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7. Tap Out : Linda’s Morning

6. Tap Out - Jon gets dressed

5. Tapping Out

4. Jon’s Mom has had enough

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Tap Out : Linda’s Morning

avatar on 2024-10-07 08:50:22

662 hits, 113 views, 5 upvotes.


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While Jon was getting himself dressed, Linda was also readying herself for the day. This was just what she needed, a little break from all the responsibilities that were piling up on her. She quickly dried herself off, then dropped her towel in a pile on the floor. She snatched a clean pair of boxers from the drawers and slipped them on. They fit fine over her wider hips, and bunched a little at the front due to the lack of a bulge in her crotch. Next she pulled on a pair of cargo shorts, a t-shirt with some kind of band graphic on the front, and a baggy hoody over the top of that. Finally she put on a clean pair of socks, and stuffed her feet into Jon’s trainers, thankful they were the same shoe size.

“Perfect” she grunted, then she began looking around the room. She started grabbing schoolbooks and stuffing them into the backpack hanging off the chair. She’d done this enough times that she knew Jon’s, or now her, schedule like the back of her hand. While she was rooting around she kept an eye out for the stone too. When her brief search turned up nothing she smiled to herself. She dragged the desk chair back to the door, climbed up and stuck her hand into the AC vent. She immediately felt the smooth surface in her fingers.

“Nice try” she chuckled as she pulled her hand back, leaving the stone where it was for now. She didn’t want to risk losing it at school anyway.

“Kids!” She heard Jon, or Mom as she thought of him now, call from downstairs. The rest of his sentence was drowned out by the sounds of feet in the hallway as Zoe and Mikey were leaving their room. Linda quickly replaced the chair, then lifted the backpack onto her shoulder and followed after them. Arriving downstairs she saw Jon waiting by the door, car keys in hand, and purse over his shoulder. She was always impressed at how well he could make himself look like her, not that he needed to thanks to one of their first wishes.

“Let’s go, let’s go!” He said, ushering them out the door. They four of them rushed into the car, Linda briefly fighting with Zoe about who got to sit in the front.

“Enough of that!” Jon snapped, “Mikey, you can sit up front today!” He added, leaving Linda and Zoe to clamber in the back.

“Nice one jerk!” Zoe grumbled.

“Whatever weirdo!” Linda hissed back. Linda watched as Jon took the drivers seat, hesitated for just a moment, then started the car. Again Linda felt proud of how quickly Jon had taken to driving, even after just a few lessons with her. It helped he had the added safety net of being the one with a drivers licence at the moment. She could still feel Zoe glaring at her from the other side of the backseat, so she just ignored her and stared out the window. She felt a rush of excitement as they pulled into the school grounds and Jon stopped at the drop-off point.

“Everybody out!” He said, and the three of them clambered out, Zoe giving Linda and extra shove as she went.

“Knock it off you two!” Jon snapped, and Linda thought she detected the hint of a smile on his lips. Once they were out of the car, she watched as Jon drove away.

“Thanks a lot!” She snapped at Zoe, “now mom’s pissed at both of us.”

“Fuck you!” Zoe growled before stomping away to join her friends. Linda just shook her head and walked over to the wall where Jon and Karyn usually met up. She took up Jon’s usual perch, and looked around. This was so much better than having to run the errands, and tidy up after the kids all day. Maybe she would be a bit less stressed if her husband wasn’t trying to actively avoid her at the moment. But that was Jon’s problem now, not hers.

“Hey Jon boy” she heard a voice call out. She looked up and broke into a wide smile when she saw Karyn walking over. Not even she could tell it wasn’t Jon, all thanks to their wish. The only way she would know was if Linda acted out of character for Jon, or if she just straight out revealed herself.

“Karyn, it’s me” she said. Karyn paused and for a second looked as though she was studying Lindas form intently.

“Linda!” She grinned, “god I’ve been waiting ages for this!” She said happily. She wrapped her arms around her and planted a kiss on her lips, which Linda returned eagerly. Sure she’d revealed her secret to Karyn, but it’s only because she had come out to her one day after school when Jon had planned to ask her out. In her mind this was the only way to ensure it went well for him, and it’s not like she was cheating on her husband, after all she was Jon now, Linda had just driven off to do the shopping. It helped she found Karyn just as attractive as Jon did. Karyn had agreed to keep it secret, and just keep up appearances when the real Jon was with her, and in exchange Linda would tell them whenever they had swapped so she could get the real girlfriend experience in private.

“It’s Jon, remember” she chuckled quietly as they broke the kiss.

“Of course Jon” Karyn replied with a wink, “let’s go, don’t want to be late for class” she added as they headed inside, their hands joining together.

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