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Christine L.'s profile

Member since 2003-01-29 09:27:45

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Transformation Gun: The Un-Restoration Gun
Another previously unmentioned Transformation Gun
2024-07-26You Are What You Wish107
Transformation Guns: Relaxing for a bit, and a previously unmentioned Transformation Gun
A previously unmentioned Transformation Gun surfaces
2023-11-18You Are What You Wish106
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Intrusions from other realities?
Athena sees an interesting and unsettling conversation
2023-11-12You Are What You Wish17
Charity Stone Dark Reality: How Sarah's wish further affected the McMillans
Athena and Scarlett discover the McMillans' post-wish reality
2023-11-12You Are What You Wish16
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Which wish caused it?
Athena reads the list of recent wishes
2023-11-06You Are What You Wish15
Charity Stone Dark Reality: The Wish Detector
The Wish Detector
2023-11-06You Are What You Wish14
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Athena goes to the Occult Store
Athena seeks help from Scarlett, owner of the Occult Store
2023-10-30You Are What You Wish13
Charity Stone Devastation: Athena discovers the truth
Athena discovers the real cause of the disaster
2023-10-26You Are What You Wish12
The Obvious Proximity Stone2023-10-25You Are What You Wish4
Transformation Guns: Ryann, Larry, and Arnie test the multiple zap idea
They put the idea to the test
2023-08-24You Are What You Wish105
Transformation Guns: How to avoid Restoration Gun accidents
Ryann discusses the Restoration Gun situation
2023-08-23You Are What You Wish104
Transformation Guns: Arnie's dangerous test of a theory, and Peggy's apology
A tragedy narrowly averted, and an apology
2023-08-22You Are What You Wish103
Transformation Guns: Ryan to Ryann
Ryann explains things, and Arnie tests a theory
2023-08-21You Are What You Wish102
Transformation Guns: A lifesaving beneficial side effect? Jeffries and Carrie to the rescue
A lifesaving beneficial side effect?
2023-08-19You Are What You Wish101
Transformation Guns: Several transformations, and a dark turn of events
Several transformations, and a dark turn of events
2023-08-19You Are What You Wish100
Transformation Guns: Members of the Board make important, life-changing decisions
Decisions are made about the fate of the transformed Board members
2023-08-18You Are What You Wish99
Transformation Guns: Peggy's outburst, and Stragey's escape
Someone makes some noise, and someone escapes
2023-08-18You Are What You Wish98
Transformation Guns: Interview with a bank president turned female ninja
Anissa's session with Coakley
2023-08-17You Are What You Wish97
Transformation Guns: Quarterson and Stallsworth's sessions
Anissa speaks with two more of the transformees
2023-07-31You Are What You Wish96
Transformation Guns: McMillan's session with the psychiatrist
McMillan's session
2023-07-29You Are What You Wish95
Transformation Guns: Preparing for the sessions
Dr. Fairlane needs the right venue
2023-07-13You Are What You Wish94
Transformation Guns: Dr. Elaine tells her story
Dr. Anissa Fairlane hears the stories of Jeffries and Dr. Elaine
2023-05-20You Are What You Wish93
Transformation Guns: Calming the situation
Things get a bit heated before the doctors arrive
2023-05-20You Are What You Wish92
Transformation Guns: Rachel's friends arrive at a tense situation
Samantha and company reunite with Rachel and the transformed Board members
2023-05-10You Are What You Wish91
Transformation Guns: The Mime Gun and Peggy Pegany
It's the Mime Gun again
2023-04-29You Are What You Wish90
Transformation Guns: Samantha's group clears the way
Back to MTI, as Samantha's group clears the way
2023-04-29You Are What You Wish89
Transformation Guns: An address from Elizabeth Loughty
How the news media talks about the big change
2023-04-07You Are What You Wish88
Transformation Guns: Sarah calls McMillan Tech Industries
Sarah is finally able to contact MTI
2023-04-05You Are What You Wish87
Transformation Guns: Coping with change, and waiting
Linda talks with Mikey, Jon and Karyn ponder, and more from MTI
2023-04-02You Are What You Wish86
Transformation Guns: Explaining the situation to Jon's mother
Jon's mother and Mikey return home
2023-03-29You Are What You Wish85
The Random Stone (Zoe): Mini-mall becomes big mall
Michelle buys herself some more time
2023-03-28You Are What You Wish32
Faculty to the rescue2023-03-28You Are What You Wish25
Literal Stone: Super Hot Sports Car
A super hot sports car
2023-03-24You Are What You Wish5
Wishy Stone: The Stone Switcher's Motive Rant
Jon focuses on the Stone Switcher
2023-03-14You Are What You Wish8
Wishy Stone: Mind Reader
Mind reading
2023-03-13You Are What You Wish7
Your ideas for Transformation Gun spinoff/sequels
Response to the Transformation Gun comments and suggestions
2023-03-13The Forum3
Transformation Guns: McMillan Tech Industries settles in for a long night
Jerri escapes from MTI, and the others get to work
2022-08-27You Are What You Wish84
Transformation Guns: Planning the rest of the day
Nicole contacts Sarah
2022-08-27You Are What You Wish83
Transformation Guns: Zoe and Athena are let in on the secret
Zoe and Athena are let in on the secret
2022-08-27You Are What You Wish82
Transformation Guns: Looking back on past behavior
Back to Jon, Karyn, and Sarah
2022-08-27You Are What You Wish81
A pretty good reference
Good reference document
2022-08-24The Forum3
Transformation Guns: A long and crazy school day comes to an end
School finally lets out after a long and crazy day
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish80
Transformation Guns: Jay solves the puzzle
So, did Jay Duncan solve that treasure hunt division puzzle Mr. Matheson gave him a few episodes ago?
