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12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

The shopping trip

avatar on 2024-10-11 08:41:26

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They both ate a relatively small breakfast, Mark surprised that his usually large appetite wasn’t present today, and then headed out. Mark had to drive as Krista currently didn’t match either of their licences, and they eventually reached the local mall. The place was heaving despite it being a Sunday, and Mark began to feel a little self conscious.

“Relax” Krista whispered to him, “there’s no way anybody is going to know you’re not me!” She said with a smile.

“Yeah, your right,” Mark sighed, “it just feels weird is all” he added as he practically felt the looks from a couple of guys who walked past them.

“Better get used to that sis” Krista chuckled as she dragged him inside. Their morning was taken up by flitting between various clothing shops, both of them trying things on. Mark felt like a mannequin as Krista constantly redressed him in different things whilst appeasing the way her body looked in them. They ended up buying a few things, before deciding to head to the food court for lunch. They found a table and sat down with a pasta salad each, Krista having chided Mark for wanting a burger.

“Krista? What are you doing here?” A female voice said from beside them. They both looked over and Mark started to panic. A larger lady with dark hair was sat on the table next to them.

“Hey Kylie” he smiled weakly at Krista’s best friend, they had known each other since they were kids, having grown up on the same road. If anyone could realise he wasn’t Krista, it would be her.

“Just having a little girly time with my sister” he said, his heart in his throat now, “you remember Emily” he added, indicating his wife.

“Of course I do” Kylie laughed, “how are you babes?” She asked.

“Oh you know, keeping above water” Krista replied, “just blowing off some steam with some retail therapy today” she chuckled.

“Make sure she pays!” Kylie grinned back, nodding at Mark, “she’s little miss moneybags after her big promotion. How is the new job?” She asked Mark.

“Oh yeah…” he faltered for a moment, “it’s great, there’s a lot more resources for me to use now” he said.

“Didn’t you say there’s a new exhibit coming up soon?” Kylie asked. Mark glanced at Krista who nodded and mouthed the word ‘Sparta’.

“Yes!” Mark said happily as he remember a conversation they’d had earlier in the week, “we’ve got some ancient Spartan things on loan from Greece, we’re cataloguing them this week” he added as heard Krista breath a sigh of relief. They ended up talking for almost an hour, and thankfully Kylie preferred to talk about herself, much to Marks relief. He had to bite his tongue a few times when she started about his ‘bad-habits’ and how he should be treating the two of them to lunch or something.

“Well I won’t keep you any longer,” Kylie said eventually, “I’ve got a hair appointment I don’t want to miss. Speak soon yeah?” She added as she got to her feet.

“Oh definitely, call me during the week ok!” Mark replied. They watched her walk away and Krista broke out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Mark asked.

“Nothing, you just played me so well!” She giggled, wiping a tear from her eye, “if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were me!”

“Whatever!” Mark said rolling his eyes, “so where to now?” He asked.

“Well I had a little idea actually, something to help us have a bit more fun with the medallion.” She said, getting to her feet, “come on” she added, beckoning for him to follow. Mark sighed again, and got up from his seat, grabbing their shopping bags as he did. He followed his wife across to the far side of the mall where a large part of the lower section was taken up with charity shops and thrift stores.

“What are we doing here?” Mark asked.

“Ok, so I was keeping it as a surprise,” Krista said, “but I had a £500 bonus from work. I was going to use it towards something for us both to enjoy, as a little surprise for you” she said sheepishly.

“So that’s what Kylie meant about being miss moneybags!” Mark said, realisation dawning on him.

“Yeah, I wanted to chew her out there!” Krista said huffily, “I told her that in secret! Anyway, I’m thinking we use that money to buy as much stuff as well can from all these stores instead.” She grinned.

“Why?” Mark asked.

“Don’t you see, everything would be second hand! Clothes people have already worn. Just think of all the different people we could become with the medallion! Hell the note said we could mix and match, so the possibilities would be endless!” She replied excitedly. Mark nodded thoughtfully, he had to admit it did sound like fun, becoming total strangers for a while, and it’s not like they needed the money for anything else. He looked over at his wife-turned-sister, who had that same pleading look in her eyes she got whenever she latched onto an idea.

“Fuck it, why not!” He grinned, “but here’s the deal, we split up and get a budget of 250 each. That way we’ll get a proper mix of stuff” he said. Krista leapt forward and grabbed him in a tight hug.

“You’re the best!” She squeaked, barely stopping herself from kissing him on the lips as she remember whose bodies they were in.

“Meet back here in an hour?” Mark asked, and Krista thought for a moment.

“Make it two” she said, “we’ve got three floors worth to cover!” She added looking upwards.

“Deal,” Mark said happily, “and any money left over we can keep for other stuff down the line”

“Perfect,” Krista said, “I’ll see you in two hours then. I start at the top!” she added before heading to the elevators. Mark watched her go before turning and heading to the first of many charity shops that lined the ground floor.

“The things I do for her!” He chuckled as he went.

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