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168. Wakey wakey, Jen

167. Karyn wakes up first

166. Random wishes on a Friday nigh

165. Fiona’s mammoth member

164. Sharing with friends

163. Zoe comes home

162. Around town...

161. Jen gets a visitor

160. Elsewhere…

159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

Chick for a Dick: First Morning as a Chick

on 2024-10-16 11:52:44
Episode last modified by ekempo5000 on 2024-10-16 11:54:59

429 hits, 71 views, 7 upvotes.

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Everything hurt. Head, eyes, throat, back, hips. All throbbed with pain. And then there was the nausea. Even behind closed eyes, the room was spinning. And the lingering odor of puke only made the sensation worse.

But beyond the pain, everything felt… off. Padding where there shouldn’t have been. Weight where the shouldn’t have been. Too much hair up top, and not enough everywhere else. It was like waking up in the wrong body.

Which is exactly what was happening.

Jen groaned and tried to stretch, but muscles sore from spending the entire night lying on a hardwood floor screamed in resistance. Another groan escaped her lips, and her hungover brain tried to process why it sounded so weird to her ears.

“I wish I wasn’t so fucking hungover,” she grumbled.


Her eyes snapped open. Like a blanket being ripped off of her, the intense headache and encompassing nausea were stripped away. In their place, a slight throbbing at the temples and a mild case of dry mouth were all that remained. Nothing a large glass of water couldn’t fix. But Jen was not grateful for the relief. She was terrified.

She looked at the outstretched right arm that was lying on the floor, and the stone it held in its curled, manicured fingers. She sat up swiftly, letting out a grunt as two heavy weights pulled down her chest before swinging like pendulums. She looked down and gasped at the tits.


She stood up on wobbly legs, still sore from her drunken choice of resting place. The rose pink silk robe hung loosely on her curvy body. She looked around for a mirror, and was confused and disoriented as she took in the sight of the room around her.

The study was massive. It was easily as big as the entire bedroom Jon had previously wished up for himself. The far end of the room was a series of floor to ceiling windows through which the early morning sun was now pouring in. The two side walls were shelves that covered them completely and were filled with a colorful collection of books. The final wall had a door that sat between two enormous paintings.

Near the bookshelves to the left of the window wall was a plush chair, perfect for reading. And in front of that was Cathy, the coffee table-girl. Her altered body was facing towards the window, giving her a view of the outside world and giving anyone who walked into the study a full view of her wooden ass and pussy. Across the room was a massive wooden desk that matched Cathy’s coloration. Behind the desk was Erica, Cathy’s former friend and now Jen’s office chair. And kneeling on the desk was Vicki, the cheerleader-turned-computer.

But the sprawling grandeur of the luxurious room and its unusual occupants were not even a thought in Jen’s mind at the moment. She was looking down at her mostly naked body with a mixture of disbelief and regret. Memories of the previous day came flooding back to her.

Going to school as Jon. Having fun with the stone. Accidentally becoming a girl. Lunch with her new clique. Rushing home in tears. Fiona coming over to check on her. The two getting drunk. Jen being unable to keep her eyes off of Fiona’s massive dick and the uncomfortable feelings it was stirring inside her new body. Fleeing the bedroom and hiding in a random room. Puking. Then darkness.

Jen looked to the floor and saw the mostly dried puddle. The disgusting mess on her new floor was the least of her concern. She had been holding the stone all night! She needed to know if she had made her situation any worse.

“I wish to know if I made any wishes in my sleep last night.”


The answer immediately filled her mind. No. Unfortunately, if Jen had worded her wish a little better, she may have been aware of the wishes she had made the previous evening, or the wish Karyn had made just before Jen had woken up. However, Jen remained blissfully ignorant that any additional wishes had been made with the stone outside of her knowledge.

Jen let out a sigh. As sexually confusing as Fiona’s visit had been, she had given Jen some helpful advice. Jen was rich, beautiful, and practically all powerful even without the stone. She could have almost anything she desired. The only thing she couldn’t do was make herself Jon again. She would just have to live with it.

Jen reached down and gathered her robe in her hands and wrapped it around her body. It was badly wrinkled and looked a mess, but it was the only clothes she had. The wardrobe in her room had only consisted of the robe and an assortment of sexy underwear.

“All of the money in the world, and no clothes,” she muttered to herself.

She made sure to stay clear of the puke puddle and headed for the door. She tried to open it, but found that it was locked. Jen briefly wondered why she felt she needed to lock herself inside, but shrugged and brushed it off as just a drunken mistake. She unbolted the door and stepped back into the hallway of her private floor.

