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133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

Chick for a Dick: The Next Class

on 2018-10-31 22:57:50

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As he moved further down the hall away from Ms. Shepherds' room, Jon was relieved that he was more and more able to control the magically created infatuation he felt towards the transformed teacher. Not that it's a bad thing. I mean, she's super hot, her voice is amazing, and the way she-

Jon shook his head vigorously. "Looks like I need to get a little further away," he muttered.

As Jon wandered through the halls, he reflected on the task at hand. He watched as students rushed to their next classes, but he still wasn't sure which one he wanted to enter. He had not spotted any transformed girls outside of a couple of horned cheerleaders. One had buffalo horns while the other had long, corkscrew shaped horns coming out of their temples. While the sight was amusing, it wasn't really captivating enough to draw his attention for an entire class period. He had briefly considered picking a hallway, going into a classroom, look for altered girls then immediately leaving and going to the next classroom and repeating the process until he saw someone interesting. However, as he learned with entering the previous class, he was going to experience a brief round of vertigo as he acquired all of the knowledge being taught in each course. Doing that over and over would get old really fast.

He stopped at a crossroads and rubbed his face. When he thought about it, the school was huge. So many different hallways, each with different classrooms, and each of those rooms had multiple classes in them a day. On top of that, there were still girls continuing to be changed by his previous wish. At this rate, will I be able to see everyone who's been changed?

A wave of calmness washed over him that he now recognized as Karyn's wish that he shouldn't worry so much. Jon shrugged and accepted it. He might not be able to see everyone right away, but he'd figure out something. In the meantime, he had the entire school to explore. A content smile grew on his face and he continued down the hall.


Jon's plan was simple: look into the rooms as he walked past to see if there was anyone who looked visibly changed or called out to him. As he passed the rows of classroom doors, it was not an altered student that grabbed his attention. As Jon passed Mr. Martin's room, he felt a sense of smug satisfaction that he would not be subjugated to the tyrannical teacher's lectures anymore. However, it was not Mr. Martin standing at the front of the room, but a different man who Jon didn't recognize.

As the bell rang and the last students entered to room, Jon joined them. He braced for the vertigo effect of entering a new class, but it never came. Jon realized that it was because he already knew the knowledge for this course, because it was the same one Mr. Martin taught. Instead, Jon had learned only one new thing: this class was now taught by Mr. Byers. "Jon," the new teacher called. "Will you be joining us this period?"

"Mr. Byers, honestly, where's Mr. Martin?"

The man's features relaxed as he entered Jon's trance. "A student made a wish that changed him. In this reality, I have always been teaching this course." Jon suddenly remembered his wish from the previous day. Mr. Martin would be transformed for a week into whatever a student he had bullied wanted. Jon had been so focused on finding other transformed girls that he forgotten all about that wish. On top of it, Mr. Martin had not even made it through a single class period before his bullying had caught up to him.

"What happened to him?" Jon asked eagerly.

"He was transformed into a student," the magically conjured teacher stated plainly. Jon let out a laugh. A young Mr. Martin was something he had to see.

"Not today!" Jon yelled as he ran out of the class, releasing Mr. Byers from his trance.


Jon burst through the door to the main office with such force that the school secretary jumped in her chair. "Jon! You scared me half to death," croaked the woman. Mrs. Brinks wrinkled face glared at him behind a pair of massive glasses. "Sorry. I need to find where a student is," Jon said, trying to catch his breath. The secretary scrunched her nose and furled her eyebrows. "I cannot give out student's schedules to anybody who asks, young man." Jon smirked. I think you'll make an exception.

"Mrs Brinks, honestly, can you tell me where a student is this hour?"

"Of course," the ancient woman said, her defiant attitude completely forgotten. Jon smiled widely. Ok, what's Mr. Martin's first name again... Oh yeah!

"Can you tell me where Taylor Martin is?"

Mrs. Brinks' bony fingers went to the mouse and keyboard and began to open various programs until she opened a student registry. "Taylor Martin is in class with Jaqi Pyon this hour."

