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140. DMU - new nightly routines

139. DMU - the night concludes

138. DMU - Lorna’s little surprise

137. DMU - The walk home

136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

126. DMU - a new friendships forms

125. DMU - More guests arrive

124. DMU - Swim-suited and booted

123. DMU - the Gibsons arrive

122. DMU - Final preparations

121. DMU - the morning passes

DMU - new nightly routines

avatar on 2024-08-20 07:49:09

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All across town, everyone was finally drifting off into a peaceful sleep. The party that afternoon having thoroughly worn them all out.

At the Warren house, Buddy and Pixie were sleeping contentedly curled up in their beds. Buddy was dreaming of chasing and finally catching that squirrel in the garden, his legs twitching in his sleep. Pixie lay just to the side, unaware that in her new womb new life was beginning to form.

In the bedroom, the new Lisa Warren was laying in the arms of her new boyfriend Manny. She had spent the evening prepping her lesson plans for the next day, excited for what would be her first day teaching. Manny had happily watched her, asking questions, and genuinely being attentive, offering suggestions when he could. He too was looking forward to his first day as a personal trainer at the local gym. Once Lisa had finished they had retired to the bedroom for a bit of physical exercise of their own, ironically enough favouring doggy-style over any other position.

Evie Farber was curled up in bed sleeping soundly, her arms wrapped tight around Mr Fuzzy. In the bedroom next door, Stan had just put his phone on to charge for the night, not long having snuck back in after yet another visit to Macey Harpers house.

“Fuck me that chick really knows how to please a guy” he smiled to himself as his head hit the pillow and he drifted off.

In the master bedroom Alison and James were spooning naked. Like most people affected by the change, their hormones were still out of balance and they had given in to their desires. As she started to slip into sleep she felt James press up against her, his penis still at half mast and reacting pleasantly between her cheeks. She made a little happy moan and wriggled herself closer. She felt his arm tighten around her, and one of his hands gave her one last cheeks squeeze on the breast before he started gently snoring. She mumbled happily to herself before finally drifting off to join him.

Logan Andrews looked over at the picture on his nightstand, his former mother, now former wife he guessed, smiled back at him from the frame.

“Miss you every day” he sighed, “don’t worry, I’ll take real good care of your new daughter” he added as kissed his fingers, then pressed it against the glass covering the picture.

Meanwhile, Annie had been laying awake for a long while, constantly replaying the conversation she’d been having with that girl Kim in her mind. She’d been a little taken aback by the things she felt every time she thought about the way she had looked, but quickly came to a kind of acceptance. Soon her thoughts of the conversation began to play out a little differently, ending in a kiss at first, then a little more. Before she knew it she had been playing with herself, imagining that I was Kim’s fingers, not hers that brought her to climax.

At the former MacMillan residence, now home to the Knights, all activity had ceased. Saffron was laying next to her boyfriend Billy, who had fallen asleep very quickly after she’d given him a blowjob to thank him for sitting through the latest Rom-com she’d wanted to see. She let out a happy sigh and cuddled up close to him, thankful for his calming presence. With him there she felt like she could do anything.

Downstairs Monét had just finished writing a letter home to her new parents, telling them that she was happy and healthy. She looked forward to going home for the holidays and seeing them again, or was it the first time? She didn’t care, she was happy to have a roof over her head and job security. She’d even managed to get the number of that Dr Michaels before he’d left the party. Maybe she’d give him a call on her day off.

Finally Rocky closed his laptop and looked over at the sleeping form of his beautiful wife. He smiled to himself, genuinely feeling happier than he had in a long time. He’d just finished writing up a new proposal for the board tomorrow. He was going to keep MacMillan Media running, but he wanted to create a new branch, Knight-time Entertainment, to really tap into the biggest earner for online content. Lara had been really excited by the prospect, and assured him that she’d probably have no trouble convincing Starry Knights former co-star to sign up too.

“Big day tomorrow!” He muttered happily as she shuffled down under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

Finally at the new Madison home, Martyn Madison was dreaming about Pokémon, excited to see his friends at school tomorrow to brag about all the legend Aries he’d caught over the weekend.

Joey had just finished texting Athena goodnight, a little sad she couldn’t stay over, just in case, but already looking forward on seeing her again at school tomorrow, even if she was two years below him now.

Vicky had fallen asleep with a book over her face, having taken some reading recommendations from Sabrina. She was now halfway through the collected works of Edgar Allen Poe and had been reading to the point she was so tired she fell asleep mid-paragraph.

Kim Black had taken a while to drift off, having received a text message from her new mother saying she’d be returning home on Tuesday. She knew that Mr Madison had been keeping Bethany informed of what had been happening, so her new daughter wouldn’t come as a total surprise, but it had still left her feeling anxious.

Shaun and Lorna had managed to resist going for another round, with Lorna reminding her husband that they both needed to get up in the morning. They were snuggled up together in the large double bed, Shaun’s arm draped over his wife. As they slept a small glow emanated from Lorna’s womb as the final burst of Ruby’s magic got to work, managing to not only allow her spirit to finally find a loving home, but altering reality, and the minds of those that needed it just enough to allow everyone to fully enjoy their new lives.

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