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131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

Chick for a Dick: A New First Hour

on 2018-09-25 20:53:44

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"Morning, Jon."
"Hey, Jon."
"Remember to give me a call, Jon."

Jon knew he was grinning like an idiot, but he didn't care. As he walked through the school halls, each girl turned and took notice of his passing. Whether they were smiling, winking, fidgeting, squeezing their thighs, holding their breath or calling out to him, each one was sending the same message. They wanted him.

Jon reveled in the attention. After experience this type of admiration for a week, the last few days without it had been a downer. He was elated to once again be the object of all girls' desires. And knowing that Karyn wanted this as much as he did not only eased his conscience, but added to his excitement as well. He couldn't wait to get her out of his pants and show her how well their wish had worked.

As much as Jon wanted to indulge in the benefits of his wish, his curiosity was still driving him. He wanted to explore and find more transformed girls. But where to start? Looking around the crowded hallways, Jon spotted a couple cheerleaders sports a set of antelope and buffalo horns. Heather hopped past him, giving him a toothy smile that was more than just a little flirtatious. A shout to his left drew his attention as Samantha erupted out of a locker with a brownie in her tiny arms and the apparent locker owner screaming at the fly-girl for stealing her lunch again.

"Excuse me," said a voice behind Jon. He spun around and was momentarily confused to find nobody there until he glanced down. Standing next to him was a transformed girl he had seen when he first arrived at school on Monday. Her shoulders and arms had been replaced by a second set of hips and legs which ended in identical copies of her feet. She appeared to be permanently bent over and walking on the four legs. Her neck was also altered, now coming out of her back just ahead of where her shoulder blades should have been. If she were to stand up straight, her neck and head would have been on her back facing straight up.

Jon was so enraptured by her body that he had completely forgotten she had tried to get his attention. She blushed deeply under his gaze and shyly looked away. "Excuse me, Jon. Can I get around?" she asked quietly. Jon was pulled from his daze and realized that not only was he staring, but he had stopped in the dead middle of the hallway. While most students were able to move around him, this girl's new body was not exactly made for darting through crowds.

Jon quickly stepped off to the side. "Oh! I am so sorry, um..."

"Blair," she said with a smile.

"Blair, honesty, what was the wish that made you like this?"

The girl zoned out slightly, her posture becoming less demure and more neutral. Around them, students continued to move pasts them as if they weren't even there. Blair looked over her right shoulder-hip at her body behind her then up to Jon.

"I was hooking up with a guy at your party. I was sucking him off when he said 'I wish you were on all fours.' I didn't even realize I was changed. I just kept sucking away at him until he asked me to turn around and started doing me from behind. After all, that my most convenient position now."

"Do you hate your change?"

"I don't really hate it, but it is inconvenient. I don't have hands anymore. I have to write, brush my teeth, open my locker and do all of the stuff normal people do with a second set of feet. Plus all of my tops need to be custom made. Normal shirts don't have sleeves big enough for my front legs and the location for the neck hole is all wrong on my body. But I get by. I believe that I've been like this my whole life, and nobody thinks it's weird. It's my normal."

Jon thought about what Blair had said. She wasn't as enthusiastic about her changes as some of the other girls had been, but she didn't despise them either. As she said, she viewed her life as normal and made the best of it. Jon briefly thought of Karyn in his pants. Her life was far from normal as well, but they were all going to make the best of it.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure that I saw you at my party. Did you have fun?" Blair's demeanor reverted to her star-struck manner and her blush returned. Jon was unsure of if it was because he was talking to her, or if it was because she was recalling her sexual encounter. Either way, she nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah. I had a great time. I'd love to go to your house again. I mean, like, another party, you know? I mean, not that I want you to take me home. And not the I don’t want you to take me home! I just, uh, you know... yeah," she flustered. Jon just smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'll make sure you know when the next party is."

Blair gave a wide eyed smile. She was absolutely enthralled with him. Maybe my attraction level is still a bit higher than before, he mused. However, he was thoroughly enjoying himself and not about to change it.

