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144. DMU - Kim’s Eventful afternoon

143. DMU - Lunchtime with the ladie

142. DMU - The new student bodies

141. DMU - Dawn of the final day

140. DMU - new nightly routines

139. DMU - the night concludes

138. DMU - Lorna’s little surprise

137. DMU - The walk home

136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

126. DMU - a new friendships forms

125. DMU - More guests arrive

DMU - Kim’s Eventful afternoon

avatar on 2024-10-02 10:48:47

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“You know, I was discussing this with Shaun last night” Lorna began, “and we both agreed that it might be fun to get back into the scene again.” She added with a smile.

“Wait,” Lara said excitedly, “so does that mean…”

“Yeah, count me in” Lorna finished for her.

“Oh my god babes! Yes!” Lara squealed happily, pulling her in to a tight hug, “I’ll let Rocky know as soon as I get home!”

They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and gossiping about the partygoers from yesterday. Their conversation was eventually interrupted by a text from Joey, explaining that he was going to the mall with Athena and Kim, and that Vicky and Sabrina were bringing Martyn home.

“Guess that’s my cue to head home” Lara said with a sigh as she got to her feet “I’ll let you know what Rocky says, and be sure to fill me in on Shaun’s reaction!” She added with a smirk as the two of them headed down the hall. Lorna seeing waved her off at the front door, and was about to head back inside she spotted another figure walking up the driveway.

Meanwhile, Joey, Athena, Kim, and Annie had arrived at the mall.

“Come on Kim you need to show me where you got the outfit from” Annie said excitedly grabbing her by arm and leading her away. She quickly turned back to the other two.“We’ll meet you in food court in about an hour k?” Then without giving them a chance to respond, she led Kim away into the mall. Joey and Athena exchanged glances, before shrugging and heading off in their own direction.

“It was here” Kim said as they walked up to a large clothing store. She allowed herself to be pulled inside, finding it pleasingly intoxicating being this close to Annie. They spent about half an hour gathering up outfits, before finally heading to the changing rooms. Kim pulled on her first outfit, that consisted of a grey tank top and white jeans. She stepped out into the quiet waiting are to use the full length mirror.

“Ok, this works” she said to herself as she struck a pose and fluffed her hair a little.

“Hey Kim!” She heard Annie call to her, “could you come in here and tell me what you think?” She heard the lock on Annie’s cubicle slide open, and with a shrug she walked inside. Annie was wearing mesh top with pink flowers, she turned and smiled at her as she walked in. Kim noticed the straps hanging loosely off Annie’s shoulder.

“Oh wow! You look great!” Kim said in awe, “but you might want to pull those straps up or you’ll be popping out!” She added with a chuckled. Annie simply smirked.

“Oh?” She said slyly, “you mean like this?” She arched her back and the cups of the top slid down revealing her bare chest.

“Oh my god Annie!” Kim sputtered, turning red instantly and looking away, then suddenly finding her eyes falling back on Annie’s chest almost involuntarily.

“Oh come on, it’s just us girls here Kim” Annie said playfully as she got to her feet and pulled the top back up. She stepped closer to Kim gently placed her hand on her shoulder. Their eyes met and she smiled kindly.

“I wouldn’t do that for just anyone you know” she said almost in a whisper. Kim could feel her heart start to race as Annie smiled again and began to lean forward. Before she knew it their lips were touching, and her eyes closed. After what seemed like a blissful eternity, Annie broke the kiss and stepped back.

“So, I think this top’s a keeper” she grinned, “especially if it gets you to kiss me like that” she added with a wink. Kim just stood there, her mind still reeling a little. Annie chuckled again.

“How about you go get changed, then we’ll go meet the two lovebirds at the food court.” She said.

“I…uh…yeah” Kim stammered. She left the changing room in a daze and quickly put her clothes back on. As she left her cubicle she found Annie waiting for her.

“So, you going to do it? Annie asked.

“Um, do what?” Kim replied, causing Annie to roll her eyes.

“Ask me” she said crossing her arms.

“Ask you what?” Kim asked a little stunned.

“Ask me out dummy!” Annie replied with mock annoyance.

“Do…do you want to go out with me?” Kim asked weakly, causing her friend to break into a wide smile.

“I thought you’d never ask!” She laughed as she gave Kim another kiss, “you’re so cute when you’re flustered” she added as they broke off. Annie paid for the top, and then they headed to the food court, with Kim finding she had a little extra spring in her step. They met up with Joey and Athena, and the four of them began to make their way home. Annie made Kim promise to get hold of her later to arrange another outing, prompting Joey and Athena to press her for details all the way home.

“I’m saying anything just yet” Kim replied a sly smile, “you’ll just have to wait and see” she added as they made their way up the driveway of the Madison residence. The other two continued to complain at her secrecy even as they made their way in through the front door.

“Best let mom know we’re home” Joey said as they headed to the kitchen. As they reached the doorway Kim froze. Sitting at the table with Mrs Madison was another blonde woman, one she immediately recognised, and that brought her a sense of joy. Bethany Black was home early.

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