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115. DMU RB Andrews - In the teache

114. DMU RB Andrews - Landons choic

113. DMU RB Andrews - The first mor

112. DMU - a break before the party

111. DMU - Day 3 ends

110. DMU - Sarah’s plan cums togeth

109. DMU - Sarah puts her plan into

108. DMU - Sarah confides in Lucy

107. DMU - Earlier with Sarah

106. DMU - Jon and Laura’s evening

105. DMU - Jon gets his

104. DMU - a new experience for Lau

103. DMU - Jon’s turning point

102. DMU - Movie night

101. DMU - Jon and Laura’s evening

100. DMU - Jon takes a shower

99. DMU - Jon and Laura’s evening

98. DMU - Lydia discovers some mor

97. DMU - Lydia takes a nap

96. DMU - Simon and Karyn talk

DMU RB Andrews - In the teachers lounge

avatar on 2023-06-20 10:16:45

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The atmosphere in the car to school was frosty at best. Abby wasn’t happy with the information her dad had received from the hospital, and even less so at the fact he wouldn’t let her stay off school. She managed to tuck her new bits away successfully, but found the set up to incredibly uncomfortable.

‘How do those queens put up with this?’ She thought to herself as the tape on her nether regions was already itching. She regretted not owning any decent jeans or trousers, instead she was wearing a denim skirt just long enough to conceal her boxers, and a white vest top underneath a pink cardigan.

“Look,” Landon said, “I know this isn’t ideal, but we’ve just got to make it through today, and hopefully we’ll have some answer by tonight” he added trying to sound sympathetic.

“Whatever” Abby sighed, “at least you don’t have to try and hide anything!” She added as she turned away and stared out the window. It wasn’t long before they were pulling into the school, and Landon dropped her off at the main entrance before heading to the teachers parking lot. As he parked up he spotted his colleague Lydia Warren getting out of her car.

“Morning Lydia!” He called as he climbed out his own vehicle. She looked slightly startled when he called to her.

“Hi Landon” she said softly, something about the way she was walking seemed off.

“Everything ok?” He asked.

“I don’t really want to talk about” she snapped back as she strode past him and into the school. Landon shrugged and followed after her. Once inside they both made their way to the teachers lounge where Lydia flopped down on one of the ratty old sofas by the window, and Landon poured himself a cup of coffee. A few other faculty members were either seated, or standing around chatting idly. Most of the female staff avoiding looking at him as he grabbed his mornings plans and marking from his pigeonhole and took a seat at the table. He felt his new underwear ride up a little between his cheeks, reminding him of his current predicament. He’d just taken a swig of his coffee when Principal Marie Casey entered the room, followed by a young red-haired woman. The room fell silent at their arrival.

“Ok people,” Principal Casey said, “Some of you may be aware of a… condition that is affecting several students and faculty members. This is Dr Grant, and her team is working closely with the school to get to the bottom of this. As such the affected students who would be attending gym this afternoon will meet with the team instead.” She continued as she looked around the room. Dr Grant gave a happy little wave.

“Lydia,” Principal Casey said turning to her, “seeing as you have a free period during this time, I’d like to collect the students and take them to the auditorium” she added. Lydia nodded sullenly, and shifted in her seat. Landon breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully Marie didn’t name and shame the affected.

“You’ll be expecting, Jon Gibson, Karyn Black, Steven Farber, Sarah McMillan, Biff Meadows, Yukio Meshida, and Abigail Andrews. Make sure they’re all present before you bring them” Casey continued. Lydia glanced over at Landon, and he could feel himself blushing as he turned away.

‘Great!’ He thought to himself, ‘spoke to soon’ he could feel everyone staring at him now, and he tried to make himself smaller.

“Other than that, there’s no other matters that need direct attention.” Casey finished, “if you’d follow me Dr Grant, I’ll show you to the auditorium” she added as they left. Landon stood up and left the room as quick as he could, feeling the eyes of his colleagues following him as he did. He quickly made his way to his first class, trying to adjust his underwear as he went. He stopped outside the room and took a deep breath.

“It’s ok, you’re not the only one in this position” he told himself, “besides, nobody can tell just from looking at you” he sighed as he entered the class and made his way to the desk.

“Ok class settle down” he said sternly as he went to place his papers on the desktop. Unfortunately he placed them to close to the edge and the whole pile hit the floor with a thud and scattered around him.

“Get out your books and turn to page 53 while I pick these up” he sighed. He turned and bent down to gather them up. He felt his shirt ride up his back as he did, and his heart stopped. He could tell just from the feel of it that his panties were riding high still, and probably on full display.

‘You idiot!’ He thought ‘you had to push the boat out! Hopefully nobody noticed!’ He added as he hurriedly stood up and began his lesson.

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