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77. Day 2 Ends in the Gibson House

76. Lydia Dozes

75. The Real Truth

74. Dinner Meeting

73. Everyone Eats Dinner

72. Dinner is Served

71. Till Dinner

70. Robert Alone

69. Biff and Mollie

68. Settling in at the McMillans

67. Dinner at the Gibsons

66. The Closet

65. The English Teacher

64. Mikey and Karyn

63. Dressing

62. Arrival

61. The Adults Live Their Separate

60. The New Outfit

59. The McMillan House

58. Walking Home

DMU-122: Day 2 Ends in the Gibson House

on 2023-03-26 01:58:48
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2023-06-26 22:28:38

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(Author's Note: In the prime version of DMU, a lot happens on the night of Day 2 between the characters...but I decided I'd move forward a bit.)

The Gibson family had a rather uneventful evening. Homework was done, the entire family tried to ignore what was going on as much as possible, until it was time for bed.

As Jon prepared to turn in, passing from the bathroom back toward his room, he noticed his father leaving the master bedroom in hushed tones, his mother following. "What's going on?"

"I just don't...with all that is happening, feel comfortable sharing a bed. I think I need to be alone to sort things out."

"I told him that's silly," Laura said.

"It may be," Jon said. "But...with everything going on..." He thought about it. "If only we had another place to put you. I mean...there's the couch...or..."

"I'm going to sleep in the basement. The paint is dry, and the old sofa is down there," Simon said. "We were going to suggest Karyn take it now that it is dry."

"Karyn nodded off about two hours ago. She's been running around all day, I guess she tired herself out," Jon said. "I'm not going to wake her up to move when she's sound asleep."

Jon put a hand on Simon's shoulder. "If you need to talk..."

He nodded. They were both in the same boat, and Jon seemed surprisingly calm during all of this craziness.

"I'll get you a blanket out of the hall closet," Jon offered.

Laura looked confused, but silenced herself, wondering if it was their lovemaking...had being the one with the female parts in a relationship confused him? Having the penis had definitely confused her, but she'd learned to adapt.

With a bit of tension, the household settled down to bed.

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