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14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Transformation time

avatar on 2024-10-11 11:56:14

400 hits, 48 views, 4 upvotes.


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“I think I can feel something!” Mark said excitedly, as a tingling feeling started to spread over his skin. They watched as it started to turn a more tan colour rather than Krista’s paler tone.

“Your hair’s growing a bit longer too!” She said, “and it’s looking more brown” she added. Mark grabbed a few strands and pulled them into his line of vision, and sure enough it was losing the redness of Kristas old colour.

“Woah” Mark exclaimed as his centre of balance shifted as he grew a little taller. He could feel his hips and waist shifting into an even curvier figure as his hair came to a halt halfway down his back. His tits started expanding to fill the cups of the bra.

“Impressive!” Krista whistled, “but you might want to check your face” she added with a smirk. Mark turned to mirror on the wall, and he noticed his features shifting. A few faint lines began to appear around his eyes, and he was taking on an overall more mature image.

“Looks like you’re turning into a cougar!” Krista chuckled, “not that I’m complaining, you are looking good!” A few minutes later and the transformations came to an end. Mark now had the body of a woman possibly in her early to mid forties, tanned skin, and his figure filled his outfit very well. He took the medallion off and handed it to his wife.

“Ok, your turn” he said, enjoying the sound of his sultry new voice. Krista took the medallion and fastened it around her neck.

“Ow! I hate that shock!” She yelped.

“At least you know it’s been twelve hours” Mark replied.

“Thats true I guess” she said, “can’t wait to see how I turn out!” She grinned. Over the next half hour they watched as her hair turned for Emily’s deep red to a very dark brown, her figure swelled out, giving her a little extra weight, and her boobs grew. Her height decreased a little, even with the wedges she was wearing.

“Am I getting younger?” She asked, her voice lilting a little more than it had done.

“I think you might be!” Mark chuckled. They watched as her face became a little rounder, and when she finally finished transforming she looked like she was around 19 years old.

“I guess I really am a cougar!” Mark chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled his teenaged wife in close to him. Krista looked at him in surprise.

“Still want to go through with this then?” She asked, her hand coming up to play with her new hair. Mark glanced over at their reflection in the mirror and a sly smile crept onto his face.

“Oh yes” he purred, “I’m definitely sure!”

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