"Yes!" Jon exclaimed as his smile grew. He darted out of the office and back into the hall, excited to reach his destination. This was perfect! He would head over to Jaqi's class, see if Mr. Martin was still a dick as a teenager and check for more transformed girls. And even if there weren't any, he could still find out what Jaqi's daily kink was.


Jon was panting outside the classroom door. He had known where to go, but it had unfortunately been almost on the other side of the school from the office. When Jon was sure his heart wasn't going to beat out of his chest, he turned the doorknob and stepped in. As he did, all eyes turned on him. Jon looked over and was pleased to see a smile on Jaqi's face. However, a brief wave of vertigo hit him and Jon realized this hour's chemistry class must have been a higher level course as new knowledge swirled in his head.

"Oh. Hello, Jon. You're a little late, but you can still join in," the gorgeous woman said. Before he could respond, a girl stood up.

"I was changed."

Jon looked the girl over. She did not appear to have been altered physically, at least not from what he could see. She looked like any other student. Her brown hair was straightened and hung slightly past her shoulders. Jon tried to make out the shape of her body, but the conservative cut of the top and skirt she was wearing hid the natural contours of her body. She looked familiar, but Jon couldn't quite place it...

Jon looked back and fourth between Jaqi and this mystery girl. On top of this new development, Mr. Martin was in here somewhere as well. Who should he start with?

Ok, let's get the easiest one out of the way first.

"Jaqi, honesty, what is your fetish today?" Jon asked, turning his attention to the curvaceous teacher. "I'm an exhibitionist," she replied with a smile. "I absolutely get off on the idea of being watched. I’m not even wearing panties. I’m pretty sure at least two students have caught a glimpse of my pussy today. And I even have a webcam show! I hide my face so I won't get fired, but rumor is starting to spread around school."

Jon thought for a moment and gave a shrug. It's true that Jaqi had an amazing body, but Jon could see her completely naked anytime he wanted. He considered removing her clothes, but decided against it. He'd let Jaqi continue to play her game of letting students try to steal a peek at her. Besides, the last time he had removed her clothing it had lead to some unintended consequences. For now, he was more interested in a couple of Jaqi's students. "Where does Taylor Martin sit?"

"She sits in the far left row, third seat back?"


Jon spun around and located the desk that Jaqi had pointed out. The girl that sat in it was very thin and quite tall. Her brown hair with red tones was just like the hair Jon was used to seeing on his second hour teacher. Her jawline was more rounded with distinctly feminine contours, but her chin and nose were sharp and angular like Mr. Martin's. If Jon hadn't known any better, he would have guessed that this was his daughter.

"Yes. She's an average student and tries to contribute to class, but to be honest I just don't really like her," Jaqi stated. Jon turned back and looked at the teacher in confusion. That didn't really sound like her. Jaqi was not the type to hold a grudge for no reason. He should know: Jaqi was made out of traits he found most desirable and pettiness was not something he found attractive . Something else was going on here. He turned his attention towards the new student, hoping to get answers.

"Taylor, honestly... are you Mr. Martin?"

"I was until an hour ago," the thin girl said with an annoyed tone in her voice. Jon's jaw hung open in shock as he leaned in to inspect her. This young girl before him had once been his teacher. His male teacher. Mr. Martin, the bane of students school wide. This beanpole had once been one of the biggest bullies in the school.

A laugh erupted from Jon's mouth. He couldn't help himself but laugh into the oblivious girl's face as she sat unmoving, waiting for another question. After a minute, Jon took a deep breath and composed himself. "What... what happened?"

The new girl gave a disapproving humph, much as she had when she was a man. "It was first hour. Rebecca Jones came in late, so I reprimanded her. She was muttering to herself so I doubled her detention for talking back. Well, she wished that I had to go through what she was dealing with. As it turns out, it was her time of the month and that's what made her late for class. I'm now stuck as a high school girl going through her period for the next week. And to top it off, all of my teachers are mean to me!" Jon watched as she started to tear up.

"Wait. Y-you're on your... period?"

The girl nodded. "It's terrible. I have the worst cramps, I'm bloated, I keep getting nauseous and my emotions just keep running wild. I just want to scream!" Jon winced as Mr. Martin, Taylor, actually did shriek in her new voice. "I can't help it. And then all of my teachers treat me like I treated my students..." She sniffled and blotted her eyes, trying not to smudge her eyeliner.

