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14. The Principal's Office

13. In the Parking Lot

12. Language Lesson

11. Meanwhile... (Interlude)

10. Wednesday 3:47PM

9. Wednesday in the Hall with Zoe

8. Wednesday Morning

7. Tuesday 3:47PM

6. Back at the Mall

5. Making Sense

4. Karyn

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Karmic Family Swap: The Principal's Office

on 2024-08-15 01:59:08

461 hits, 79 views, 4 upvotes.

Age Unaware

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If karma was dictating what was going on, it extended far beyond the Susan and Linda.

Yesterday, Zoe had been Zoe angry Goth freshman. Today, she was Zoe Brewer, an equally angry, but not Goth junior who other students called The Blob. She was large, overweight, and was rumored to have knocked Biff Meadows on his ass for getting in her business. No one messed with her.

As 3:47PM hit, Zoe ceased to be Zoe Brewer. The pounds melted off into nothingness, but the years piled on as she aged out of her teens...the curly brown hair she had as a Brewer reverted to straight, then tied itself in a bun. Her birthday moved from the 21st into the 20th century, going further backward. Some hairs in the bun turned grey as her clothes reformed into a more severe grey jacket and skirt. A pair of rimmed glasses and light makeup on her face. This Zoe had watched the first moon landing as a little girl...danced to the Bee Gees as a teenager...and danced at her wedding to Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings.

Zoe took her place behind the desk outside the principal's office, with pictures of her children and grandchildren placed strategically where she could see them.

Inside the principal's office, Kyla appeared. She had spent the first 16 years of her life as Kyla Leeson, a shy plain nerdy girl with an interest in science, and had gotten one day as 14 year old Kyla Whitefield before appearing here, her clothes morphing into a nice dress, contacts appearing in her eyes, and looking every much the professional about to enter middle age. The intercom buzzed. "Yes?" She said, picking it up.

"Your favorite student was sent to see you again," her secretary's voice said.

"Give me five minutes and send her in," Kyla said, sighing.

Outside, Zoe looked at the teen in front of her. She had spent so much time here, Zoe wondered if they should put her name on a plate on the bench. She hoped her granddaughter wasn't like that when she got to be a teen. "What did you do this time, dear?"

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