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6. Tap Out - Jon gets dressed

5. Tapping Out

4. Jon’s Mom has had enough

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Tap Out - Jon gets dressed

avatar on 2024-10-07 07:36:22

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Aware MTF

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Jon cursed himself again as he set about finding an outfit to wear.

“Where did this stupid ‘tap out’ come from anyway” he grumbled as he made his way over to what was now his dresser. More memories suddenly appeared in his mind.

His mother had been stressed out one day, and started complaining about how much she had to do, and that the kids had no idea how easy they had it. Jon had been unlucky enough to be in the vicinity at the time, and made the mistake of jokingly suggesting that she should tap out for a while. She had turned on him and angrily said that if he wanted to joke about it, maybe he should take his place. Jon remembered being angry about how she was talking to him, and had hastily agreed, stating he could do a better job than she would. After that they had gone upstairs and changed into each other clothes for the first time. Jon had even shown her the stone and they used it to make a wish that provided they didn’t act out of character, or directly tell someone, nobody would notice they weren’t who they claimed to be. It had been a great success, and both of them had really enjoyed their time as each other, so much so they made it a regular occurrence if life got to stressful, or if there was something one of them wanted to do or get out of. They never abused the system, and it ultimately brought them closer together.

“Oh god,” Jon groaned, “so mom knows about the stone now?” He sighed. Another fleeting memory of an agreement between the two of them that neither would use the stone while in their alternate roles, floated across his mind, which put him at ease somewhat.

“I guess knowing all this is part of what I need to act like Linda?” He said to himself, finding it hard to call her mom now, “this is so weird” he added as he opened up her drawers and began looking for some underwear. He remembered everything she said she had to do today, and decided he’d defiantly need something comfy. He selected a plain pair of white panties and a matching bra. He removed his towel and placed it on the bed. Gingerly he pulled the panties up his legs, and settled them over his hips. They were a bit snug around the front and rode up between his cheeks, but otherwise they fit surprisingly well. Next he fumbled around with the bra for a moment, before a small instinct kicked in, and he fastened around his front, spun it round, and put his arms through the straps. The cups sat nicely over his chest, and he suddenly didn’t feel so exposed. With a shrug he set about choosing a practical outfit, settling in a black vest top, a pair of jeans and a casual green blouse. He dressed himself quickly then headed to Linda’s vanity where he expertly applied some light makeup. He gaped in surprise, it was just like he was looking at his mother now, and not his reflection in the mirror.

“Unreal!” He muttered, thankful for his wish for knowledge now, he completed his outfit with Linda’s wedding ring, and her watch.

“Oh my, is that the time?” He gasped, he suddenly realised he needed to get the kids to school. He quickly made his way downstairs and into the living room where he slipped his feet into some open-toed sandals. He paused for a moment again when he saw his reflection in the window.

‘I can’t believe I’m doing this!’ He thought to himself. His eyes fell on the clock on the mantle, ‘but here we go’

“Kids!” He shouted “grab your things, it’s time to go!”

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