The rows of mystery doors flanker her on either side. She desperately hoped one of them had clothes. And a bathroom, she thought dryly as the pressure on her bladder became painfully noticeable.

She needed help. A guide for her own house. She needed-


She spoke the name aloud and wait. After a couple moments, Jen heard the elevator behind her whirl to life. She turned and watched the analog floor indicator above the doors climbing higher and higher until there was the gentle ding of a bell. The doors slid open to reveal Lisa. She was wearing a white bathrobe that was pulled open enough to grant an enticing view of her cleavage.

The exposed flesh caught Jen’s attention; and as she was shorter than she had been as Jon, Lisa’s tits were now level with her chin. Lisa smiled brightly at Jen. “Good morning, Mistress.”

“Morning, Lisa. I’d like you to help me get cleaned up.”

“Of course, Mistress. I am pleased to assist you. Right this way.”

Lisa stepped off the elevator and moved past Jen down the hall. Jen followed closely behind as they walked past door after door. Jen was pondering just what could be behind them when they arrived at the end of the hall. Instead of going into the double doors at the end, which Jen knew entered her new bedroom, they turned right and entered that door instead.

“Bathroom” was not an appropriate title for the space they had stepped into. This was a spa. Sure, there was a counter with a sink and a little alcove with a toilet, but this was so much more. The counter was enormous with separate stations for everyday hygiene as well as a sink with a seat in front of it for getting a haircut. There was a complete separate makeup station that had more products than an average sized cosmetic counter. There was a door that lead into a sauna, while another door led into a bathing space with an intimidatingly complex looking shower.

“Would you like to bathe here, Mistress, or would you prefer the onsen?” Lisa asked. Jen’s head spun. She had her own hot spring bath on top of all of this?! “No. No, here is fine,” she whispered.

Lisa said nothing but proceeded towards the shower. She pressed a few buttons on a control panel outside the shower, which was identical to a separate panel which was inside the shower, and a designated selection of the jets inside sprayed to life. Specifically, a full ceiling of jets that made the shower look like a contained rain storm.

“The water will be at full temperature in a moment, Mistress. You may disrobe,” Lisa reported. Jen felt her blood run cold. Disrobe? As in… naked? Like this? Jen squirmed and looked down at her body. Sure it was incredibly hot, it was just still bizarre to accept that this body was hers. She looked back at Lisa who had a look of amused disbelief on her face.

“Mistress… are you… shy?” she asked teasingly. Jen looked away, her inability to answer speaking volumes. The sound of cloth rustling pulled Jen’s gaze back to Lisa just in time to see the discarded robe hit the floor. Lisa stood before Jen completely naked, her beauty laid bare before her owner.

“Nobody here but us girls,” Lisa said coyly. She turned around and opened the shower door, her bare ass jiggling enticingly. She reached a hand into the cascade of water and hummed. “The water is ready, Mistress.”

Conflicting impulses clashed inside of Jen. Lisa was just as enticing as ever, but the responses Jen was feeling in her body as she took in the sight of the naked blonde beauty was different than what she was used to. Very, very different. She felt her cock stiffen against the silk robe it hid beneath, but there was more. She felt a heat in her chest that radiated to two points that hardened in anticipation of being touched. An aching sensation ignited down below, tucked behind her balls. It was like an itch that was intensifying, begging to be scratched. A longing.

Jen shifter her stance, trying to squeeze her legs and satiate the foreign desire that was growing there. As she did, the silk robe brushed against her legs and she let out a girlish gasp. Her skin felt more sensitive, and the feeling of the fabric caressing it only stoked the fires of desire higher.

Of all of the sensations pulsing through Jen’s body, there was one that took priority over all the others. “Lisa, um, how about you get started and I’ll join you in a minute.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

The blonde opened the glass door and stepped into the show, the water cascading over her perfect skin. Jen watched as Lisa ran her fingers through her hair, causing it to cling to her back. The pressure in her bladder overrode Jen’s lust and she quickly hurried to the toilet.

As Jen stepped up to the porcelain fixture and lifted the seat, she froze. This was the first time she had gone to the bathroom since her transformation. She didn’t know how her new plumbing worked. Since she now had a penis and a vagina, how did she piss? Did it come out of both? Did she now have to pee sitting down like other girls even though she had a dick?

She looked down at the stone still in her hand. Should she make a wish to better understand her new body? Maybe she should just wish to only pee out of her dick. But would that make other unexpected changes?

