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132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

Chick for a Dick: Brook 2.0

on 2018-10-15 18:41:27
Episode last modified by ekempo5000 on 2018-10-15 18:42:28

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Brook had become a total knockout! Her hair was no longer in a bun, but cascaded down her shoulders and back in curly waves with noticeable highlights. Her makeup was alluring, emphasizing her high cheekbones and chocolate brown eyes. Her clothing was still professional but the cut was much more enticing, clinging tightly around her chest and hips. To top it all off, she appeared to have lost more than a decade in age. She couldn't have been older than 32.

Jon sat back in stunned silence. Since he made the wish, Brook was free of his questioning trance and had resumed teaching. Her voice was young and melodious, her movements smooth and graceful. He was captivated by her. Jon pulled his eyes away and looked around the room. Each guy and several girls were as enamored with the teacher as he was.

Brook's gaze moved about the room, looking across the various faces of her students as she delivered her lesson. As her eyes me Jon's, her lips pulled back in a flirtatious smile. Jon felt his lips curl into a dopey grin even as he realized his jaw was hanging wide open. Jon shook his head. He knew there was magic here, but what exactly? Jon discreetly pocket the stone and looked back at the altered teacher. "Brook, honestly, what changes have my wish done to you?"

"I now have everything I need to have my ideal sex life. I was always too nervous to say what I really wanted, hoping Steven would someday realize that I wasn't satisfied with him. I'm not afraid of that anymore. My self consciousness is gone, and my inhibitions went with it. I joke with my friends that I'll try anything once, but I haven't found anything I don't want to do twice." She gave a wink before continuing. "Next to go was Steven himself. He's the exact opposite of my ideal sex life. He isn't a bad guy, we just don't connect anymore. I know in my heart it was only a matter of time before I left him, but now I don't have to worry about it because we were never married in the first place. Now, I'm back to being Ms. Brook Shepherds. Since I never married I would have much rather been a younger woman hitting the town than one knocking on the door of being a cougar. That ended up rewinding the clock seventeen years. I'm so glad to be in my thirties again!

"Not only am I rocking my younger body, but I'm also so much better at being sexy. I know how to dress, how to talk, how to move, how to flirt. I can attract just about any guy. Or girl. Which is another change. I had never had any interest in being with a girl as my old self. But now? Well, there’s something particularly alluring about watching some sweetie dropping to her knees and getting between my legs. I’m getting wet just thinking about it. But all of that isn’t even the biggest change. In order for me to have my ideal sex life, your wish also makes it so the more I want to have sex with someone, the move enraptured they are with me. It's like shooting fish in a barrel."

"So that's why you're insanely hot?"

Brook giggled. "Aw, you're so sweet. And you're absolutely right. I become more and more alluring to whoever I want to fuck. And right now, I can't stand myself around you. And the more I want you, the more you'll want me. The funny part is, I don't know that I have this power. I just think I’m really good at getting lucky."

Jon didn't need his powers to know she was telling the truth. He could feel his lust for Brook growing. "Will I always be this obsessed with you?" Brook shrugged. "It depends. The more I want you, the stronger it will be. The closer you are, the stronger it will be. My attention also plays a big part in it. If I'm focused on you, you're going to feel it more. But my attention drifts a lot. I have quite the social life now, so there is usually always somebody around that I'm focusing on. At the moment, that just happens to be you."

"I'm ok with that," Jon muttered in a daze. While nobody had heard him, this was enough to release the teach from his hold over her and she immediately slipped right back into giving her lesson. Jon watched on, enthralled. He was perfectly content to wait out the rest of the period being mesmerized by the dazzling beauty at the front of the room.


The bell sounded and Jon watched as the students around him began to gather up their books and notes. Ms. Shepherds called after the students to make sure that they had handed in their assignments before they left the room and took a seat at her desk.

Jon stood up and moved to the front of the room, bringing the magically completed homework from his desk with him. The closer he got to the teacher at her desk, the harder he felt Karyn getting in his pants. He was relieved that the rest of the class had left in a rush. Jon placed his homework down on the desk and tried to be confident, but his legs were like jelly and the butterflies in his stomach were going wild being this close to Brook. "Thank you for joining in today, Jon. I don't suppose you'd like to come back later? If not during the day, I can see you... after class."

Jon tried to be smooth, to say something enticing, but all he could muster was to nod dumbfoundedly. This must be what girls feel like around me, he thought. And it was true. Brook was just as obsessed with Jon as he was with her. She looked down at the tentpole in his pants and licked her lips. The tension in the room grew as the two began to breath heavily, taking in each other's scent while their imaginations ran wild with images of pleasure. Just as Jon felt like he was going to explode, a group of students entered the room for Brook's next class.

Jon felt like a vice had been loosened around him. He gave an awkward nod and dashed out of the room before he ended up fucking Ms. Shepherds in front of her entire second period class. As he entered the hall, Jon could feel Brook's influence over him still present but fading into the background. He briefly considered using the stone to make himself immune to her power, but he decided to hold off. This is exactly how he made ever girl he encountered feel. It would be awfully hypocritical of me to not allow her keep using it me... for now, he mused to himself. Besides, all she wants is sex with me. And that's something I'm more than happy to help with.

However he justified it, though, Jon knew the reason he wanted her to keep it was to see what sex would be like when the two of them were only turning each other on more and more. However, that would have to wait until later. For now, he had more pressing concerns.

Like which class he should go to next...

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