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143. DMU - Lunchtime with the ladie

142. DMU - The new student bodies

141. DMU - Dawn of the final day

140. DMU - new nightly routines

139. DMU - the night concludes

138. DMU - Lorna’s little surprise

137. DMU - The walk home

136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

126. DMU - a new friendships forms

125. DMU - More guests arrive

124. DMU - Swim-suited and booted

DMU- Lunchtime with the Ladies

avatar on 2024-09-03 10:20:36

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The morning crawled by for Lorna, she wasn’t used to having so much free time. She was incredibly relieved when her phone buzzed with a message from Lara.

Hey babes. You busy at the moment?

Not in the slightest, just watching TV she replied.

Great! Can I come round, I have something I need to talk to you about

Of course, you don’t have to ask Lorna sent back, glad to have some company.

I’ll be there in 10! X

“Well, guess I better change” Lorna said to herself as she looked down at the baggy sweater and yoga pants she was currently wearing. Sure Lara was her friend now, and probably wouldn’t mind, but she didn’t want to look to messy. She quickly headed upstairs and found a pink casual dress that she slipped on. She had just finished straightening her hair when the doorbell rang and she heard Lara call out.

“Lorna, you here?”

“Yeah I’ll be down in a second!” She called back as she unplugged her straighteners and slid her glasses back onto her face before heading back downstairs. She found Lara already in the living room wearing a strappy black and white dress.

“Hey babes” Lara beamed as Lorna entered the room, “I got you a coffee” she added holding up a takeaway cup.

“Oh thanks hun” Lorna replied as she took it from her and sat next to her, “so what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Well” Lara grinned, “remember what we said last night, about the old days?” She added, sitting back and taking a sip of her coffee.

“Yeah… I do” Lorna replied a little hesitantly, also recalling the conversation she’d had about it with Shaun on the way home.

“Well, full disclosure. I might have mentioned it to Rocky after you guys left, and he thought it was a great idea. He even made a pitch for the board of MacMedia to set up a new branch of the entertainment section for a more adult audience. He presented it to them this morning” Lara explained.

“Oh? And how did that go?” Lorna asked, already sensing where this was going.

“They approved it, under one condition” Lara replied, “he had to get at least two big names to sign onto the brand. Starry Knight said yes of course” she added, motioning happily to herself.

“And let me guess,” Lorna sighed, “you want Miss Madison to be the second?” She sat back, and thought for a moment. Part of her was already doubting this venture, but another part of her was excited at the prospect. Could she do it? Shaun said he’d support her either way, but surely she should run it by him first. She sat forward again and took a breath while Lara looked at her expectantly.

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