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31. David enters

30. The two prepare for David as b

29. The Important Things in Life

28. Further Down and Further Out

27. With Friends like These...

26. Using a Loophole

25. Impossible to Ignore

24. And He Sinks Deeper into His O

23. forsure

22. "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

21. That's one way to get efficien

20. *Loud Horny Noises*

19. A safety valve

18. It Comes to Mind

17. A retrospective

16. A Big-Ass Problem

15. Timing is Key

14. A Litle Nippy in Here

13. Vocal Support

12. Self Care

Meeting the New Match

on 2024-07-26 16:45:53

758 hits, 117 views, 5 upvotes.

Age Aware MTF TF

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I wish David thought that fertility and pregnancy were the most feminine things there were, especially the uncomfortable and inconvenient parts!

Karyn looked on in confusion. “I’m such a smartie!” Jon groaned. “Since David just wants to make me his girly arm candy, now he’s going to turn me into a parade float full of his babies!!” He’d at least kept enough brevity to avoid further abuse to his nipples.

“Wow, Jon. I can’t believe this is how you’ve always wanted to get off.” Karyn leaned back and crossed her arms. “Despite how much I’m sure you want me to leave you like this, I’d really like to have my friend back. I’m going to go talk to your family, and see what we can come up with. I wish I was at your Mom’s house, and that when David was done with you, you’d appear there too, naked and begging to be made into more of a milfy cow.” She disappeared.

“Thanks for letting me show my family how badly I want to be a stupidly busty short stack baby factory,” Jon whispered to no one.

The door handle clicked, and Jon whipped his head toward the door as it swung open. Across the threshold stepped a giant.

Part of it was Jon’s new size. David’s 6’6” frame would have towered over him, even at his old height. But from his new lower vantage point, he was a looming titan in a suit and tie. He was handsome in a boring middle-aged man sort of way, accented by glasses and a meticulously neat head of hair.

“Hello, Jon, ” he spoke pleasantly as he stepped through the door, closing it softly behind him. “It’s strange to introduce myself to the woman I’ve raised two children with, but I suppose these are unusual circumstances.”
Jon, so overcome with the bizarreness of the situation, could only think of one thing.

“You’re… hot!” He interjected.

It was true. Jon had never been into guys before now, and hadn’t really understood the attraction to them in such an abstract way. But he’d already learned from the tiny feet he’d inadvertently given himself that the stone could take liberties with wishes. He’d wished to be exactly as interested in women as Sue was, and so the stone had adjusted his interest in men as well.

His suit was well tailored, showing just a hint of his biceps under the fabric, and his large, powerful hands moved deliberately as he delicately lowered his glasses to look down at Jon with a soft smile that was equally loving and condescending.

“Goodness, can you think of anything besides sex?” He peeked behind Jon, into the kitchen. “Since you don’t have dinner ready, I’m going to assume the answer is ‘no.’” He held out his hand. “The stone?”

Jon knew he shouldn’t, that this would only make things worse. But he couldn’t help himself. Karyn, after all, had wished that he would give it over. He placed the stone gently, delicately, into David’s waiting palm, sealing his fate.
“Alright,” David began, taking off his jacket and loosening his tie. “I think we need to establish some ground rules for our relationship. Right after this I’ll be going out for some drinks with the boys from work, so I wasn’t planning on eating here tonight, but I’d expected you to have dinner ready for me regardless. I wish your breasts would steadily fill with milk until there was a meal in front of me.

Jon felt shallow ache in his chest as his mammary glands began their work. “Thank you David, I was worried I wouldn’t be a sloppy mess while I took care of you, but now I’m going to be extremely MMMMOOOOO!” This time, it was David who reached out and gave Jon’s nipple a painful pinch. It was a hard one, too, much rougher than Jon had been with himself. But most concerning was that it seemed like this was his husband being gentle. Jon whimpered, showing David clearly how much he was enjoying the situation if not the abuse to his chest.