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish79
Transformation Guns: Explaining the whole situation to Sallow
They get Rachel on the phone to explain things
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish78
Transformation Guns: Bringing everyone up to date
Sallow proves to be still reasonable
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish77
Transformation Guns: Calling for a peaceful resolution
Resolving the situation peacefully, maybe
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish76
Transformation Guns: A seemingly futile confrontation
A Transformation Gun user fight ensues
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish75
Transformation Guns: Sallow's mutineers
Ryan, Samantha, and friends confront Sallow and his band of mutineers
2022-08-23You Are What You Wish74
Transformation Guns: Mr. Matheson's treasure chest
He does have the Seafarer Gun, but that's not all
2022-08-20You Are What You Wish73
Transformation Guns: Maritime math lesson
Back to Jay and Athena, and a strange math class
2022-08-20You Are What You Wish72
Transformation Guns: The Seafarer Gun, and a strange meeting
Mr. Sallow, the Seafarer Gun, and a strange meeting
2022-08-20You Are What You Wish71
Transformation Guns: Searching the Research and Development Department
Searching the halls, meeting Larry and Carrie
2022-08-20You Are What You Wish70
Isolated Obvious Stone: Wrong cheerleader uniform?
Sarah discovers different cheerleader outfits in her closet
2022-08-19You Are What You Wish6
The Random Stone (Zoe): Michelle figures out how it works
Michelle makes the right wish
2022-08-17You Are What You Wish31
The Random Stone (Zoe): Michelle escapes
Michelle escapes
2022-08-17You Are What You Wish30
Wishing Coins: Karyn's math class
In the midst of math class, Karyn remembers how things were before the wishes
2022-08-12You Are What You Wish10
Transformation Guns: Dr. Elaine, accountant turned doctor
Rachel and the doctor have a discussion
2022-08-09You Are What You Wish69
The Random Stone (Zoe): Karyn heard the rich girl wish
Karyn heard the rich girl wish
2022-08-09You Are What You Wish29
The Random Stone (Zoe): Jon becomes the richest girl in the world
Jon becomes the richest girl in the world
2022-08-08You Are What You Wish28
The Random Stone (Zoe): Someone is the richest girl in the world
Someone is the richest girl in the world
2022-08-08You Are What You Wish27
Wishing Coins: How reality-altering wishes affect Jon's first class of the day
Jon finds his first class has some surprises
2022-07-31You Are What You Wish9
Wishing Coins: A heartfelt wish
Carl James makes a wish
2022-07-31You Are What You Wish8
Wishing Coins: Learning more about the Wishing Coins
A letter explaining what the Wishing Coins are
2022-07-27You Are What You Wish7
Wishing Coins: Co-owners of the Performing Arts Center
Lunchlady Enid Parkes makes a wish, while Starla and company learn more about the Arts Center
2022-07-27You Are What You Wish6
Transformation Guns: Ryan and Samantha finally open the locker
Ryan and Samantha finally open the locker
2022-07-25You Are What You Wish68
Wishing Coins: Starla Stanfield
Starla Stanfield, from the drama club
2022-07-22You Are What You Wish5
Transformation Guns: Nicole finally hears back from Sarah
Nicole finally hears back from Sarah
2022-07-19You Are What You Wish67
Transformation Guns: Securing the stone
Designing a safe place to keep the stone
2022-07-17You Are What You Wish66
Transformation Guns: Sarah's turn to make a few wishes
Sarah makes a few good wishes
2022-07-16You Are What You Wish65
Transformation Guns: A greater understanding
Jon, Karyn, and Sarah know how everyone else feels about the situation
2022-07-16You Are What You Wish64
Transformation Guns: Wishes for knowledge
Wishes for knowledge
2022-07-16You Are What You Wish63
Transformation Guns: The personality-restoring wish works on almost everyone, with one exception
Does the wish work on everyone applicable, or is there an exception?