A chime sounded from the speaker system. Class was going to start. Blair let out a gasp. "Shoot! I need to get to class!" She reluctantly stepped around Jon and began to head down the emptying hallway. Jon watched her as she walked away. Her jeans were stretched tightly over her bent over ass. Jon blinked twice and was pleased to see that she was continuing on her way, completely naked except for a backpack looped around her front set of legs and sandals on all four of her feet. Her lower lips were peeking out from between her rear thighs, and Jon could see that there was a slight sheen to them. Even a brief encounter with Jon had been enough to arouse her.

Suddenly, Jon had an idea. "Hey! Blair! Wait up. I think I'll go to your first hour with you." Jon watched as the quadruped girl froze momentarily in place. She was even more noticeably aroused and her darkening blush was now clearly traveling from her face all the way to her breasts dangling between her front legs. She said nothing, but nodded enthusiastically up at him.

"After you," Jon said, gesturing to the long, empty hallway before them. He could tell by the bounce in Blair's step that she was thrilled that Jon wanted to join her for her class. Jon simply smiled as he followed his new, giddy, naked friend to an unknown class.


"Blair, you're late. Do you-"

Jon stepped into the unfamiliar classroom. As he did, his head spun as a brief bout of vertigo hit him. Luckily, it passed just as quickly as it had come. He looked at the teacher who had stopped mid-sentence upon seeing him in the doorway. She was in her late forties, but still rather attractive. Her auburn hair was pulled up into an elaborate braid which gave her a professional yet elegant appearance. Her brown eyes were wide behind her glasses and her mouth was hanging slightly open. Even though she was over twice his age, she was just as drawn to him as all of the female students were.

As Jon looked at her, he realized that he knew her name. Mrs. Hendricks. After all, she had told everyone on the first day of class. Jon paused, confusion filling him. He had never had this teacher before, but he easily recognized he was in a literature class.

Jon suddenly understood what the momentary dizziness had been. He had wished that he was given complete freedom to roam the school and participate in any class he chose. He had also previously wished to perfectly know everything that was to be taught within all of his classes. Even though Jon had never stepped into the class before today, he now knew every detail that had, and would be, covered within it. Including the teacher's name.

"Sorry, Mrs. Hendricks. I was talking to Blair and accidentally held her up."

The teacher did not even appear to hear the excuse, instead entirely focused that Jon had graced her class with his presence. "Well, in that case it's alright. Please take your seats and we’ll continue."

Jon nodded politely and turned to face the class. As he did, he immediately spotted two transformed girls. Or should that be three? Jon immediately spotted two girls sitting at the same desk. This was possible because they shared the same body. The two heads, one with olive skin and black hair and the other light skin and strawberry blonde hair, were slightly off center from their shared body which had a skin tone indicating that it was most likely a blend of the two girls’ previous bodies. They also sported three generous sized breast instead of a normal pair on their shared chest. Both heads stared at him intently, the raven haired girl on the right licked her lips at the sight of him.

Just across the row from the conjoined girls sat a girl with an absolutely massive bust. Her shirt was huge but was still stretched tightly over the two massive orbs at her chest. Jon blinked twice and as he took in the sight of the now naked girl, his eyes went wide. In place of normal breasts were a pair of basketballs. Just like normal basketballs, they were bright orange and covered in black lines that crisscrossed over the dimpled surface. At the front of each globe, in place of the nipples, were the air fill valves.

Jon looked back and forth between the transformed girls. The left head of the conjoined girls was blushing deeply as Jon's eyes met hers. The right head raised her eyebrows to catch his attention and gave him playful smile. Looking back at the basketball-chested girl, Jon was amused to see her give him a wink before swaying her shoulders. Her altered boobs swayed and bounced off of each other firmly with a hollow, reverberating ping.

"Jon," Mrs. Hendricks called behind him, "please take your seat." Jon nodded and looked around the room before seeing an empty desk in the back of the room that had a large stack of papers resting on it. Jon was pleased to see that his homework would be magically completed and waiting for him even in his new classes. As Jon began to walk down the aisle towards the desk, he looked at the blushing blonde and asked "Honest, what is your name?"

