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5. Tapping Out

4. Jon’s Mom has had enough

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Tapping Out

avatar on 2024-10-07 05:57:15

732 hits, 128 views, 4 upvotes.


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“I wish mom didn’t want to Tap Out” Jon muttered, clutching the stone tightly. This time there was no usual flash.

“I wish I knew why that didn’t work” he muttered next. This time there was a flash and he instantly knew that it would go against his previous wish for something interesting.

“Looks like I’m going through with this!” He sighed, “Jon you idiot” he cursed himself, how in the hell was he going to pull off being his mother. Then an idea struck.

“I wish that while I’m living mom’s life, I’d have all the skills and knowledge I need.” There was one more flash, but he didn’t feel any different.

“Weird, maybe it will kick in later?” He mused, before looking around his room for somewhere to stash the stone. If mom was going to be living his life, he definitely didn’t want her using it, even accidentally. He spotted the small air conditioning vent in the wall above the door. He quickly pulled his desk chair over, clambered up and lifted the cover. He place the stone carefully inside, the shut the cover.

“Jon, are you coming?” He heard his mom call. With great reluctance he pushed his chair back into place, grabbed the wig, and left his room. He slowly walked down the hall and entered his parents bedroom. The first thing he saw was his mother standing there with a towel wrapped around her waist, she was topless, and her skin was wet.

“About time!” She said, “you haven’t even put the wig on yet? What if someone had seen you?” She added, sounding a little annoyed.

“Sorry mom, I’ll do it now” Jon replied quietly. With great hesitance he lifted the hairpiece up and placed it on his head. He caught sight of himself in the mirror, and he had to admit he was impressed at the quality of it. It really made it look like he had his mother’s hairstyle growing out of his head.

“Ok, I’m guessing there’s no changes to your timetable” His mom asked.

“Not that I can think of” Jon replied, tearing his face away from his reflection.

“Good” she nodded, “nothing out of the ordinary for me either” she added before holding out her hand, palm facing down. She looked at him expectantly, and he realised what he needed to do. He held out his own hand, palm up, and watched as his mother slapped her hand against his.

“You’re in” she said, and then Jon watched in amazement as her whole demeanour changed, her shoulders slumped a little, and she hunched over slightly.

“Ok mom, I’ll see you downstairs” she said, even the tone and inflections in her voice changed.

“Ok…sweetie” Jon replied, surprised when the second word just slipped out of his mouth. He watched her as she shuffled out into the hall and disappeared.

“This is crazy” he muttered to himself, then clapped a hand over his mouth. His voice sounded weird, it was still his normal tone, but it had a more feminine rhythm to it.

“Must be because of that last wish” he mused, his new lilting register flowing naturally. A shiver ran through him, reminding him he was still just wearing a towel. He looked around his parents, or now his, room.

“I better get dressed I suppose” he said with a sigh.

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