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106. Michelle's First Day

105. The Gutfreund Family

104. Maturity

103. Melissa Madison

102. Unlikely Connection

101. Impact

100. Female Friends

99. Moms’ Home

98. Awkward

97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

The Workmen: Michelle's First Day

on 2024-09-27 01:23:06

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When Linda Madison had to work late for more than one night, she often encouraged Mikey to sleep over with a friend...not wanting to worry about her older children watching him.

It was there that the Workmen had pulled him out, removing all traces from him as if he'd never been there, putting him in the back of a smallish van and driving him to a warehouse. Laying him out on a gurney, they brought him into the processing area. Two other teams were bringing in gurneys of their own.

"Such a busy night," the Doctor commented, checking a clipboard before heading over to Mikey. "Young Mr. Madison...I'm afraid life is about to get a lot more complicated for you somewhat faster than normal," he remarked. He turned to one of the workers. "Take," he checked his clipboard, "Miss Gutfreund to Room 3," he instructed.

He paused at the next bed, where Linda Madison, Mikey's mother was. "And yours is going to get somewhat less..." he said. "You won't have to worry about your children...we have that taken care of," he said, watching as a prone red haired form was wheeled in next to her on her way out, stopping to have a gold necklace and pendant placed on her before leaving.

Michelle woke up in a cold sweat. She'd had the weirdest dream. She looked at the clock...still early. But it was her first day of school in a new town, and she knew her mother was seriously freaking out about her new job. Well, inwardly...outwardly, her mother didn't show that sort of thing to most people. Katherine Gutfruend was actually a very loving mother...but she was also a strict one. And all of the stress didn't help much.

She reached into her dresser and started to get ready...there was no point in trying to get any extra sleep. She went to the bathroom to get ready, and was still just looking at herself in the mirror, thinking of the weird dream, when there was a knock at the door. "Michelle..." her sister asked. "Are you almost done? I need to get ready..."

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