2022-07-16You Are What You Wish62
Transformation Guns: Confronting Jon at last
They go upstairs to Jon's room
2022-07-16You Are What You Wish61
Transformation Guns: Sarah and Karyn finally make some progress
So what have Sarah and Karyn been doing?
2022-07-15You Are What You Wish60
Transformation Guns: Jay and Kyla's phone conversation, and Nicole recalls earlier conversations
Jay and Kyla tell each other what's going on
2022-07-15You Are What You Wish59
Transformation Guns: Zelda's return, and Erika explains things
Zelda is changed back to a cybergoth
2022-07-14You Are What You Wish58
Transformation Guns: A Steampunk School Nurse, and more Goth musings
Back to Kyla, as we find out where Yuki Meshida and Nurse Dawn Carrington have been
2022-07-13You Are What You Wish57
Transformation Guns: The messy aftermath of the Random Gun craziness
The Random Gun overheats! Boom!
2022-07-09You Are What You Wish56
Transformation Guns: Transformation mania! Things spiral out of control!
Random Gun transformation craziness ensues
2022-07-08You Are What You Wish55
Transformation Guns: Stragey makes some changes
Stragey makes a few changes, but runs into an unexpected challenge
2022-07-08You Are What You Wish54
Transformation Guns: Hostile takeover attempt at McMillan Tech Industries
Meanwhile, at McMillan Tech Industries, Rachel is a reluctant accomplice in a hostile takeover scheme
2022-07-08You Are What You Wish53
Transformation Guns: Nadine's guilt
The Prude Gun zaps Steve
2022-07-07You Are What You Wish52
Transformation Guns: Nadine finally makes a decision
Nadine finally comes to a decision
2022-07-07You Are What You Wish51
Applied Trope: Tomboy and Girly Girl
Tomboy and Girly Girl
2022-07-07You Are What You Wish3
Transformation Guns: Calming down after the cafeteria chaos
Everyone pauses to rest and chat a bit
2022-07-05You Are What You Wish50
Transformation Guns: Athena rushes into action
Fortunately, Athena DOES have the pendant she's thinking of
2022-07-02You Are What You Wish49
Transformation Guns: Chaos in the cafeteria
Chaos in the cafeteria
2022-07-02You Are What You Wish48
Transformation Guns: Rachel McLewis is in the midst of chaos
Rachel McLewis is in trouble, so let's check in on her. Let's check in on Mycroft Brewer, too
2022-07-01You Are What You Wish47
Transformation Guns: Jerri's strange strategy, and Jeffries calls a bluff
Jeffries calls their bluffs, and Jerri seizes an opportunity
2022-07-01You Are What You Wish46
Transformation Guns: Negotiating with Jeffries, and McMillan Tech chaos upstairs
Will Jeffries cooperate? And what about Jerri?
2022-07-01You Are What You Wish45
Transformation Guns: Adjusting to changes
Others go out to search while Nicole and Chris discuss things
2022-06-29You Are What You Wish44
Transformation Guns: Jay and Athena meet Leonard, and learn more information
Jay and Athena talk to Leonard Drullers
2022-06-28You Are What You Wish43
Transformation Guns: The world is changed
How will Kyla, Nicole, and the others react?
2022-06-26You Are What You Wish42
Transformation Guns: Samantha's valiant attempt to avert disaster
Samantha's valiant attempt to avert disaster
2022-06-25You Are What You Wish41
Transformation Guns: Ryan gets a lucky break, but is too late to prevent a catastrophe
A Transformation Gun can't change someone into something they already are
2022-06-25You Are What You Wish40
Transformation Guns: Crisis at McMillan Tech Industries
Ryan goes out to find his friends
2022-06-25You Are What You Wish39
Transformation Guns: The source of the Transformation Guns
The origin of the Transformation Guns
2022-06-15You Are What You Wish38
Transformation Guns: Chris, Steve, and Principal Davison changed by the Babe Gun
The Babe Gun changes Chris Morgan, Steve Farber, and Principal Davison
2022-06-11You Are What You Wish37
Transformation Guns: More drama at the Principal's office
More drama at the principal's office
2022-06-10You Are What You Wish36
Transformation Guns: Sarah and Karyn argue
Karyn and Sarah are still arguing outside Jon's house
2022-06-10You Are What You Wish35

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