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13. In the Parking Lot

12. Language Lesson

11. Meanwhile... (Interlude)

10. Wednesday 3:47PM

9. Wednesday in the Hall with Zoe

8. Wednesday Morning

7. Tuesday 3:47PM

6. Back at the Mall

5. Making Sense

4. Karyn

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Swap: In the Parking Lot

on 2024-08-13 01:14:35

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As 3:47 rolled around every female currently on school grounds found themselves in new lives, not that any of them knew or cared. For them it was as if that was how they'd always been.

Susan McMillan got out of her car. It was rare she was seen on school grounds, but she had decided on a whim to . Susan had spent her entire life trying to make her daughter a clone of her. She'd been head cheerleader, so her daughter had to be head cheerleader, and so on. Susan had turned the skills she'd honed in high school into a modelling career, then married a businessman who had just gotten a big windfall. And now she was a well known socialite around town.

As Linda Madison, Jon's mom, pulled in and spotted her, she flinched. She hated Susan McMillan. They didn't roll in the same circles now, but being roughly the same age, and from the same town, she'd hated Susan since long before she became a McMillan. She just wanted to get her kids and get out of here before the obnoxious woman spotted her.

Susan spotted Linda and headed toward her, never missing an opportunity to make a former classmate feel bad about themselves. She was in mid step when 3:47PM hit, and suddenly, she began to change. Time quickly erased from her face. It wasn't just the lines on her face...everything was being a hard drive loading up a new operating system.

Linda, had she not been going through the same process of youthening, would have gained a certain satisfaction as Susan became shorter and plumper, her designer clothes being replaced by ill fitting ones, her perfect teeth and complexion no longer so much. Was it karma? In some religions, how you were in one life dictated what you were reborn as. Did that apply here?

If so, what did Linda become?

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