“Did you wish all this for yourself?” David asked. “You’ve got yourself off to a good start, but we still have a lot of work to do, don’t we?” He looked down at Jon’s naked chest as a thin drop of milk ran down from his nipple, disappearing as it dribbled its way to his underboob. “No. It shouldn’t be that easy for you. I wish that when milk left your body, twice as much would appear back in your breasts unless you had express permission from someone around you to milk yourself.

“Yes, thank you, David!” Jon belted out his gratitude. “Now I can still be a milky mess without worrying about my tits being anything less than extremely, uncomfortably full. Even if I get them empty, all it will take is one grope from you and they’ll be topped up again.” Even now, they felt moderately more full from the bit that he’d leaked. The other one was starting up now, too, and it began releasing its own drips.
“That’s right, dear. Now, I suggest you start getting dinner ready, so you can start cleaning.” David sat down patiently at the table, still nearly as tall as Jon was even while he was seated. “I’m not eating tonight, but I still expect a full three courses.”

Jon bit his lip. What else could he do? He looked down at his breasts, still slowly leaking. “Yes, dear.” He winced at himself. His new wifely instincts were getting stronger.

He walked back into the kitchen, giving David a full view of his large rear. The dining room table where he was seated was only separated from the kitchen by a change in the floor from wood to tile, and David would be getting a whole unobstructed show while Jon attempted to cook.

But wait, he still had access to his milf instincts, an extremely lame superpower that was going to come in very handy for this specific instance. What could he make that was easy and fast? He searched through his memories. He remembered they had some shrimp in the freezer, he could season that and serve it up in just a few minutes. And Sue had done him a real solid, leaving half an apple pie in the fridge as an easy dessert. That just left the first course, but nothing obvious for it stood out in his memories. But he had enough get started.

He began to gather supplies, and immediately ran into a problem. He needed a frying pan, but they were in a cabinet above the stove, too high to reach. He ‘remembered’ there was a step stool in the corner of the kitchen just for him. He moved to grab it, catching a lustful smile from David as he turned around.

“I think it would be good for us to go over the ground rules,” David lectured, leaning back comfortably in his chair as Jon teetered on the step stool, still barely able to reach the top cabinet. “It’s my job to make sure you understand what it is you’re meant to do, and it’s your job to get it done. Understood?”

“Yes, honey,” Jon sighed.

“There’s a good place to start. I wish that from now on, if you ever referred to me as anything besides ‘Daddy,’ that two invisible hands would give your nipples a pinch.

That was going to be embarrassing, but regardless, Jon began his enforced routine of giving thanks. “It means so much to me, David, that you would MOOOOOOOOO!” Jon was taken by surprise as he immediately, carelessly called David by his name, and the sharp pinches he received in return turned into a broader ache as it induced more milk to down, dripping onto his stomach, making his breasts even more full as twice that volume appeared inside of them.

“Names are important, Sue, and from now on I’ll only refer to you as such, and I expect you to answer. Maybe we can come up with something more appropriate for you later, but it’ll do for now.”

“Yes… Daddy.” Jon frowned at the word as it left his mouth, feeling less wrong than he would have liked.

“That’s good. I know this is a big change, and I imagine there will be difficult times for both of us. I hope you understand that being stern is necessary to keep the transition as smooth as possible, and I have no plans to take it easy on you just because you’re new to this. The opposite, really.”

Jon was soon running into trouble. He’d wished to be clumsy in his new body, and so almost immediately began dropping his implements, hitting his breasts into things, and even bumping his hips into drawers and cabinets with a loud rattling noise.

But he was making progress regardless. Despite the growing soreness in his breasts, the dripping liquid running in slow drips down his torso, and his own constant horny whining noises, the shrimp was sizzling and the pie was quickly sliced and placed neatly on a plate. He just needed to figure out what to do about that first course. The whole time he worked, David spoke slowly and calmly.

