed by her husband as he pulled her in close to him.

“I’m sorry Shaun. I don’t know what came over me” She said, the alcohol buzz wearing off now, she felt a little embarrassed.

“Oh please, don’t apologise” Shaun replied, “I actually found it kind of sexy” he smirked, giving her a little nudge with his hip.

“Well I’ve been saving the best just for you” Lorna said in a sultry whisper. If Shaun found it strange that it was still in the voice of a teen boy, he didn’t say anything.

“Oh? Is that so?” He chuckled.

“Of course!” His wife replied, “why do you think I wanted to leave so early? It wasn’t just to give Lara and Rocky some alone time” she added with a laugh.

“You know, Rocky actually said something to me when you were getting dressed.” Shaun continued, “he thought of asking you two if you fancied trying a little more of what we used to do. You know, videos and stuff” he laughed.

“Really?” Lorna replied in surprise, “Lara kind of brought that up too!” She said with a smiled.

“Did she now?” Shaun mused, “and what do you think of it all?”

“Honestly?” Lorna asked, a thrill of nervousness running through her.

“Honestly.” Shaun replied with a kind smile, “I’m not going to judge”

“It…does make me feel excited” Lorna replied sheepishly, “I didn’t want to upset you though, that’s why I didn’t bring it up.”

“Lorna please,” Shaun said stopping and turning to face her “if there’s anyone who knows what it feels like, it’s me. I remember those days, how freeing and empowering it felt. If you really want to consider it, then I’d be behind you a hundred percent.” He added, pulling her into a tight hug. Lorna sighed happily and rested her head on his chest.

“I’m just thinking about it for now” she said after a moment, “there’s a lot to consider first. Just now you will always come first for me!” She added looking up into his eyes. She raised herself up on her toes and planted another kiss on his lips, before breaking away.

“Thats all I need to know.” Shaun replied kindly.

“Good” Lorna said happily as she started walking again, this time with purpose.

“Now let’s get home, I’m freezing and there’s something I want to show you!” Shaun watcher her for a moment, his eyes dropping to her perfect backside.

“Yes ma’am!” He said with a grin.

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