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5. Two Brothers

4. The New Dynamic

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The New Dynamic: Two Brothers

on 2024-09-21 10:49:15

726 hits, 118 views, 3 upvotes.

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As Zoe left a room that had been Jon's the night before...Jon was waking up down the hall...

He got up and paused. He heard the sound of the door to the bathroom closing, so he headed into his brother's bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed next to the lump under the blanket. "Are you sleeping?"

"Yeah," a muffled voice said.

"Are you getting up soon?"

Eye peaked out from under the blanket. "Yeah."

"I had this dream..." Jon said.

"Can't this wait?"

"Oh...okay..." Jon sat there, quietly.

After a few minutes, the form on the bed finally pulled the covers back, revealing Jon's brother. "Fine...what was the dream?"

"I dreamed I was older," Jon replied. "I felt so real...I was a year away from graduating high school..."

"Like Zoe?"

"Yeah...only she was younger...I was the big brother."

"And what was I?"

"You were the youngest," Jon said.

His brother sat up in bed, and laughed. Mike Madison had just entered high school this year. "You were my older brother? And I was the one waking you up when you were trying to sleep?"

" didn't wake me up," Jon said.

"Well, if dream me didn't wake dream you up...why isn't real you letting me get five more minutes? Zoe probably is still hogging the hot water."

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