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122. Realization

121. Mikey Has Sixth Period PE Clas

120. Mikey Meets a New Friend

119. Mikey Finally Confesses

118. What do you want?

117. The Hallway

116. Theology vs Rationality

115. Miss Wright Gets It

114. Returning to School

113. Sabrina is Uncharacteristicall

112. Behind the Gym

111. Wrong School Again

110. The Kids in Class

109. Tiffany Gives Nadine a Lift

108. Tiffany Wants a Future With th

107. The Ferguson Household

106. Melissa's Changes Come to An E

105. Does Gena have an Idea?

104. Tyler Puts On Kyla's Clothing

103. A love triangle

Musical Closets Variation: Realization

on 2023-05-27 01:59:49

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"Mikey, run!" came the unnamed girl's voice.

He did it? Mikey snapped out of his surprise, then ran as far as he could go, which ended up being third base! The other two players made it to home base, winning them the game.

"Let's hear it for Myka! The third base girl!" the unnamed girl shouted.

"Wait, what did she just say?" Mikey wondered.

Mikey headed toward the infield, filled with adrenaline and something else. "You were great!" The girl insisted, pulling him toward the rest of the team, heading toward the locker room.

His surprise ratcheted up a level when he realized he was suddenly in a room full of girls who were getting undressed. It wasn't the sight of it...but more the surprise. "Are you going to change?" The girl asked, opening the locker next to hers.

Inside was a pair of jeans, a white top...and...was that a bra?

"Myka...what's with you today? First you disappear, now you are just staring into space" The girl asked.

Mikey pulled off the grey jersey, then shook his....long hair out of his eyes and looked down, realizing several things that had eluded him since he left middle school. "What did you call me?" He said, in a strained voice.

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