Jen spotted a small, but opulent, wooden table next to the toilet that had a pile of magazines stacked on top of it. Evidently Jen was a bathroom reader. She placed the stone on top of the pile of magazines and untied her robe and let it slide off of her shoulders to the floor. She was still too nervous to make wishes directed towards herself. Since she didn’t want to make a mess she swallowed her pride, lowered the toilet seat, and sat down.

It was a bit tricky getting her dick into position. It was semi-erect and she needed to shift back a little to give it enough space to tilt down towards the bowl. Once everything was in position, Jen experimentally squeezed the familiar muscles. She was relieved, in more ways than one, when a stream of urine surged out through her dick.

Jen glanced at the table and started to look at the magazine spines. Most were fashion and gossip magazines, but there were a couple porn magazines in the mix as well. Her mind drifting, Jen was pulled back to the task at hand when she suddenly felt a wave of wetness trickling out of her and the familiar sound of a stream of liquid hitting water was joined by a hissing dribble.

Jen huffed, glad that she had decided to sit down. It appeared that she could, in fact, relieve herself from either opening. Her lack of concentration had diverted the flow of her waste. She felt unnerved to be peeing like a girl. She was going to need to practice to make sure she kept peeing like she used to. She let out a heavy sigh.

Going to the bathroom had just become a very complicated task.

Even with all of the drinking she had done the previous evening and not using the bathroom an entire day, relieving herself from two openings emptied Jen’s bladder very quickly. As the flows subsided, Jen had to admit she felt much better. She was about to stand up when the lingering wetness down below caught her attention. She had peed like a girl, so now she needed to clean up like a girl.

She grabbed a wade of toilet paper and reached down, unsure of the proper way to clean herself. She blotted everything until it felt mostly dry and dropped the clump into the bowl. She stood up and turned around, taking her dick in her hand. The sensation of her new, dainty hand still felt alien to her, but she was glad she at least knew what to do with this organ. She gripped it firmly and gave it a couple shakes, flinging the lingering drops of piss from its mouth. Her dick’s expression seemed vacant and distant, almost euphoric.

Jen raised an eyebrow as she inspected her member. Her cock had acted weird yesterday, and now it seemed really out of it. As she looked on, her cock had a grin spread across its face as it stated back at her.

Jen shook her head and released her cock, letting it returned to dangling between her legs. Guess that was a really good piss, she thought.

Jen still felt a weirded out from the experience. Everything about her body was unsettling to her. She hoped that she would eventually get used to it. It wasn’t like she really had much of a choice.

Jen crossed the room and approached the shower door. Beyond the water splattered glass, the space was enveloped by a thick shroud of steam. She opened the door and stepped inside. The warm water immediately made Jen gasp as it pelted her skin. It felt much warmer than she was accustomed to, but it somehow felt… right. Her muscles relaxed and Jen realized just how stressed she had been as the tension melted from her body.

She closed her eyes and felt the water cascade over her. Her long hair became saturated and clung to her back, and she found herself actually enjoying the feeling. Her nipples tingled as drops landed on them and she reached her hands up to feel them. She hummed as she felt her delicate hands upon them. It was still freaky to have tits, but at this moment, Jen was actually glad to have them. They felt amazing. If only-

Jen shrieked as a pair of hands settled on her ribs below her mounds. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Lisa standing before her, a look of shame on her face.

“I-I am so sorry, Mistress! I could sense you wanted someone to touch you! I did not mean to-“

Jen reached forward and grabbed her love toy and pulled her into a deep kiss. Lisa immediately responded by melting into Jen’s arms and enthusiastically returning her embrace. Jen let her hands explore Lisa’s body, and she was pleased that Lisa returned the favor. Jen’s body felt like an exposed nerve, like all of her body was alight with her passion.

A moan echoed against the tile walls, and Jen pulled away to look down at her crotch. Her cock was fully erect and was looking up at her and Lisa in anticipation. Jen looked up and saw that Lisa was also looking down at the erect member with a lustful smile.

“Lisa,” Jen said softly.

The blonde looked up into her eyes. “Yes, Mistress?”

“Show me how good my body can feel.”

Without a word, Lisa leaned in and kissed her again. Only this time it was tender. Sensual. Jen hummed against the tongue in her mouth. She felt Lisa’s hands go to her chest and cup her breasts. She kneaded them softly, and Jen moaned as she felt an electric tingle run through her. Jen waited for her to squeeze them and fondle them, like Jon had done with so many of his lovers. But that didn’t happen. Lisa wasn’t manhandled her Mistress. She knew how to properly pleasure Jen’s endowments.

