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8. Jon goes shopping

7. Tap Out : Linda’s Morning

6. Tap Out - Jon gets dressed

5. Tapping Out

4. Jon’s Mom has had enough

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon goes shopping

avatar on 2024-10-19 07:28:38

686 hits, 124 views, 1 upvotes.


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Jon arrived at the grocery store, having somehow known the quickest way to get there from the school. He sat in the car for a moment, trying to collect himself. It seemed like the entire town had decided to do their shopping today, as huge crowds of people flowed in and out of the store.

“What am I doing?” He muttered to himself, as he got out the car and slung Linda’s purse over his shoulder, “what if somebody sees I’m a teenage boy in my moms clothes?” He added as he started walking towards the store. He grabbed a cart from by the door and headed in, his heart pounding with fear. This eased off when he slowly realised that nobody was really paying any attention to him. With a slight sigh of relief he fished Linda’s, now his he guessed, phone out from the purse and found a small shopping list in the notes app.

“Let’s get this done nice and quick” he muttered as he began to hurry around the store, keeping his head down as he went. Thankfully he managed to find everything he needed pretty easily, and started to feel a little more confident, but just as he came out the end of one aisle a voice called to him.

“Linda?” Jon froze as a blonde woman waved him over. Jon hesitated for a second, then not wanting to be rude or do anything suspicious, he walked over to her.

“Morning Bethany!” He said, forcing a smile as he headed over to Karyn’s mother, “how are you?”

“Oh you know, same shit different day. And you?” She asked.

“You would believe the day I’m having” Jon chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease that someone he knew relatively well hadn’t spotted anything wrong with the situation.

“Tell me about it!” Bethany laughed, “I swear I have more work to do at home then I do at my actual job sometimes!” She added.

“Exactly!” Jon replied, happy she understood him, “I never realised how much mom…s…us moms, had to do in the day” he hoped his little recovery went unnoticed. Bethany seemed to eye him for a few moments before she broke out into another laugh.

“I know, they could have put that in the handbook!” She chuckled, “At least I’ve only got Karyn to worry about, I dread to think how much more you’ve got with three” she added.

“A lot more!” Jon replied.

“I can imagine,” Bethany smiled, “tell you what, I’ve got a few more errands to run, but why don’t you come round thisafternoon for a bit of yoga? I find it always help me de-stress”

“Oh, I’m not sure about that” Jon replied.

“Nonsense Linda, I insist” Bethany replied, “trust me, you’ll feel miles better afterwards. You always tell me you want to try it anyway. Come by around 2?” She added, staring him down.

“Yeah…ok” Jon replied, feeling a little defeated, “I’ll see you then” he added.

“Good, well I won’t keep you” Bethany said with a wide smile, “and wear something comfortable” she added as she hurried off.

“What the hell did I just do?” Jon grumbled to himself.

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