"And why are you such an asshole to your students?"

Taylor shrugged. "I started off being a strict, but fair, teacher. Over time, I really began to hate teaching. Each year, a new batch of students. All of them thinking they know it all. All if them not caring about anything. All of them with their entire lives ahead of them. They can go off and do whatever they want someday. And all I could do was teach the same lessons over and over. I don't know how to do anything else. I’m stuck here. So, I got stricter. Students stopped sluffing off and got in line. And when they didn't, I came down harder."

Jon shook his head. Mr. Martin was a piece off work. Maybe when he changed back in a week Jon would wish him into a job he would actually like and get him out of everyone's hair. However, he would have to be like he was in the meantime. "So what are you like as Taylor?"

"I'm on the girls' varsity basketball team. I'm friends with Rebecca, which is ironic since she made me like this. I'm a so-so student and hoping to hear back from colleges. My boyfriend-"

"Wait, you have a boyfriend?!" Taylor nodded. "Have you guys... you know?"

"We've... had sex a few times." Jon leaned in closer. "What was it like?" Taylor let out a soft sigh, recalling the memory. Jon watched as she fidgeted in her seat. "It's so... weird and different. Feeling his... his... penis sliding into me. I felt so full, so... complete."

"You liked it?"

"I mean, if I remembered still being a man or remembered it when I change back, it would really mess with me. I had sex with a guy! But... yes. I liked it. I don't know if I would say I liked it more than sex as a man, but it wasn't worse either. It was different, but so good." Jon was surprised that Taylor let out a giggle and blushed at her admission. It was really weirding him out knowing that this was his hardass teacher, and that he was admitting that he enjoyed getting fucked.

Deciding it was time to move on and leave Taylor to her temporary new life, Jon had one final question. "Who it that girl?" he asked, pointing at the girl who had declared she was changed when he'd first entered the classroom. "Oh, that's Natalie Chambers." Jon turned and looked at the conservatively dressed girl. No wonder I didn't recognize her.

Natalie, or Nat as everyone called her, was part out the punk clique that Jacqueline had been a part of. Or, at least she used to. The girl he was looking at now was completely different. For starters, she had hair. The Nat he knew had kept her hair in a wild mohawk and was constantly changing it from one wild color to another. Along with that, her facial piercings and dark makeup were gone, revealing her natural face. Finally, her clothes were a far cry from the risqué and profanity covered attire that had used to get her regularly called to the principal's office.

Jon stepped away from Taylor's desk and moved between the desks until he was next to the former punk. "Natalie, honestly, what was the wish that made you like this?"

"I got home late last night after hanging out with my friends. Riley swiped a bottle of vodka from her dad's liquor cabinet and we were passing it around. I was pretty drunk when I stumbled through the door. My mom was waiting for me and we got into a huge fight. She said 'I wish you could be a nice, proper young lady.' The next moment, I was apologizing to her for losing track of the time while doing my homework and skipped to bed. I literally skipped to bed. I'm a complete goody goody now. No drinking, cursing, sex. I don't even watch R rated movies! I just care about school and volunteering and student government. It makes me sick. I'm just a happy little cog in the machine."

Before Jon could say anything else, the bell sounded. As the students began to gather their materials, Jon moved back to the desk set aside for him at the back of the room. "Thanks for letting me sit in, Ms. Pyon." Jon watched as Natalie was released from her trance and began to quickly gather her things. A good girl like her could not be late to her next class, after all. At the front of the room, Jaqi gave a dismissive wave. "Of course, Jon. You're always welcome to join me, I mean my class, any time."

As Jon moved to the door, he heard a tap and looked back at the transformed teacher. She was bending over to pick up a pen that had clattered to the floor. At this angle, Jon was able to see down her top and see her full breasts clad in a practically transparent lace bra. Jaqi looked up and met his gaze, blushing slightly. However, it was not out of embarrassment but arousal. Jaqi gave him a wink. Jon flashed her a knowing smile and left the room.

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