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76. Lydia Dozes

75. The Real Truth

74. Dinner Meeting

73. Everyone Eats Dinner

72. Dinner is Served

71. Till Dinner

70. Robert Alone

69. Biff and Mollie

68. Settling in at the McMillans

67. Dinner at the Gibsons

66. The Closet

65. The English Teacher

64. Mikey and Karyn

63. Dressing

62. Arrival

61. The Adults Live Their Separate

60. The New Outfit

59. The McMillan House

58. Walking Home

57. The Parents Have a Quiet Day

DMU-122: Lydia Dozes

on 2023-03-19 09:04:20
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2023-06-26 22:28:22

1052 hits, 128 views, 3 upvotes.

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Lydia laid on the floor next to the couch. She had something of a blank look on her face. Buster, meanwhile, seemed to be more active, straightening up, moving things by grabbing them in his mouth or nudging them with his muzzle.

Lydia stirred and looked around, realizing it was dark. She suddenly wondered where the day had gone. After her guests had left, she'd just sort of zoned out again, dozed a bit more...She got to her knees, having shed her temporary skirt when no one was around. She took a few steps on all fours before standing up and heading to the kitchen.

She was surprised to see a bowl waiting for her with food. She frowned. Had she put that out? The last day had been so confusing, had she just forgotten about it? She was starving though. She dug into it, without even thinking about the fact it was dog food this time. It smelled good.

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