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107. Meet the Gutfreunds

106. Michelle's First Day

105. The Gutfreund Family

104. Maturity

103. Melissa Madison

102. Unlikely Connection

101. Impact

100. Female Friends

99. Moms’ Home

98. Awkward

97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

The Workmen: Meet the Gutfreunds

on 2024-09-28 01:50:14

217 hits, 46 views, 4 upvotes.

Age Unaware

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She reached into her dresser and started to get ready...there was no point in trying to get any extra sleep. She went to the bathroom to get ready, and was still just looking at herself in the mirror, thinking of the weird dream, when there was a knock at the door. "Michelle..." her sister asked. "Are you almost done? I need to get ready..."

Michelle blinked...having zoned out a bit. "Get ready for what? Mom picks out your clothes." she said, dismissively.

"Does not..." the voice said.

"I'll be out soon..." She insisted.

" have until your sister finished breakfast," her mother's voice called.

"She's probably in there staring at her chest again," her little sister said.

"Mom!!" Michelle said.

"Hurry up...I won't be late on my first day," her mother said. "And it isn't good for you to be."

"Do you know how embarrassing it is going to be to have to go to the same school you work at?" Michelle said, focusing on getting ready, slipping into her clothes.

"Yes...I know it isn't going to be easy. And I am sorry for that, but we'll make the best of it."

"Why couldn't we have a common name, like Adams or something...who is not going to know I'm the vice-principal's daughter?" Michelle said, coming out of the bathroom. She'd combed her long hair and was wearing her favorite t-shirt.

"I'm sure your great grandparents would be thrilled to hear you'd like to give up the family name," her mom said. "If they didn't change it when they emigrated to the United States, why would you want to change it now?" Katherine said, sternly.

"I like our name," her little sister said.

Brat, Michelle thought.

"You look very nice," her mother told her. "I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends at school. Just stay away from the bad elements."


"We're still in the house, Michelle. I said I wouldn't mother you at school...and you said you wouldn't use the fact I'm your mother to try to get away with anything at school. I intend to honor my side of that agreement. I'll give you your space."

"Wish we hadn't moved here..." Michelle muttered. She'd been able to go to a different school than her mother worked at...but there was only one high school in this town.

"You are a young lady now...I expect you to act your age. You don't see your sister complaining, do you?"

That felt like a low blow, comparing her to the little brat. "She isn't in high school."

"She has to go to a new school as well. And I've signed her up for an after-school program as well and I figured you would not want to watch your sister every afternoon." Thank goodness for that. "Now, finish getting ready so we can go."

Michelle sighed and went to get her bag and something to eat.

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