The girl's expression relaxed as she looked back at him. "Leslie," she responded softly. Behind him, Jon heard Mrs. Hendricks resuming her lesson. Nobody in the class would pay any attention to him standing in the middle of the class as long as his questioning powers were in use. "And what's her name?" he asked, pointing to her second head. “Isabelle, but I call her ‘Izzy’ because I know she hates it.”

“You purposefully antagonize her even though you’re stuck with her?” The blonde nodded. “We didn’t get along together before our change and we still don’t.” She looked at the oblivious head sharing her shoulders that was currently scribbling notes with the hand on her side of their shared body, completely ignoring Jon and Leslie as they carried on their conversation.

“How did you get like this?”

“We had a mutual friend, Summer, who we both liked and would hang out with. But Izzy and I never got along. No matter how hard Summer tried, Izzy and I just didn’t mesh well. We were all at you party and Izzy and I were bickering as always. That’s when Summer wished we were closer. I can honestly say I’ve never been closer to anyone,” she said with an eye roll. “We know each other intimately now, whether we want to or not. I know what food she likes, I know what her grooming habits are like, what guys she likes, what girls she likes, when she’s lying about feeling sick to stay home, that she likes to smoke. Smoking! With my lungs! And she always ends up day dreaming about sex and it’s really hard to concentrate on anything with our body constantly getting aroused out of nowhere!” She gave a huff.

“So I take it you’re not a fan of the change.”

“No. I’m not. I could barely tolerate Izzy before, but now I’m stuck with her all the time! I used to just go home and get away from her when she got too much on my nerves, but now my home is her home! At least mostly.”

Jon cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” Leslie gestured to their shared body. “The wish made it that the reason why were like this is because of an ‘unprecedented altercation’ at a fertility clinic both of our parents were patients at.”

The blonde had used the single hand under her control to make the “air quotes” gesture while Isabelle continued to write with the other hand. Apparently, each of them controlled one half of the body. Before, Jon could dwell on it more, Leslie continued.

“Multiple sperm, multiple eggs, one test tube. In normal reality, there is no way this,” she gestured at their body again, “should have happened. But because of that wish, everyone just accepts it. Both families were so happy to have a daughter, even if they were attached to a completely different girl, that they decided to move in together! Izzy’s family and mine live under the same roof! Ironically enough, the two families get along really well. The biggest clash in this bizarrely mixed family is between Izzy and me.”

The blonde let out pout and went silent, waiting patiently for another question. However, Jon decided to switch gears. “Isabelle, honestly, how do you feel about your change?” The blonde immediately looked away from Jon and picked up a pencil in her hand and furiously began to write in her own notebook, trying to catch up with the lesson while the blacked haired beauty tilted her head back to look past Leslie’s head which was between them.

“I can’t believe that I’m stuck with her. I’m just as annoyed to be attached with her as she is with me. But, it could be worse. When we both get turned on, oh.” She let out a moan, their body shuddering with desire. This caused a gasp of arousal to escape from Leslie, who turned bright red and tried to focus more on her notes to avoid the looks a few of the students around them gave her.

“Having sex with this combined body is amazing! We feed off of each other. For as much as she acted like a stick in the mud prude before we were changed, Lezzy sure is one kinky bitch.”

“Lezzy?” Jon asked with a laugh.

Isabelle snickered. “We got drunk at your party- which, by the way, is really easy when two mouths are drinking for one body. Anyways, she admitted that she loves eating pussy. I’ve been calling her ‘Lezzy’ ever since as payback for her always calling me ‘Izzy.’ Besides, I already knew that she was into girls. It’s kinda hard to keep something like that from someone who shares your arousal. Thanks a lot for that, Summer. Still, we got off lucky compared to her.”

“Why? What happened to Summer?”

