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8. Explanations and more mistakes

7. Everything's Normal

6. Jenni's Dream Girl

5. Jon fixes this?

4. Jon (As a Girl) and Biff

3. Biff

2. Jon Wants to Date Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Dating Blunder: Explanations and more mistakes

on 2024-08-25 02:20:16
Episode last modified by Marazh-no on 2024-08-25 02:22:21

773 hits, 116 views, 7 upvotes.

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Buffy—no Biff launched herself from Jon’s embrace, the laptop tumbling to the floor. For an instant Jon missed the warmth and sensation of nuzzling into Biff’s neck, feeling his breasts pressed into her back.

“What did you do to me, you witch!?” Biff practically yelled.

“Nothing on purpose. I was a guy. None of this was supposed to happen.”

“Lies, we’ve been dating for months and we’ve known each other since middle school.” Biff replied.

Jon stumbled off the bed with his tits bouncing in the crop top. He snatched the stone off the floor.

“I’m really sorry this wasn’t supposed to happen. I was making a wish that I was dating Karyn but I saw you walk up to the front door and said your name instead and I turned into this.” Jon said, gesturing down at his body.

“You say you were a guy but you’ve always been a girl.”

“Because you didn’t hear me accidentally wish to date you. You only recognize the wishes you hear. You heard me wish that you were a girl which is why—”

“These tits. I don’t want to be a girl, especially not this nerdette you made me pretend to be.” Biff gestured at the stone in Jon’s hand.

“That's how it works right?” Biff asked and Jon nodded, making some hair fall in his eyes. Jon brushed the strand of wavy dirty blonde hair from his eyes.

“Give me that you fucking bimbo!”

“I’m not a fucking bimbo!” Jon yelled back.

“Sure seems like it. You had an empty head to get yourself into this situation even before you wished you actually acted like one.”

“Fuck off!” Jon yelled. Biff lunged, tackling Jon to the ground. They struggled over the stone.

“Let go,” Jon screamed as Biff pulled hard on Jon’s hair.

“Give it.”

“No!” Jon yelled.

“God if I knew how annoying a dumb broad like you are I would have never been attracted to one,” Biff grunted as she almost wrenched the stone from Jon’s hand.

“Yeah, I also wish you weren’t attracted to blonde bimbos either,” Jon said through gritted teeth as the stone slipped from his grasp. The stone flashed as they fell apart, Biff with the stone in her hands.


Jon instantly regretted his loose tongue as he felt his body starting to reform and at that moment there was a knock at the door.

“Honey? Is everything all right in there?” Jon’s dad’s voice came through the locked door. Jon felt his motor control leave him as his body started to play its new part.

God, what was Biff’s new dream girl?

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