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9. Jon’s day

8. Jon goes shopping

7. Tap Out : Linda’s Morning

6. Tap Out - Jon gets dressed

5. Tapping Out

4. Jon’s Mom has had enough

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon’s day

avatar on 2024-10-19 09:54:32

706 hits, 111 views, 5 upvotes.


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Jon finished up the shopping shortly afterwards, and was only slightly caught off guard when the cashier called him ‘ma’am’. He cursed himself the whole drive home for many reasons. Making the stupid wish, letting his mother force him into this, agreeing to yoga with Bethany, everything. Before he knew it he was walking through the front door, grocery bags hanging from his arms. He headed into the kitchen and dumped the bags in the table. Almost instinctually her started putting things away, knowing where everything was supposed to go thanks to his wish for knowledge.

“There we go, now to tidy this place up!” He sighed. For a moment he didn’t know where to begin, then a thought popped into his mind.

“Laundry!” He exclaimed, before he went upstairs and began to go room to room gathering up anything that looked dirty. It felt weird walking into his own room, but feeling like a stranger in it. Once he had enough for a load of lights and a load of darks, he went to the utility room and stuck the first bundle in the machine. Next he set about dusting the living room, wiping down the kitchen, mopping the bathroom, moving the washing into the dryer and putting on a second load, hoovering the entire house, taking the load out the dryer and swapping it for the second.

“There!” He said feeling a little wiped as he placed the first dry load of clothes in a basket ready to be ironed when everything else was done. He glanced up at the clock on the wall. It read 13:30.

“Seriously, I started at half 10!” He moaned, “better get ready and go!” He sighed. He got to his aching feet and made his way to his moms bedroom and knew exactly where to find her workout clothes. He grabbed a sports bra, pink and black tank top, and matching yoga pants, and swapped them for his current attire, along with a pair of plain white trainers, before rushing downstairs and out to the car. He already knew the way to the Black household and got there with minutes to spare. He rang the bell and was greeted by Bethany who was now wearing a black cropped tshirt and black and white pattered yoga pants.

“Linda! Just in time!” She beamed, ushering Jon inside, “Ive literally just set up the mats in the living room” she added as she led him through the house. Sure enough, two yoga mats were laid out in the middle of the living room floor.

“Ok then!” Bethany said, clapping her hands together excitedly, “get those shoes off and we’ll begin!” Jon nodded reluctantly, and slipped the trainers off his feet, feeling the soft carpet on his bare soles.

“We’ll start with some easy stretches first.” Bethany said, stepping onto her mat, with Jon following suit, “just do what I do” she added as she raised her arms above her head and arched her back slightly. Jon watched her for a second then copied her motions. He glanced down and couldn’t help but notice that the way his sports bra puffed out a little, gave the impression of breasts underneath his top.

“Weird” he muttered.

“What’s weird?” Bethany groaned as she stretched herself.

“Oh…uh… just how relaxing this stretching is” Jon replied quickly.

“You think that’s good, try this next one then!” Bethany smirked as she leaned forward at the waist and planted her hands on the floor. She pushed herself back a little until she was in a downward dog pose.

“Try it” she said with a little grunt of exertion. Jon shrugged inwardly to himself, there was no use fighting it. Although he wasn’t exactly sure if he was flexible enough to pull off the pose. He folllowed what Bethany had done, and to his surprise his body allowed him to match her.

“And if you just push back a little” Bethany instructed.

“Ok, I….oh wow!” Jon gasped as he felt his muscles tensing and stretching in all the right places.

“I know right!” Bethany grinned at him, “now we’ll move downwards like this” she added as she bent her knees and lowered herself down onto her knees and stretched her arms out ahead of her. Jon followed, finding the movements a lot easier than he thought he would.

“Push your shoulders down and arch your back a bit more!” Bethany instructed, and Jon instantly felt the difference. He felt his ass move up into the air, and the tight fabric of the yoga pants cling to his backside as he did.

They continued doing various poses for the next half hour, and finally Bethany sat cross legged on the floor.

“Aaaand we’re done!” She said, and Jon felt a sense of relief. He was actually a little puffed out, but felt a lot looser and relaxed than he did before. Bethany began to move a shoulder up and down.

“Urgh, I’ve still got a knot here” she grumbled, “do me a favour and see if you can get it for me” she added.

“Oh…uh sure,” Jon stammered, he’d always found Bethany quite attractive, and he’d had a few fantasy about her, and would have jumped at the chance to give her a massage. But as he began to massage her neck and shoulder, he was surprised he didn’t feel any untoward feelings at all, and an understanding came into his mind.

‘Makes sense, Linda wouldn’t have any attraction to another woman, so I guess I don’t now?’ This thought cause his jaw to drop, this wish had even affecting his feelings?

“Oh that’s the spot!” Bethany said happily, “that should see me through the day! Thanks” She added after a few minutes.

“D…don’t mention it?” Jon ventured.

“This was fun with someone else” Bethany said as she got to her feet, “we should make this a regular thing” she added.

“Oh totally!” Jon replied, and he actually meant it, “but I better get going. The kids will need picking up soon” he added, looking at the clock on the mantle. They said their goodbyes and Jon began to short drive back to the school, thinking about all the chores he still had to do at home and wondering where the heck most of the day had gone.

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