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167. Karyn wakes up first

166. Random wishes on a Friday nigh

165. Fiona’s mammoth member

164. Sharing with friends

163. Zoe comes home

162. Around town...

161. Jen gets a visitor

160. Elsewhere…

159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

Chick for a Dick: Chick is Cock

on 2024-10-08 17:07:28
Episode last modified by ekempo5000 on 2024-10-14 16:17:14

547 hits, 77 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware FTP Inanimate MTF Mem

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The light of the morning sun was slowly illuminating the silent room. The darkness of night bled away and shrank into long shadows as the dawn broke. As the sun continued its steady climb, a wave of light appeared on the wall across from the full length windows and began to reach down towards the floor.

As the wave of light moved across the hardwood floor, it crept up the bare legs of the mostly naked form lying in a drunken stupor. The figure was oblivious to the dawn, but the appendage between its legs was not. As light poured across her face, Karyn winced in discomfort. She tried to raise her arms to block out the oppressive brightness, but they fail to respond to her. In fact, she couldn’t even feel them.

A sickly, acrid smell emanated from somewhere close by. Karyn reluctantly opened her eyes, the intense pounding in her head making her desperate for that damn light to disappear so she could sleep off the intense sickness she was feeling. She was met with blinding pain that only made her feel like she had been run over by a bus. She groaned and tried to pull her sheets over her head, but her arms again refused to obey her. In fact, she didn’t even feel her sheets. Or her mattress. Whatever she was lying on was warm. Almost like-

Memories flashed back to Karyn. She reluctantly opened her eyes and braved the light. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a massive puddle of puke on the floor a short distance away from her on the wooden floor. She looked away and took in the sight of a pair of giant, feminine legs stretching away from her. Jen’s legs.

The previous day began to replay in her head. She had stopped by Jen’s, had seen her chance, and had wished herself back to being her best friend’s penis. But Jen wasn’t her best friend anymore. She was selfish and cruel. She had told Karyn a sample of what she had done with the stone, and it had horrified her.

And aroused her.

Karyn couldn’t help it, but the power of the stone had always intoxicated her. The previous week, she had even wished for Jen to be more open and excited to use the stone. And now it appeared she had created a monster. She was not the Jen she remembered. And according to Jen, there had not even been a Jen to begin with. “Jen” had apparently been “Jon” up to some point the day before.

And Karyn was now trapped as the most intimate body part of this complete stranger. Karyn had wished to be a dick like she had previously been, and that meant the escape mechanism they had developed would not work. She was stuck as she was until at least the upcoming Friday morning. All she could do was hope that when her wish ended she could get things back to normal.

Whatever “normal” was anymore.

But Jen had mentioned others that had been changed. Changes Karyn had seen but didn’t recognize. In a week she might be able to get free, but what of those others? Who were they? What had Jen done to them? Was there any hope for them? Could Karyn do anything about it?

As if Fate had heard her, Jen shifted and brought her right hand to lay on her lower abdomen. Her right hand that still gripped the stone. Karyn fought back against the hangover Jen had unwittingly assaulted her with. She needed to make a plan, and FAST! She could barely feel the hardness of the stone against her base where what used to be her ass was joined to Jen’s crotch. As soon as Jen shifted even slightly, she may lose her one chance at a wish.

But what to wish for? She couldn’t just undo everything Jen had done. Even undoing her own transformation into a penis had taken specific planning and wording. And she couldn’t make Jen remember her, because that would conflict with the wish she had made yesterday. But she had to do something. Something that she could use to her advantage when she changed back in a week. Something-

Jen groaned. The sunlight had worked its way up her sleeping body and was beginning to rouse her just as it had Karyn. It was now or never! Karyn had to make a wish!

“I wish that I knew everything that has been changed!”


Karyn's shout had sent her nausea into overdrive. She fought back a gag, wondering if she could even throw up as she was. Of course it couldn't throw up. People throw up, not cocks like it.

It accepted the thought before recoiling in dread. “It?” She had briefly thought of herself as nothing but a thing! Her head spun, but not from the booze in her and Jen's system, but from colliding realities in her mind. It wasn’t like before where she remembered two lives, her human life and her existence as a living penis. It was multiple realities where each change of the stone had changed something. Sometimes it was a small change, sometimes it was enormous. But they all made a separate reality. And Karyn was becoming aware of them. And she wasn’t just recalling them, she was living them. Experiencing them. She didn’t just remember. She knew.

Just like she had asked for.

She stared blankly at the legs extending away from her. Jen’s legs. She then recalled Jon’s masculine legs. Jon! She remembered Jon! She tried to look up towards his… her face, but it was blocked by twin mountains of tits. Jon didn’t have tits. Jen had tits. They both existed in Cock’s mind.

Wait… Cock?

Of course. That’s what Jon had always called it. Or sometimes Dick. Penis. Privates. Rod. It was all of those.

Karyn shook her head vigorously. Alternate realities were flooding her mind, stacking on top of one another. The act caused the room to spin and Coc- KARYN! Karyn opened her eyes and tried to steady her equilibrium.

She looked around and recognized Jen’s lavish study. She had visited Jen here plenty of times. No... she hadn’t. Jon didn’t have a study like this. Wait, that wasn’t right. Jon didn’t have a study at all. No, there was a study. Jen had fucked a cheerleader on the coffee table. Wait... the coffee table wasn’t a table. It was a girl who got changed into one! No, it was the chair that had been a girl! The girl...chair... chair-girl Jon sat in while he jacked off Cock while looking at porn on his computer. His computer! It was Vicki from World Studies! No. No it was V.I.C.-E. Cock wished the computer was human. Cock had always hoped Jen would fuck Vicki with it. No! She was not an it!

But it was. It was Cock. She was Karyn. Both.

She had made a mistake. It was loosing itself. Couldn’t keep realities straight. It had to fix this!

Jen whined and turned on her side, moving dangerously close to the puddle she had vomited onto the floor the previous evening. As she repositioned herself, her right arm stretched out and braced herself against the floor.

Cock watched on in horror. The stone was a full arm’s length away, but it might as well be half the world away. It was completely out of reach. Now how would Cock wish for a morning blowjob? Wait… was that what it wanted to wish for? No! Karyn needed to fix things. She needed to focus! She needed to get laid! NO! She wanted things to be back to normal!


What was normal?

Alternate realities assaulted her mind. Karyn. Jon. Cock. Jen. Person. Penis. Friend. Host? Which was real?!

All of them.

She was Karyn Black, Jon Gibson’s best friend. It was Jen Gibson’s penis. It was Cock.

Cock looked around the room. It remembered Jon’s original room. This was so much better. It glanced between the coffee table, the chair, and the computer. It could now tell they all used to be human, but the only one out of the three it could remember was Vicki. Karyn had known Vicki, but Cock recognized all three of the items in Jen’s office. Jen had sat in that chair while she fucked a cute exchange student with Cock.

Cock hardened at the memory. It tried to remember the girl and did not experience any overlapping versions of reality. She had just been a normal girl that Jen had seduced. Jen was good very good at getting what she wanted. Not like shy Jon. He was so cute. Karyn had always had a soft spot for him. No wonder Cock had wanted to stay as his penis.

Cock let out a vapid giggle. Why had it been so worried? So many realities, and in most of them it has always been a penis. This was normal. It missed Jon, but it was so hot being attached to such a knockout like Jen. Maybe Cock could keep Jen focused on only using the stone on people who wanted to change. Or not. It was just another reality to add to the shuffle.

Part of it, the human Karyn part, fought against the thought. But right now, Cock just wanted Jen to wake up and have some fun.

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