Jen lost track of time and the world around her. She didn’t hear the pouring water, even feeling it on her skin was a pleasant background sensation as she was caressed. Her hands reached up and she ran her fingers through her soaked hair before instinctively gripping it in and giving it a gentle tug. The feeling made her quiver. Her daze was shattered as she felt something brush between her legs. She looked down to see Lisa was now kneeling before her, her hands reaching up to continue playing with her tits. But Lisa had grown an additional pair of arms below her lower set, and her new left hand was disappearing between her legs.

“My,” Lisa cooed, “you are sensitive today, Mistress.”Jen felt another jolt fire from her crotch.

“What… what are you doing?” Jen gasped.

“Just a little teasing to get you ready,” Lisa replied, staring ahead at her Mistress’ crotch.

“Are you… fingering me?” Jen asked with trepidation.

Lisa shook her head. “No, just teasing your lips a little.” Jen’s head swam. She had no idea what any of her new parts felt like. Her only experience had been with Pervert and that had been so turbulent that she had been unable to register what had been happening during the encounter. Jen was brought back to the present when Lisa looked up into her eyes.

“Now this,” she said, “is fingering you.”

Jen gasped as she felt something slide inside her. She felt muscles she didn’t even know she had clamp down and squeeze the invader. She pressed her legs together, unsure if she was trying to get it out or hold it in place.

“Oh, Mistress, you’re so tight!” Lisa groaned. “I wonder how you’ll react to two fingers!”

A finger! I have a finger inside me! Inside my… my…

Jen cried out as she felt more stretched out. The two appendages flexed slightly and began to trace her insides.

My pussy! My cunt! My slit! I have two fingers in my twat!

Jen began to moan and shudder. Her knees weakened and she sank to the floor. Lisa never missed a beat, continuing to show her Mistress just how much pleasure she could provide. Just as she had been instructed to.

Jen gasped as Lisa’s second right hand entered the fray, gingerly grasping Jen’s nuts. Jen could hear a distant moan that was wetly cut off and she could feel the thick globs of pre-cum dribbling out of her cock’s mouth. Jen looked past the breasts heaving on her chest towards Lisa. It appeared as if the girl was waiting for Jen to look as her, because as soon as they made eye contact, Lisa opened her mouth wide and plunged it all the way to the hilt of Jen’s dick.

Jen twitched and quivered on the shower floor. Her tits were being massaged, her balls fondled, her cock deepthroated, and her slit fingered all at the same time. It was more than Jen could comprehend. The pleasure was coursing through her entire body. There was no way things could be more-

Jen screamed as a bolt of ecstasy erupted from her crotch. She bucked and jolted, the pleasurable assault on her body was inescapable. It was rising, building higher and higher, and she felt like she was seeping out of her own body when suddenly an invisible dam inside her shattered like glass and a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her. Jen felt her balls clench, her inner walls clamp down, and her cock throb as the orgasm quaked through her.

Jen couldn’t think straight. All of her faculties were compromised. It was more powerful than all of the booze she had drank the previous night. She was barely aware of Lisa giggling between her legs. Through droopy, blurry eyes, Jen tried to focus on the girl lying between her legs. She had cum dribbling down her chin which she was wiping away with one of her right index fingers before she popped it in her mouth and slurped it off. It was obvious she was enthralled with the flavor.

“Your cum is always so delicious, Mistress. Almost as tasty as your juices,” the girl said. Jen groaned as she felt herself being emptied. She watched on as Lisa retracted her new left hand and brought it to her face. Even under the constant downpour of the shower, the viscous strands of grool on the index and middle finger of Lisa’s hand were visible. The living love toy wrapped her mouth around the digits and sucked them clean.

Seeing her Mistress watching her, Lisa made a show of savoring the juices on her fingers before pulling them out with an audible pop. She grinned and gave Jen a thumbs up. It was then Jen saw the last trick Lisa had played. There, on the pad of her thumb, was a tiny mouth smiling at her that mirrored the one on Lisa’s face. Lisa had waited until Jen was reaching the apex of pleasure, and she had then used that tiny mouth on her thumb to play with Jen’s clit.

Jen was unable to conceive of any other response other than to give Lisa a thumbs up of her own before feeling herself melt into the floor of the shower, completely spent. As Jen lay on the warm tile, feeling the hot water continue to rain down on her quivering body, she couldn’t help but wonder what getting fucked by a cock would feel like.

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