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136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

126. DMU - a new friendships forms

125. DMU - More guests arrive

124. DMU - Swim-suited and booted

123. DMU - the Gibsons arrive

122. DMU - Final preparations

121. DMU - the morning passes

120. DMU - More changes at Lydia’s

119. DMU - Mikey’s gets some more c

118. DMU - Back to the Gibsons

117. DMU - Buster gets a phone call

DMU - the losers forfeit

avatar on 2024-08-19 03:37:09

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In just under an hour the game was over, Rocky was now shirtless, Shaun was less fortunate and was now sitting in just his boxers. The girls however were not so lucky. Its seemed the wine had hit them hard and they found their skills to be lacking. They both sat on the couch, Lara was completely naked, and Lorna just had her panties remaining.

“Sorry Lorn” Shaun smiled cheekily as he revealed his final card, “but that’s a flush for me.

“Seriously!” Lorna chuckled, “guess we’re not as good as we though!” She added with an eye roll.

“You know the rules babes!” Lara giggled “take em off!” She added indicating her panties. With a joking sigh Lorna got to her feet and slid her remaining garment down her slender legs.

“There!” She said with a flourish as she kicked her panties to the side and sat back down “happy now?” She added as she grabbed her wine glass and finished it off.

“Very!” Shaun replied with a wink.

“Guess you ladies have to take your forfeit now!” Rocky chuckled, “and I have just the thing!” He added, gesturing for Shaun to lean closer. He quickly whispered something in his ear, causing his friend to nod in agreement. Lorna and Lara exchanged glances and shrugged.

“Seeing as you ladies wanted to remind us of our former careers” Rocky began, “we think it’s only fitting you get a bit more into the spirit” he added.

“Your forfeit is simple” Shaun continued, “we’d like to see you both kiss” he finished with a smile.

“Seriously?” Lara chuckled, “could you two act more like teen boys?”

“Who could blame us” Rocky replied, “who wouldn’t want to see the new Knight and Madisons first performance?” He added.

“Our first performance?” Lorna asked, “you got plans to see more?” She giggled.

“Who can say?” Rocky shrugged “there’s a whole new future out there for us now”

“I think that’s a conversation for another time” Shaun laughed, “for now let’s just focus on you two kissing” he added as he sat back. Lara looked over at Lorna and gave her a wink.

“Rules are a rules babes” she purred as she started to lean forward “let’s give them a real show!” She said in a breathy whisper. Lorna found herself moving towards her friend too. Before she knew it they were locked into a passionate kiss.

Lorna felt herself melt away, a strange sense of happy nostalgia washing over her as she felt Lara’s soft lips on hers. Lara also felt the moment overtake her and even let out a soft moan as they continued. The kiss lasted for about five minutes in total before the broke apart.

“Mmm” Lara purred “just like old times” she said half dreamily. They stared at each other for a brief moment before turning to the face the guys again.

“Well I can see you both enjoyed that as much as we did” Lorna chuckled, noticing the prominent bulge in Shaun’s boxers, and the way Rocky shifted his legs made it evident he was hiding his own arousal.

“I’ll say!” Shaun said, “you really seemed into it!” He added sounding a little nervous. Lorna sensed his unease and got to her feet. She walked over and straddled his lap. She lunged forward and planted another kiss on her husbands lips, feeling his boner pressing against her. Lara looked over at Rocky who met her gaze. She gave him a quick wink, and pursed her lips to blow him a kiss.

“Don’t worry hon” Lorna sighed happily when they broke apart, “nobody could replace you!” She added as she dismounted his lap and walked back over to where her clothes sat in a pile.

“It’s been a lovely evening” she said as she started gathering the things into her arms, “but I think it’s about time we headed off. It’s getting late and there’s some things I need to do before bed tonight” she added.

“I know what you mean” Lara said happily as she got to her feet, “well go change while you boys get dressed again” she continued as she scooped up the clothes she had been wearing.

“Yeah good idea,” Rocky replied, “take your time girls, I wanted to ask Shaun something anyway”. With that Lorna and Lara headed back to the dressing room, where Monét had left Lorna’s bag of clothes for them.

“Oh. My. God!” Lara giggled once they were both in the room and the door closed “that felt so liberating! You’re a really good kisser you know that?” She said with a wink as she started to put her clothes back on their hangers.

“You’re very good yourself!” Lorna replied as she pulled a plain pair of panties and a matching bra from her bag.

“Well I’ve had a lot of practice from my old life” Lara said as she grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a baggy tshirt from another rack, “can I ask you something?” She added as she pulled on the panties she’d been wearing earlier.

“We’re friends, you can ask me anything” Lorna replied as she slid her dress back on over her head.

“Did that make you feel like you were missing ‘the old days?’ When we used to perform I mean?” Lara asked. Lorna though back to the kiss and how it had brought back some unfamiliar but pleasant memories.

“It did actually” she replied, “maybe we should do it again sometime” she added with a wink.

“Careful Madison!” Lara chuckled as she finished pulling on her shirt “I might just take you up on that!”

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