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8. Clothes 2

7. Clothes...

6. Not a dream

5. Sluttier

4. Succubus

3. Mythical

2. Karyn's Mistake

1. You Are What You Wish

Clothes 2

on 2024-08-25 01:26:59

537 hits, 90 views, 6 upvotes.

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Jana closed her door and turned back to the room—a room she didn't recognize. It was pink and purple, feminine in every possible way. Dildos still sat on their shelf. Her gaming set was still gone, replaced with a large vanity. Two clothing items lay on the spotless carpet.

Jana stepped closer, her now D cups straining to slip from her red negligee. It was what she wanted. The cargo pants and the letterman.

The cargo pants were as she imagined—green, loose, and form-fitting at the same time. The jacket was different. It was not the blue she had imagined. Instead, it was black with dark green trim.

The green matched the pants. Interesting.

Jana bent over at the waist, plump ass in the air, and then catching herself, she crouched down instead. She grabbed both and tossed them on the bed. Something underneath the bed caught her eye.

The Stone.

She grabbed it, sure that it would fix everything.

"I wish I wasn't a succubus." Nothing.

"I wish I wasn't a slut." Nothing.

"I wish Karyn knew what was happening." Nothing.

"I wish I knew why nothing is working." Flash.

Oh fuck. The stone wouldn't work until his last wish was complete. But what was his last wish?

"I wish I knew what I knew what my last wish was." Nothing.

"Fuck." Jana shouted. She returned to the clothes on the bed, grabbed the letterman, pulled it on, and moved over to the mirror.

At least it had worked. It was overly large but left little to the imagination. Stopping just below the crotch, it left a large expanse of smooth, lightly tanned legs exposed. It didn't quite button up either. Her cleavage could still be seen. It looked slutty. Like a sorority girl wearing her boyfriend's jacket around the apartment. It was as if she was dressed, but she knew it would drive her boyfriend wild.

Jana pulled off the jacket. She could see how it still fit into the slut aesthetic, but hopefully, it would work when put over a top of some kind.

She delved back into her closet. There was still much of the same. Miniskirts and tiny tops. But it was a bit more reasonable. There were also tight T-shirts and a pair of cropped green jean shorts.

Wait, a button-up shirt. It looked formal, but it could work. Pants, jacket and shirt. She still needed underwear and shoes.

Boy, she had a lot of shoes.

She was a little tempted by the heels. She wanted back her 6ft of height but that felt like too much. Besides, she hadn't lost too much height. Somehow she knew she was 5' 9".

She settled on the only pair of Converse the female slut of herself version owned.

Now, it was time for underwear.

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