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13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Time to go home

avatar on 2024-10-11 10:35:22

298 hits, 40 views, 4 upvotes.


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The two hours went by far quicker than mark had expected, and was soon heading back to the meeting spot laden down with even more bags. He’d actually bought a rucksack and gym-bag to put a lot of it in, and when he saw Krista practically skipping towards him with a hold-all slung over her shoulder and several carrier bags hanging from her arms, it seems she’d had the same thought.

“How did you do?” He asked, nodding towards her load.

“Soooo many bargains!” She said happily, “I’ve still got about 90 left, you?”

“Yeah same, I just breached the 200 mark!” He chuckled back.

“Well, it certainly looks like we’ve got a good haul!” Krista said happily, “I can’t wait to try some of them out tonight!” She added as they started walking towards the exit.

“Tonight?” Mark asked, “but you’ve got work in the morning, and I’ve got a meeting with my editor”

“Yeah I know” Krista said, “but I’ve done the math. You’re fine to transform whenever cause it’s been well over twelve hours since you became me. I used Emily’s shirt at around 7 this morning, and it’s nearly 4pm now, so I can use something else in about 3 hours. If you change around then too, we’ll have plenty of time to change back tomorrow morning before work!” She continued.

“Wow, you really have thought this through haven’t you.” Mark chuckled, “I can’t argue with that can I?” He added, feeling genuinely excited by these plans. They soon reached the car, and drove home, again talking about all the possibilities they had, only this time they knew it would be possible. They stopped for a takeaway before finally returning home. Once they’d eaten, they grabbed all their purchases and took the bags to the spare room they used as a guest bedroom. They emptied the bags into one big pile and surveyed their haul.

It certainly was a mix of everything, kids and adult clothes for both genders, bikinis, speedos, underwear, costumes, accessories, the works.

“So how are we going to do this then?” Mark asked after a moment.

“I guess we just choose something then touch it to the medallion, or put together an outfit and put it on first?” Krista replied thoughtfully.

“Makes sense” Mark shrugged, “so I had a thought” he added looking over at her.

“Sounds dangerous!” She joked, “go on”

“Well, you said you owe me one for today” he said, “so I thought I’d take you up on your offer from this morning” he grinned.

“What offer…oh!” Krista replied as realisation dawned on her
“Girl on girl?” She asked.

“Girl on girl” Mark replied.

“How naughty!” Krista chuckled, “but fairs fair” she added with a shrug. They checked the time.

“It’s 10 to seven now, so if you do first, I should be good to go after” Krista said, “I’ll go get the medallion, you pick what you want wear” she said as she dashed out the room. Mark looked over the pile, searching for one of the things he’d purchased. He found what he was looking for pretty quickly, a brown and grey patchwork patterned dress. He remembered it catching his eye when he bought it. He also took a pair of cream lacy panties with a red floral pattern on the front and the matching bra. His final choice was a pair of cream coloured heels. He undressed himself and donned his new outfit. The bra and the dress hung a little loose, being a few sizes bigger than Krista, not that it would matter soon.

“Oh very posh!” Krista chuckled from the doorway, “here! Dont put it on yet, I want to chose my outfit so I’m not swayed by how you turn out” She added excitedly. She rifled through the pile and selected a plain white bra, plain white cotton panties, a white cropped vest, and white lace top, a pair of denim booty shorts, and some wedge sandals. Once she’d changed into her new outfit, which again seemed a size or two bigger, she passed Mark the medallion. He quickly put it on and slipped it down his chest. He instantly felt the same shock he’d felt the night before. Eagerly they both watched and waited for the changes to occur.

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