“We all went back to our house on Saturday after your party. We were all pretty drunk and were sleeping it off when Lezzy’s mom came in and started teasing us. She wished we were all early birds. Since Leslie and I had already been messed up by a wish, we were left alone. Summer, though...” Isabelle sighed. “She became this weird human... rooster... girl... guy... thing that lives in a chicken coop that our families now keep as a hobby. She’s our pet now and spends the day pecking at the ground or screwing the hens. And we don’t even know it’s our friend. We just think that it’s this annoying rooster that starts crowing every morning. She became an early bird. Lezzy and I only remember going home and passing out in our own bed.”

Jon tried to process what he gad just heard. There were probably a lot of girls who were transformed in ways where Jon might never see them. He would need to think of a solution for finding them all. But that's a problem for later, he thought as he turned around and and looked over at the still naked basketball-chested girl. She was totally oblivious to his presence until he looked into her eyes and asked "Honestly, what's your name?"

The girl put down her pencil and turned to look at him while Isabelle picked hers back up and returned to taking notes. "Jasmine," the girl answered.

"What wish changed you?"

"Ok, so I wasn't even changed until last night! My asshole boyfriend was at basketball practice and was bullshiting around with some of his friends when he wished I had boobs like basketballs. I wasn't even there! I was at home, doing homework, and suddenly POOF! I have two fucking basketballs hanging off of my fucking chest! Do you know how fucked up that is? I can't see my feet, I can't lay on my stomach, whenever I run they always bounce off of each other, and I’m glad I don’t wear clothes anymore because I could barely find anything that fit over them! But the most fucked up part is that I love them. I am so super proud to have the biggest tits in school. And nobody thinks it's the least bit weird that they're fucking basketballs! Not my family, my friends, my boyfriend, my doctor, not even me! Oh! Oh! And whenever they start to get a little flat, I stick a freaking air pump into my nipples and inflate them right back up! And I love doing it! It's like getting fucked in the tit!"

Jasmine gave a huff and crossed her arms defiantly, but this only caused her rubber boobs to bounce off of each other again. Jon could not help but laugh. Maybe he could figure out a way to make things easier, but for the time being she was not too badly off. Her change, while a bit ridiculous, was nowhere near as life altering as some of the others he'd seen. She was even proud of her enhanced assets as long as she didn't realize they were pieces of sporting equipment.

Jon moved away from Leslie, Isabelle and Jasmine and slipped into his new desk and muttered a quite “Go” under his breath to release Jasmine from his questioning power and let everyone notice him again. He picked up the magically completed homework and glanced through the pages, confirming that he was indeed familiar with the new subject matter. Jon glanced over at Blair. She had her rear legs sitting in a chair while her front legs were straddling a stool, her breasts being pressed into the padded seat. She had her front right sandal slipped off and had a pencil between her toes and was taking notes as she listened to the teacher.

Mrs. Hendricks was continuing with her lesson, not caring that she had four students who were transformed, two of which shared a body while the other two were naked.

Jon look around the room, observing his new classmates. Girls were poorly hiding their attempts to turn around and look at him. Several boys were similarly looking back and forth between the nude forms of Blair and Jasmine. Jon, however, felt his attention fall on the teacher. She kept looking up from her lesson to glance of him. "Mrs. Hendricks, honestly, what's your first name?" The teacher stopped mid-sentence and looked at him while the class seemed oblivious that the teacher had stopped talking. "My name is Brook."

"And what are you imagining when you look at me, Brook?"

"I'm imagining you coming home with me after school and fucking me until my husband comes home so he can see what real sex is supposed to look like."

Jon smirked. "Problems at home, Brook?" The teacher frowned. "There's an understatement. My husband barely touches me. And when he does, he's a wimp. There's no power! No passion! He's just such a prude. Even the teachers have heard the rumors about how you're incredible in the sack. Some rumors say you're even sleeping with a few of the teachers. That turns me on. I want to have a better sex life. A wild, passionate sex life."

Jon nodded thoughtful to himself and looked around. He was all the way in the back of the room, and if he was quiet...

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone. Cupping it in his hands, he brought it close and whispered in the smallest voice he could "I wish Brook can get the sex life she really wants."


Jon nervous looked around, but nobody was paying any attention to him. He was relieved until he looked up and saw Brook at the front of the class. He almost dropped the stone in surprise.

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