“I expect the same treatment for breakfast, and for lunch on the days that I’m home. Since you wished me to be so tall, I require a lot from my meals. The food should be ready by the time I arrive, and still warm. You will, of course, take care of the house in its entirety. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, groceries, childcare, all of it will be solely your responsibility. I consider those to be the basics, and if you ever lapse in any of the basics, I’ll make absolutely sure you remember them in the future. There’s also the matter of sex, which I expect you to provide anytime it’s required of you. I’ll do my best to reciprocate, but understand that I have a very high stress job and quite a bit going on in my personal life. Don’t be surprised if your gratification takes a backseat.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Jon moaned. He couldn’t help himself, the way David was taking charge and bossing him around was just so hot. And he was at least a little grateful that, since his new husband wasn’t trying to help him, his speech lacked the constant teasing his conversation with Karyn. Though maybe from David he would have preferred it….

His clumsiness worsened as he worked. He dropped his spatula on the floor, and then clattered his containers of seasoning across the counter with his ass as he turned to the sink to wash it.

His breasts began to grow more sore as well, and they took more and more of his attention. While distracted by them, he knocked over a bottle of cooking oil with his chest as he turned, away from the pan, splashing some onto his breasts and spilling it across the counter. “Fuck!” He swore, righting the bottle, soaking his hands with oil in the process.

Before he could even move to begin cleaning it, he felt an enormous pair of hands on his ass. They fondled and shook it, and then after a quick, playful slap, quickly moved to his front, cupping both of the leaking mammaries that suddenly seemed much smaller when these hands were wrapped around them. Jon mooed in a low, embarrassed tone, still easily heard by David.

“I don’t think a lady should be swearing like that. I wish that your arms were an inch shorter.

“D… Daddy, thank you for making it even harder for me to reach anything in this house,” He squeaked out as his reach shortened ever so slightly. “I can’t wait for you to laugh at my fat ass helplessly begging you to reach for things on higher shelves.” Jon leaned forward to reach for paper towels to clean up his spill, pressing his rear into David as he did. He felt an erection pressing back. He moaned. It was so close!

“Mooooooo!” He cried out in annoyance as David gave his nipples one more twist before stepping away, prompting what was almost a stream. His tits were so full, and David had made it so the faster they leaked, the fuller they would get! He needed to wrap this up now. He needed relief.

He tossed open the fridge, grabbed a block of cheese and some lunch meat, and threw together some impromptu charcuterie. There, that was a first course done. It felt like it took forever, but the meal was finished.

The first meal he’d prepared for his new husband. Something he’d be doing every day for the rest of his life. He just wished he didn’t have to be stuck in this horrible female body while he did it!

He set the plates of food in front of David for his approval, carefully arranging them to maximize their appeal. David looked them over, carefully considering each. Jon desperately whimpered, showcasing the extreme arousal he felt to the whole room.

Then, in one smooth motion, David stood and bent Jon over the table, pushing one breast into the shrimp while the other crushed the apple pie. He again felt the erection from earlier pressed against him, and he panted at how close it was to being inside him, right where he needed it!

“I think if this is the best you can do, we have quite a bit of work in front of us, don’t we, Sue?” David asked, his voice perfectly even.

“Yes, Daddy!” Jon cried out in his soprano. Finally, this was it! What he’d been waiting for! He needed it so bad!

“Do I need to remind you of what your role is? You take care of the house, and all the people in it.” He leaned forward, and began whispering hot breath into Jon’s ear. “Is it because you didn’t experience making our family firsthand? Fine, I can help you relive it. I wish you were extremely fertile.

Jon didn’t feel the change directly, just his stomach dropping on hearing it. “Thank you, Daddy, for using my own womb to teach me a 10 month long lesson! I’m so lucky to have a man who doesn’t hold back, and will ruin my whole year just because of a single bad meal!” Jon hated every word he cried out, but he couldn’t deny how much he loved being completely at the mercy of this man.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he whispered back.

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